


1. 发 [fā]2. 发 [fà]发 [fā]交付,送出:分~。~放。~行(批发)。放,射:~射。百~百中。焕~。表达,阐述:~表。~凡(陈述某一学科或一本书的要旨)。阐~。散开,分散:~散。开展,张大,扩大:~展。~扬。打开,揭露:~现……





汉语拼音:fā shāo








  1. 因病而体温升高。

    《红楼梦》第五二回:“ 晴雯 服了药……仍是发烧头疼鼻塞声重。”《三侠五义》第八回:“他的精神短少,饮食懒进,还有点午后发烧。” 冰心 《寄小读者》十八:“发烧中又冒雨,今天觉得不舒服。” 巴金 《灭亡》第十四章:“他睡得很好,头也不发烧了,大概没有事了。”

  2. 由于受到某种刺激或某种情感冲动而产生的灼热感觉。

    《红楼梦》第一百回:“今日是 张大爷 的好日子,所以被他们强不过,吃了半钟。到这时候脸还发烧呢。” 老舍 《女店员》第三幕:“别经理、经理的叫吧,叫得我脸上直发烧!叫我 老唐 !” 茅盾 《子夜》十八:“她的心狂跳了,她的手指尖冰冷,她的脸却发烧。”

  3. 散发热气。

    杜鹏程 《保卫延安》第三章:“太阳向 陇东高原 上喷火。路上的烫土发烧。”



  1. Until the next morning, I learned that she did not call His father came to pick her, but ran their own home, have a fever, and very serious.


  2. I've neither cold nor fever, Nelly, ' he remarked, in allusion to my morning's speech; `and I'm ready to do justice to the food you give me.


  3. A urine sample showed no evidence of an infection, but was positive for blood. That might have been a result of the fever, or kidney damage.


  4. Fang: Hello, I got a little bit of a cold and a fever today, what medicine is there that can treat this?


  5. Monstrous, swollen, it looked as if it had swallowed the sun and woken with a fever.


  6. Reflecting the enthusiast uses to which this car is likely to be put, the DTC activates only at a high threshold of performance.


  7. Some wisps of wavy hair had loosened from the bands at the side of her head and were straggling over her hot, red cheeks.


  8. The doctor said he had a fever and gave him some medicine.


  9. When he found out that the child had a fever, he went to call a doctor at once.


  1. 电脑发烧友

    PC fan

  2. 时尚发烧友

    trendy and fashionable people.

  3. 你发烧了!

    You've got a fever.

  4. 艾薇发烧了

    Ivy spiked a fever.

  5. 发烧的面颊

    fevered cheeks.

  6. 发烧的额头

    a feverish brow.

  7. 我轻微发烧。

    I have a slight fever.

  8. 地球在发烧。

    Earth is having a fever.

  9. 孩子在发烧。

    The child is running a temperature.

  10. 珍妮正在发烧。

    Jenny is running a temperature.

  11. 发烧表明有病。

    Fever indexes illness.

  12. 她有点儿发烧。

    She has a slight fever.

  13. 他发烧, 拉肚子,

    He has a temperature and diarrhoea.

  14. 因发烧而死

    was carried off by a fever.

  15. 他有点发烧。

    He had a slight fever.

  16. 班克斯发烧友

    Banksy wannabes?

  17. 你没发烧吧?

    You don't have a fever,do you?

  18. 你没发烧吧?

    You don't have a fever, do you?

  19. 她有点发烧。

    She was seized with a slight fever.

  20. 发烧使他干渴。

    The fever parched him.

  21. 昨天我发烧了。

    I got a fever yesterday.

  22. 我昨晚发烧了。

    I got a fever last night.

  23. 发烧而说胡话

    fever accompanied with delirium.

  24. 我女儿发烧了

    and my daughter's running a fever.

  25. 脓 红眼和 发烧

    uh, pus, uh, redness and, uh, fever.

  26. 他发烧,喉咙痛。

    He has a fever and sore throat.

  27. 她昨天发烧了。

    He was stricken with fever yesterday.

  28. 约翰因发烧卧床。

    John was in bed with high fever.

  29. 我仿佛在发烧。

    I feel as though I have a temperature?

  30. 小孩昨晚发烧。

    The boy had an attack of fever last night.


  1. 问:发烧拼音怎么拼?发烧的读音是什么?发烧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:发烧的读音是fāshāo,发烧翻译成英文是 have a temperature

  2. 问:发烧友拼音怎么拼?发烧友的读音是什么?发烧友翻译成英文是什么?

    答:发烧友的读音是fāshāoyǒu,发烧友翻译成英文是 fancier; zealot; enthusiastic fan: a person who is...

  3. 问:发烧的拼音怎么拼?发烧的的读音是什么?发烧的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:发烧的的读音是,发烧的翻译成英文是 fevered

  4. 问:发烧前的拼音怎么拼?发烧前的的读音是什么?发烧前的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:发烧前的的读音是fā shāo qián de,发烧前的翻译成英文是 antepyretic



“发烧”是个多义词,它可以指发烧(疾病), 发烧(张国荣的同名歌曲), 发烧(北村同名小说), 发烧(张惠妹同名专辑), 发烧(表示对事物的热衷,达到痴迷程度)。