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汉语拼音:xī hàn
朝代名。自 刘邦 称帝(公元前202年)起至 王莽 代 汉 (公元8年)止,共历十二帝。因所都 长安 (今 陕西省 西安市 )在 东汉 国都 洛阳 的西面,故称 西汉 ,也称 前汉 。
唐 王勃 《七夕赋》:“月还西汉,霞临东海。”
In as early as the Western Han Dynasty, it was an important town in the Silk Road, and a must pass from Lanzhou to Dunhuang.
早在西汉,就是丝绸之路上的重要城镇,乃兰州到敦煌的必经之地。When to Western Han Dynasty, the hollow brick can be in vogue, still used in building the grave, in which part is printed with the image.
至西汉时,空心砖得以盛行,仍多用于筑墓,其中部分印有图像。Luzhou has been the establishment of town since the Western Han Dynasty more than two thousand years of history.
泸州自西汉置郡至今已有两千多年的历史。This little ice age continued in the early years of the Eastern Han with very limited improvement, if any.
东汉初期的气候是西汉小冰期的延续,即使有所改善,也极为有限。As early as the Western Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 25), it had become a festival with great significance.
早在西汉时期(公元前206年-公元25年)元宵节就已经成为具有重要意义的节日。In the early Western Han Dynasty silk industry in Chengdu on an unprecedented, which is named Chengdu Jincheng the beginning.
早在西汉成都丝织业就盛况空前,也就是成都得名锦城之始。Nanyang in the Western Han Dynasty, "are all over the world, rich crown rain" will be one of the six.
南阳在西汉时“商遍天下,富冠海内”为全国六大都会之一。The concept of filial piety of "The Book of Rites " had exerted a tremendous influence on the Western Han society.
《礼记》的“孝”观念对于西汉社会产生了重要影响。Moreover, it was the place that the descendents of Roman Crassus expedition Army had inhabited, as has been the focus of medium report.