


1. 差 [chà]2. 差 [chā]3. 差 [chāi]4. 差 [cī]差 [chà]错误:话说~了。不相当,不相合:~不多。缺欠:还~十元钱。不好,不够标准:~等。成绩~。差 [chā]不同,不同之点:~别。~距。~额。~价。大致……





汉语拼音:chà qián






  1. 旧时指当事人给差役的小费。

    《儒林外史》第一回:“﹝ 秦老 ﹞又暗叫了 王冕 出去问母亲秤了三钱二分银子,送与 翟买办 做差钱。”



  1. It was a little bit difficult, but at the end of the day, it's a game, and they really need money as well.


  2. At that point, the only remaining reason to go public is capital-raising, but it's unclear that Facebook would really need the money.


  3. Dr. ALAM: So, the science part, I think, is fairly solid between the different teams doing it, looking at different aspects of it.


  4. Most roof gardeners aren't in it for the money, though.


  5. McGrady doesn't need money, but he would like a role on a good team.


  6. China is awash with money and the channel's parent company Xinhua, is a key part of its media apparatus.


  7. Then again, even Tsinghua School burned to the ground, to Tsinghua University's deep pockets, but also reconstruction of a piece of cake.


  8. Tight credit is not an immediate threat: German companies have plenty of cash.


  9. As a foreign-owned family-run company, Rondor has an advantage over its local competitors: access to capital.


  1. 我不差钱。

    I'm not broke.

  2. 咱不差钱。

    Not short of money.

  3. 对,他就是不差钱。

    Yes, he is not bad money.

  4. 咱们怎么会差钱呢

    How do we not have enough?

  5. 我们家也不差钱吧

    It's not like we're hurting for money.

  6. 重要得不是谁差钱, 谁不差钱。

    Who is not bad money, who is not bad money.

  7. 重要的不是谁差钱,谁不差钱。

    Who is not bad money, who is not bad money.

  8. 倒也不是差钱, 而是办理起来麻烦。

    If it ever does, I am in trouble.

  9. 但你也能看出来,我们并不差钱。

    But as you can tell, we're not without funding.

  10. 利息问题谈不拢啊, 我们现在太差钱了。

    Unable to agree on questions of interest ah, we are now too bad money.

  11. 到底有没有你说清楚,大哥我这儿是差钱还是咋地?

    be sure please, yes or none! you think im poor no money for that.

  12. 买一套衣服只差一角钱是无所谓的。

    In buying a suit, a difference of ten cents in price is negligible.

  13. 买一套衣服价钱只差一角钱是无所谓的。

    In buying a suit, a difference of ten cents in prices is negligible.

  14. 我还差两块钱, 你能先帮我垫一下吗?

    I am two dollars short. would you please spot me ?

  15. 格雷觉得这倒是件可轻易挣到钱得差使。

    Gray thought of it as easy money.

  16. 他还差我10镑钱。

    He still owes me ten pounds.

  17. 他还差我10镑钱。

    He still owes me ten pounds.

  18. 他差一点就没钱来维持生活。

    He almost has not enough money to live on.

  19. 这一段时间我得机运极差, 总是丢钱。

    I have had very bad luck recently, always losing money.

  20. 这一段时间我的机运极差,总是丢钱。

    I have had very bad luck recently, always losing money.

  21. 这一段时间我的机运极差,总是丢钱。

    I have had very bad luck recently, always losing money.

  22. 现在一个变性手术差不多要多少钱?

    How many money does a metamorphic operation want almost now

  23. 她知道她花多少钱, 分毫不差。

    She knows how much she spends, to the penny.

  24. 把你的钱花光的时候就差不多了?

    When I've spent all your money?

  25. 我们不但把钱丢失了, 还差一点儿丧了命。

    Not only did we lose all our meney, but we almost lost our lives.

  26. 钱乐之大音差

    large tonal difference

  27. 装钱那包, 黄包。其实不差。

    Uncle Zhao The yellow one with the money in it.

  28. 差不多就是我们能赚的钱了。

    That'll cover what we'll probably make.

  29. 他差不多只剩下最后的100块钱了。

    He was nearing his last hundred dollars.

  30. 运气真差!我把我的钱包弄丢了。

    What bad luck! I've lost my wallet.