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无机化合物,一种有咸味的无色或白色结晶体,成分是氯化钠,用来制造染料、玻璃、肥皂等,亦是重要的调味剂和防腐剂(有“海盐”、“池盐”、“井盐”、“岩盐”等种类):~巴。~卤。~分(fèn )。~田。〔~酸〕氯化氢的水溶液,是一种基本的化学原料……
汉语拼音:yán yè
Yunnan was an important producing area in ancient China, but till to the Ming Dynasty, its salt industry had a great development.
云南是中国古代重要的井盐生产地,但直至明代云南盐业生产才有较大发展。the fishing economy also had intimate relationships with the source of salt , which had the special function of meat preservation.
由于盐具有保存肉食的作用,渔业生产活动还和盐业生产有十分紧密的联系。By 780, y percent of its revenues the Tang Dynasty derived at least fifty from the state monopoly on salt.
盐业在唐代占有重要地位,至公元780年,唐王朝至少一半的收入来自国家的盐的垄断。long history of salt industry provided rich source materials for man of letters to. . .
悠久的盐业为文人墨客提供了丰富的素材,促进了文学艺术的发展。Conclusion Some of the areas still exist in non-iodine salt, so the administrative departments should strengthen supervision.
结论部分地区还存在非碘盐对盐业市场的冲击,应加强打击力度。The salt industry habitat are more, the output to enhance greatly, the production technology develops forward with steady steps.
盐业产地更多、产量大大提高,生产技术稳步向前发展。and legal for the Qing dynasty autocratic well salt industry craftsman role of feelings, thoughts of the expression.
以及清代专制法制对于井盐业工匠角色转换的影响的一些感想、思考的表达。Zigong is well-known as the Salt City for well salt, and it holds a vital post in the history of Chinese salt industry.
自贡因盛产井盐而享有“盐都”美誉,自贡盐业在中国盐业史上占有极其重要的地位。Conclusion: The qualification rate of the iodized salt of the enterprise of salt producing and processing in Yanyuan was 100%.