








汉语拼音:tuì shāo







  1. 高于正常的体温降到正常。

    徐哲身 《反啼笑因缘》第十九回:“ 陶太太 忽然大笑起来道:‘表弟,你可是还未退烧,在说梦话么?’” 张爱玲 《小艾》:“但是 小艾 自从小产以后便得了病,一直也不退烧。”



  1. For maximum results, use it in conjunction with your medicine. The fever might be gone in a day or two.


  2. After the child has been touched will be a high fever, said the daydream, after the fever becomes lunatic fool of dementia.


  3. He touched her hand, and the fever left her. Then she got up and began to serve them.


  4. But Panamanians were not so fortunate, Mr. Stupak added, when the same poison from China ended up in cold medicine, killing dozens.


  5. We really like the cleansing power of Elder Flowers and use them in several herbal remedies here.


  6. Ned recovered from the fever after taking medicine for a few days.


  7. Let me have a look. Oh, this medicine is for your fever.


  8. The invention discloses a medicine, in particular a fever abating tablet for common cold, and a preparation method thereof.


  9. Under Edgar's care, Catherine recovers from her fever.


  1. 退热, 退烧

    Abatement of a fever.

  2. 阿司匹林可以退烧。

    Aspirin can reduce fever.

  3. 她已经退烧了。

    Her fever is gone.

  4. 阿司匹林能够退烧。

    Aspirin should help reduce the fever.

  5. 这药是退烧得。

    The medicine is for reducing your temperature.

  6. 这药是退烧的。

    The medicine is for reducing your temperature.

  7. 有什么药可以退烧?

    What drug can reduce a fever ?

  8. 这种药使我退烧了。

    The drug cured my fever.

  9. 这药剂使他退烧了。

    His fever was allayed by the medicine.

  10. 医生用药片给他退烧。

    The doctors treated his fever with pills.

  11. 我退烧了,但开始咳嗽。

    My fever has gone, but I have a cough.

  12. 通过给病人放血使病人退烧

    to bleed the patient to reduce fever

  13. 病发后10天就退烧了。

    Fever disappeared 10 days after onset of illness.

  14. 那针肯定会使你退烧。

    That injection will surely bring your fever down.

  15. 这种药马上使他退烧了。

    The medicine acted on his fever at once.

  16. 您想吃点退烧药吗?

    Do you want a fever reducer

  17. 有好点的退烧药吗?

    Do you have some good medicine for a fever?

  18. 我退烧了, 但是还有点咳嗽。

    My fever has gone, but I have a cough.

  19. 我给你打一针青霉素退烧。

    I'll give you a shot of penicillin to bring down the fever.

  20. 你需要退烧。你应该吃些阿司匹林。

    You need to defeat the fever. You should take some aspirin.

  21. 我的父亲退烧了, 但我还在发烧。

    My father is gone, but I still have a cough.

  22. 别着急。这种药会让你退烧的。

    Don't worry. This medicine will bring your fever down.

  23. 具有杀菌, 消炎, 退烧, 也能缓和痛经。

    Despite these, it is bactericidal and antiphlogistic. It also allays a fever and relieves dysmenorrhea.

  24. 除了退烧药还有什么方法可帮助退烧?

    What method still can help allay a fever besides antipyretic ?

  25. 接诊医生诊断,是退烧药服过量了。

    Accepts doctor to diagnose, was the antipyretic clothing excessive.

  26. 为了退烧,他打了一针盘尼西林。

    He received an injection of penicillin for his fever.

  27. 如果您不退烧的话,就再来找我。

    If your fever lingers, come to me again.

  28. 昨晚我吃了些药, 但仍没退烧。

    I took some medicine last night, but fever doesn't seem to go away.

  29. 你需要退烧。你应该吃些阿斯匹林。

    You need to reduce your temperature, you should take some aspirins.

  30. 在她退烧之前, 护士会一直守着她的。

    The nurse will sit up with her until the fever passes.


  1. 问:退烧拼音怎么拼?退烧的读音是什么?退烧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退烧的读音是tuìshāo,退烧翻译成英文是 to bring down a fever; to remove fever