


1. 条 [tiáo]2. 条 [tiāo]条 [tiáo]植物的细长枝:枝~。柳~儿。荆~。泛称条形的东西:~子。面~儿。便(biàn)~儿。金~。铁~。细长的形状:~形。~纹。~案。~几(jī)。~凳。~幅(直挂的长条字画)。苗~。身~……





汉语拼音:tiáo zhǐ






  1. 逐条指摘。

    《新唐书·牛僧孺传》:“ 元和 初,以贤良方正对策,与 李宗閔 、 皇甫湜 俱第一,条指失政,其言骾訐,不避宰相。”



  1. Stripes meet stars in this night shot of a cricket in a Southeast Asian forest.


  2. Spline Function in Power Exponent Form


  1. 邻指指动脉转位治疗有两条指动脉缺损性断裂的手指外伤

    Severance of two digital arteries treated by transferring arteries of adjacent finger

  2. 三次样条插指

    cubic spline interpolant in power exponent form.

  3. 豁免签证并非授予第一条所指人员工作的权利。

    Visa exemption does not grant the right to work to the persons mentioned in Article 1.

  4. 一身深深浅浅的灰搭配条纹露指手套,格子羊毛和马丁靴。

    Grayscale ensemble with striped arm warmers, argyle wool socks and Laredo lace up boots.

  5. 指状格条天井

    finger raise

  6. 第三十七条利润是指企业在一定会计期间的经营成果。

    Article 37 Profit is the operating result of an enterprise over a specific accounting period.

  7. 第三十七条利润是指企业在一定会计期间得经营成果。

    Article 37 Profit is the operating result of an enterprise over a specific accounting period.

  8. 记帐单位是指第二十六条中所述的记帐单位。

    Unit of account means the unit of account mentioned in article 26.

  9. 记帐单位是指第二十六条中所述得记帐单位。

    Unit of account means the unit of account mentioned in article 26.

  10. 请解释黎巴嫩刑法第19条指得是哪些国际法规则。

    Please explain to which rules of international law article19 of the Lebanese Penal Code refers.

  11. 请解释黎巴嫩刑法第19条指的是哪些国际法规则。

    Please explain to which rules of international law article19 of the Lebanese Penal Code refers.

  12. 这一词条指同网络队学生进行指导得实践应用。

    This term refers to the practice of tutoring students over a computer network.

  13. 这一词条指同网络队学生进行指导的实践应用。

    This term refers to the practice of tutoring students over a computer network.

  14. 被指定人指根据第七条被授权进行交易得人。

    Nominee means a person who is authorised to effect transactions pursuant to clause 6.

  15. 被指定人指根据第七条被授权进行交易的人。

    Nominee means a person who is authorised to effect transactions pursuant to clause 6.

  16. 制作方法1, 白菜心切成一指宽的条, 用开水烫后, 过凉。

    Method 1.Cut the cabbages into sections of a finger wide.Then scald them in boiling water and ladle out.

  17. 第三十八条买受人是指以最高应价购得拍卖标得得竞买人。

    Article 38 A buyer means a bidder who purchases an auction target with the highest bidding price.

  18. 第三十八条买受人是指以最高应价购得拍卖标的的竞买人。

    Article 38 A buyer means a bidder who purchases an auction target with the highest bidding price.

  19. 边说边指着另外一条鱼。

    That one, and pointed to another fish.

  20. 指着河里游动着的一条鳟鱼。

    He pointed to a trout wavering in midstream.

  21. 指着河里游动着得一条鳟鱼。

    He pointed to a trout wavering in midstream.

  22. 乙烯合同第6。3条所指的事件从未发生。

    The events referred to in clause6.3 of the Ethylene Contract never occurred.

  23. 那条鳝鱼从我的指缝间滑走了。

    The eel wriggled out of my fingers.

  24. 岸, 堤。指与一条河流毗连的任何土地。

    My house is on the south bank of the River Thames.

  25. 分层配置是指那些包含了复杂结构条目的配置。

    Layered configurations are those that have items with a complex structure.

  26. 智利是一指之地智利是一条细长的土地。

    Chile is a thin finger of land that.

  27. 及第29条所指的临时注册期的届满日期。

    and the date of expiry of the period of provisional registration referred to in section 29.

  28. 那条鱼从我指缝中一甩身溜走了。

    The fish wriggled out of my fingers.

  29. 钢笔线条宽度指钢笔工具画线条时候的像素值。

    The width in pixels that the pen draws lines.

  30. 钢笔线条宽度指钢笔工具画线条时候得像素值。

    The width in pixels that the pen draws lines.