




1. 予 [yú]2. 予 [yǔ]予 [yú]同“余”,我:~智自雄(自夸聪明,妄自夸大)。~取~求(原指从我这里取,从我这里求;后指任意索取)。予 [yǔ]给与:~以。赐~。赋~。给~。生杀~夺(亦作“生杀与夺”)。……



汉语拼音:zèng yǔ








  1. 送财物或他物给人。亦指赠给的财物等。

    《新唐书·突厥传下》:“ 高祖 初即位,与和,因数出军助讨贼,故诡臣之,赠予不可计。”



  1. When he did win the gold medal, the Greeks gave him a statue of Athena, and, presumably to fatten him back up , a lamb.


  2. That would have been a decent return for the food and medical supplies America has lavished on this government for years.


  3. USAID has signed grant agreements with six nongovernmental organizations with which it has worked previously in the West Bank and Gaza.


  4. The name land grant came from the kind of aid provided by the federal government.


  5. Amazing technologies are to be given to you and many more secret ones are to be revealed to you.


  6. Robert was inevitably endowed with a thousand pounds a year.


  7. Brookings Institution that the news, to engraved with the "greatest salesman" and grant him a gold boots.


  8. Development business gives clothbound to repair, yang Yang needs to buy a few liked furniture to be able to move in only lived.


  9. To the people he gave largess on his own account22 and also paid the moneys that his father had promised.


  1. 赠予,赠予权。

    The act, right, or power of giving.

  2. 被赠予某物

    to be left with something

  3. 将财产赠予他人

    give property to another

  4. 他将钱赠予穷人们。

    He gave gifts of money to the poor.

  5. 金子赠予王者中的王者。

    Gold for the king of kings.

  6. 有称号、头衔或赠予称号、头衔。

    Having or given a name or title.

  7. 我赠予你醉人毒药。

    I give you intoxicating poison.

  8. 对饥饿的人赠予面包。

    And give bread to whoever's hungry.

  9. 他将他的新书赠予读者。

    He presented his new book to the readers.

  10. 王子将礼物赠予到访客人。

    The prince lavished gifts on his guests.

  11. 收益将赠予当地慈善机构。

    The proceeds will go to local charities.

  12. 王子将礼物赠予到访客人。

    The prince lavished gifts on his guests.

  13. 我愿做赠予者, 不愿做乞讨者。

    I want to be a giver not a beggar.

  14. 这份赠予持续了13个年头。

    The gift continued for thirteen years.

  15. 他曾经赠予我一枚纪念章。

    I got a medal of honor from him.

  16. 我被赠予一个大银盘。

    I was presented with a silver platter.

  17. 生前赠予的礼物, 信托财产等

    intervivos gifts, trusts, etc.

  18. 更为向他们赠予衷心的祝福

    But to bestow upon them our blessing.

  19. 企求的礼物是偿付, 不是赠予。

    A gift much expected is paid, not given.

  20. 我们班把一幅图画赠予学校。

    Our class presented the school with a picture.

  21. 赠予和分享是爱的自然表露。

    Giving and sharing are spontaneous expressions of love.

  22. 她赠予我一份很好的礼物。

    She gave me a handsome present.

  23. 我将上述财产赠予我的弟弟约翰。

    I am giving the mention above property to my youngest brother John.

  24. 金先生喜欢慷慨赠予的贵族气派。

    Mr. King liked the lordliness of giving largess.

  25. 他宁可赠予朋友也不给家里人。

    He gave to his friends what he denied to his family.

  26. 大量给予用或象用小发射物大量赠予

    To shower with or as if with small missiles.

  27. 他堪称是非洲赠予人类的伟大礼物。

    He is indeed Africa's great gift to humanity.

  28. 赠予人生前赠予的财产所需缴纳的税款。

    A tax imposed on transfers of property by gift during the lifetime of the giver.

  29. 这样赠予就把不写作 变得合理了

    So then I would kind of justify not writing by giving a gift.

  30. 慈善业完全依靠全体基督徒的慷慨赠予。

    The charity is totally dependent on the Church's bounty.


  1. 问:赠予拼音怎么拼?赠予的读音是什么?赠予翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赠予的读音是zèngyǔ,赠予翻译成英文是 to donate to; grant

  2. 问:赠予人拼音怎么拼?赠予人的读音是什么?赠予人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赠予人的读音是zèng yǔ rén,赠予人翻译成英文是 donor

  3. 问:赠予合同拼音怎么拼?赠予合同的读音是什么?赠予合同翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赠予合同的读音是zèng yǔ hé tóng,赠予合同翻译成英文是 contract of gift

  4. 问:赠予契据拼音怎么拼?赠予契据的读音是什么?赠予契据翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赠予契据的读音是zèng yǔ qì jù,赠予契据翻译成英文是 deed of gift

  5. 问:赠予支票拼音怎么拼?赠予支票的读音是什么?赠予支票翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赠予支票的读音是zèng yǔ zhī piào,赠予支票翻译成英文是 gift check

  6. 问:赠予证书拼音怎么拼?赠予证书的读音是什么?赠予证书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赠予证书的读音是zèng yǔ zhèng shū,赠予证书翻译成英文是 deed of gift

  7. 问:赠予土地债券拼音怎么拼?赠予土地债券的读音是什么?赠予土地债券翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赠予土地债券的读音是zèng yǔ tǔ dì zhài quàn,赠予土地债券翻译成英文是 land-grant bond

