







汉语拼音:shāo jiǔ






  1. 唐 时酒名。

    唐 白居易 《荔枝楼对酒》诗:“荔枝新熟鸡冠色,烧酒初开琥珀香。”

  2. 用蒸馏法制成的酒,透明无色,酒精含量较高,引火能燃烧。也称白酒。

    明 李时珍 《本草纲目·穀四·烧酒》:“烧酒非古法也。自 元 时始创其法……近时惟以糯米或粳米或黍或秫或大麦蒸熟,和麴酿瓮中七日,以甑蒸取。其清如水,味极浓烈,盖酒露也。”《红楼梦》第三八回:“我吃了一点子螃蟹,觉得心口微微的疼,须得热热的吃口烧酒。” 曹禺 《雷雨》第一幕:“我就喝了两口烧酒,壮壮胆子,穿过荷花池,偷偷地钻到这门外的走廊旁边。”

  3. 酿酒。




  1. The old gentleman, not to be behind, brewed me a strong punch out of their country spirit.


  2. Distilleries began to appear in Europe in the middle of the seventeenth century.


  3. He walks over to the bed with the bottle in his hand and pulling back the covers he sprinkles Calvados over the mattress.


  4. It is of these three vapors, beer, brandy, and absinthe, that the lead of the soul is composed.


  5. Come back home at the end of this year. One chicken for each, and a bottle of rack, with two beautiful country women accompanied. . .


  6. YongTao (AD 834) or: the wine to chengdu hot, do not think more into the body.


  7. As the major technology used in making white liquor is stewing or steaming, the alcohol content is high.


  8. Soju must cost 10 cents. Everyone drinks it everyday all the time, especially the poor people.


  9. even more remarkable has been the revival of shochu , a distilled spirit which can be made from barley , sweet potato or cane sugar.


  1. 呷一口烧酒

    take a sip of spirit.

  2. 发出烧酒的味

    fume with spirit.

  3. 川归烧酒虾

    Stewed Shrimps with Ligustici Rhizome, Tangkuei and Other Medicinal Herbs.

  4. 有一杯烧酒就好了!

    A giass of soju wouid be perfect!

  5. 烧酒真他妈的是好东西。

    A dried anchovy. it's damn good.

  6. 酒有黄酒、烧酒、啤酒、米酒等。

    Wine and rice wine, shochu, beer, rice wine and so on.

  7. 那就是你说要买的烧酒吗?

    Is that what you call getting soju?

  8. 你闻到他的味道么?像烧酒。

    You get a whiff of him? Like schnapps.

  9. 把烧酒瓶和新郎的行头留下。

    Leave the flask and the groomsman's outfit.

  10. 豉味玉冰烧酒勾兑准确放样系统

    The Accurate Amplify System of Sauce for YU PING SHAO Liquor

  11. 采用籼米粉生产糟烧酒的工艺探讨

    Discussion on Technique of Producing ZaoShao Liquor with Long Rice Flour

  12. 豉味玉冰烧酒曲饼成型模的设计

    Drying the Ice The Research and Design of Shaping Mold of Soy Flavour YUK PING SHU Liquor's Yeast Cake

  13. 如果上的是烧酒的话就要格外注意了。

    Extra care should be taken when liquor is served.

  14. 双曲生料发酵酿制玉米烧酒的研究

    Studies on two variety of distiller's yeasts uncooked material fermentation method for corn liquor

  15. 加糖的奶油,用葡萄酒或烧酒打起泡沫。

    Sweetened cream beaten with wine or liquor.

  16. 我们在德国度假刚买回一瓶烧酒。

    We brought a bottle of schnapps back from our holiday in germany.

  17. 烧酒白曲用于生料白米酒精发酵的研究

    Application of Shochu Koji in the Fermentation of Alcohol with Uncooked White Rice as Its Essentials

  18. 欧洲最早得烧酒作坊出现于十七世纪中叶。

    Distilleries began to appear in Europe in the middle of the seventeenth century.

  19. 欧洲最早的烧酒作坊出现于十七世纪中叶。

    Distilleries began to appear in Europe in the middle of the seventeenth century.

  20. 我昨晚喝得太多了,仍没有清醒过来。烧酒真是魔鬼!

    I’m still hurting from last night. Soju is the devil!

  21. 蒸馏酒, 通过蒸馏而不是发酵制成的酒精饮料酒, 酒类, 烧酒。

    Liquor An alcoholic beverage made by distillation rather than by fermentation.

  22. 由椰子果肉与树液制成的烧酒等烈酒也很受欢迎。

    Also popular are spirits such as arrack, made from coconut pulp and tree sap.

  23. 如果你喜欢喝酒,我们还可以吃烧酒虾,那个包你醉倒!

    If you like wine,we can get shrimp boiled in a wine soup that will knock you off you feet.

  24. 此模式可量化烧酒海蜷在热逆境防避机制上的优越性。

    This model could quantify how excellent the heat stress avoidance mechanisms of the zoned cerith are.

  25. 乾隆初年禁踩曲烧酒朱批奏折档案中所载汾酒史料考述

    Research on Historical Data of Fenjiu Recorded in Files of Officially Approved Zouzhe that Banned Collecting Mouldy Bran to Make Liquor in the First Year of Qianlong

  26. 我实在太没有酒量了。只喝了一瓶烧酒,脸就红得像个西红柿。

    I’m such a lightweight. I get loaded off only 1 bottle of soju and my face turns as red as a tomato.


  1. 问:烧酒拼音怎么拼?烧酒的读音是什么?烧酒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烧酒的读音是shāojiǔ,烧酒翻译成英文是 colourless spirit

  2. 问:烧酒拼音怎么拼?烧酒的读音是什么?烧酒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烧酒的读音是shāojiǔ,烧酒翻译成英文是 Soju

  3. 问:烧酒海蜷拼音怎么拼?烧酒海蜷的读音是什么?烧酒海蜷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烧酒海蜷的读音是,烧酒海蜷翻译成英文是 Batillaria zonalis

  4. 问:烧酒——真露Fresh拼音怎么拼?烧酒——真露Fresh的读音是什么?烧酒——真露Fresh翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烧酒——真露Fresh的读音是shāojiǔ——zhēn lù Fresh,烧酒——真露Fresh翻译成英文是 Soju - Chamisul Fresh

  5. 问:烧酒——斗山“初饮初乐”拼音怎么拼?烧酒——斗山“初饮初乐”的读音是什么?烧酒——斗山“初饮初乐”翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烧酒——斗山“初饮初乐”的读音是shāojiǔ——dòushān “chū yǐn chū lè”,烧酒——斗山“初饮初乐”翻译成英文是 Soju - Doosan Cheoeum Cheoreom

  6. 问:烧酒——ChamisulFresh/CheoeumCheoreom(19.5度,360毫升)拼音怎么拼?烧酒——ChamisulFresh/CheoeumCheoreom(19.5度,360毫升)的读音是什么?烧酒——ChamisulFresh/CheoeumCheoreom(19.5度,360毫升)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烧酒——ChamisulFresh/CheoeumCheoreom(19.5度,360毫升)的读音是shāojiǔ——Chamisul Fresh/Cheoeum Cheoreom(19.5 Dù,360 háoshēng),烧酒——ChamisulFresh/CheoeumCheoreom(19.5度,360毫升)翻译成英文是 Soju - Chamisul Fresh / Cheoeum Cheoreom...


