







汉语拼音:kuàng tú






  1. But you a moment ago said unlike, go giving a piece of picture directly, do block diagram of a few lines by alternant stylist first however.

  2. During the creation of the project, Wireframes function as a firm and established base on which to consider changes and new requirements.

  3. The whole controlling program of the system is designed, and the controlling software structure flow chart is given as well.

  4. The basic high speed manufacturing principle and procedure for the irregular pistons, as well as the system frame are given.

  5. FIG. 7 is a schematic block diagram of a controller and related components of the air purifier shown in FIG. 1.

  6. It's perfectly normal for a VI to be broken while you are creating or editing it, until you finish wiring all the icons in the diagram.

  7. The thumbnail sketch is an awesome first step that uses the same ideas as a wireframe, only on an even more basic level.

  8. Please give the system design scheme of your design or both hardware design block diagram and software flow chart .

  9. program flowchart which can calculate the length of secondary critical path and display secondary critical path is supplied.


  1. 图1所示系统框图。

    See Figure 1 for the system diagram.

  2. 标准和订制框图设计

    Standard and Custom Block Design

  3. 并给出计算程序框图。

    When the relevant exponent is the hightest, satisfied rheological model is gotten.

  4. 这个简化了的框图很有用。

    This simplified block diagram is valuable.

  5. 图一是3机励磁系统的系统框图。

    Fig 1 is the system block diagram of 3 machine excitation system.

  6. 只要对框图有个大概的了解。

    Just get a feel for the nature of a block diagram.

  7. 图11示出了编码方法的一般框图。

    Fig.11 shows the general block diagram of the coding method.

  8. 并给出了系统的软件构成框图。

    And the software composition block diagram of the system is given.

  9. 而且在此基础上设计了程序框图。

    But on the basis of this design diagram of the process.

  10. 提供了主要的硬件原理图和软件框图。

    The main hardware theory and software flow chart are provided.

  11. 提供了主要得硬件原理图和软件框图。

    The main hardware theory and software flow chart are provided.

  12. 在图4中示出了这种计算机的高级框图。

    A high level block diagram of such a computer is illustrated in FIG. 4.

  13. 前面板和程序框图对象数量越少,程序越简洁。

    The fewer front panel objects and block diagram nodes, the simpler the application.

  14. 绘制一个程序框图,表明你应采取哪些步骤。

    Draw a flow chart to illustrate what you would do.

  15. 同时给出了系统的结构框图和软件流程图。

    The structure diagram and software flow diagram of the system was given out.

  16. 这个程序的框图在反面一页的上方示出。

    The flowchart for this is shown at the top of the opposite page.

  17. 这个程序得框图在反面一页得上方示出。

    The flowchart for this is shown at the top of the opposite page.

  18. 给出了模糊控制算法得程序框图和部分梯形图。

    Program frame of fuzzy control rule and some application program are given.

  19. 给出了模糊控制算法的程序框图和部分梯形图。

    Program frame of fuzzy control rule and some application program are given.

  20. 文章阐述了该终端机的原理,构和程序框图。

    This paper discusses the working principle, composition and program block diagram of the terminal device.

  21. 图1是示出用于实现名称质询的示例性系统的框图。

    Fig.1 is a block diagram illustrating an exemplary system for implementing name challenge.

  22. 文中列有计算框图及对数种相图的计算结果。

    The flowchart and the calculating results of several phase diagrams are presented in this paper.

  23. 限于篇幅,程序清单从略,仅列出主要框图和计算结果。

    Only the main flow charts and computed results are given here.

  24. 最后得这两张图片是最终得线框图和渲染完整得图片。

    The final image is shown below as a wireframe and full rendering.

  25. 为使用户迅速掌握, 文中还给出了电算框图。

    The frame drawing of electronic computing is given in the paper for the quick grasp of it by the user.

  26. 图10示出了每个服务器中包括的计算机硬件的框图的示例。

    Fig.10 shows an example of a block diagram of computer hardware included in each server.

  27. 图1示出了采用常规信道堆叠系统的接收系统的顶层框图。

    Fig.1 illustrates a top level block diagram for a receiving system employing conventional channel stacking system.

  28. 图3示出了无线网络中两个站310和350的设计方案框图。

    Fig.3 shows a block diagram of a design of two stations310 and350 in a wireless network.

  29. 然后, 给出了系统设计的框图, 并对系统结构作了详细的讨论。

    Then, a scheme for system design is geven and the system structure is also discusssed in detail.

  30. 在第三章我们给了一个求100个数的平均数的程序框图。

    In Chapter 3 we show a flow chart for finding the average of 100 numbers.


  1. 问:框图模式拼音怎么拼?框图模式的读音是什么?框图模式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:框图模式的读音是kuàng tú mó shì,框图模式翻译成英文是 flowchart schema

  2. 问:框图式编辑拼音怎么拼?框图式编辑的读音是什么?框图式编辑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:框图式编辑的读音是kuàng tú shì biān jí,框图式编辑翻译成英文是 schematic diagram editing

  3. 问:框图式解释拼音怎么拼?框图式解释的读音是什么?框图式解释翻译成英文是什么?

    答:框图式解释的读音是kuàng tú shì jiě shì,框图式解释翻译成英文是 schematic diagram interpretation



框图是表示一个系统各部分和各环节之间关系的图示,它的作用在于能够清晰地表达比较复杂的系统各部分之间的关系.框图已经广泛应用于算法、计算机程序设计、工序流程的表述、设计方案的比较等方面,也是表示数学计算与证明过程中主要逻辑步骤的工具,并将成为日常生活和各门学科中进行交流的一种常用表达方式.本章的教学目标可以分为两个方面.一方面在知识内容上,让学生理解流程图和结构图的特征,掌握框图的用法;另一方面在思想方法上,帮助学生体验用框图表示数学问题解决过程以及事物发生、发展过程的优越性,提高抽象概括能力和逻辑思维能力,以及清晰地表达和交流的能力. 框图:指用来描述程序的处理、判断、输入输出、起始或终结等基本功能的执行逻辑过程的概念模式。