


1. 了 [liǎo]2. 了 [le]了 [liǎo]明白,知道:明~。一目~然。完结,结束:完~。~结。在动词后,与“不”、“得”连用,表示可能或不可能:看不~。办得~。与“得”、“不得”前后连用,表示异乎寻常或情况严重:那还~得!了 ……





汉语拼音:le shǒu







  1. 完毕;完了。

    《敦煌变文集·李陵变文》:“诛 陵 老母妻子了手,所司奏表於王。”《敦煌变文集·秋胡变文》:“ 秋胡 辞母了手,行至妻房中。” 元 关汉卿 《四春园》第二折:“既是招了也,外郎着他画字,将枷来下在死囚牢里,等府尹相公下马,判个斩字,便是了手。”

  2. 结局。


  3. 犹高手。

    明 李贽 《答澹然师》:“ 慈湖 ( 杨慈湖 )於 宋 儒中独为第一了手好汉,以屡疑而屡悟也。”



  1. He and his wife scarlett points hands, and between the children rarely common language, as for himself in the drug company's work is dull.


  2. But you see, he slipped and the beaker of this deadly potion fell upon his foot, destroying the flesh and the shoe itself.


  3. Oh, yes Grandma, you wear a few pieces of thin clothing, lift his head of white hair was, and his hand steaming breakfast.


  4. Mr. Stryver had left them in the passages, to shoulder his way back to the robing-room.


  5. He had a little light in his hand and said, "See, my shirt is almost dry, and I will be able to rest in my grave. "


  6. In France you shouldn't sit down in a coffee bar until you have shaken hands with everyone you know.


  7. The moment she had grasped him to keep for her own, had disappeared like a shape in a vision.


  8. "They'll answer a question, " she said, "and if it's wrong, their hand is back up, trying to figure out the answer. "


  9. Hardly had I answered the door when father came in. He was wet all over with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.


  1. 我烫伤了手。

    I burned my hand.

  2. 我搓痛了手。

    I rubbed my hands sore.

  3. 他松开了手。

    He unclenched his hands.

  4. 大家又舉起了手。

    And everybody raised their hand.

  5. 丹和他握了手。

    Dan shook hands with him.

  6. 我和简握了手。

    I shook Jane by the hand.

  7. 精灵拍了手两下

    The genie clapped his hands two times.

  8. 他们在伦敦分了手。

    They parted in London.

  9. 我们友好地分了手。

    We parted on good terms.

  10. 他们不久就分了手。

    They split the blanket soon.

  11. 但后来他们分了手

    But they broke up for a little bit.

  12. 他用锤子砸伤了手。

    He hurt hand with a heavy hammer.

  13. 她被火炉烫伤了手。

    She burnt her fingers on the stove.

  14. 可是你还是举了手。

    So I think that you held up your hand anyway.

  15. 掌柜的? ? 松开了手。

    The manager took his hands away from the old man's shoulders.

  16. 这事他也沾了手。

    He has a hand in the affair.

  17. 他在盆里洗了手。

    He washed his hands in a basin.

  18. 我们在沃伯顿分了手。

    We parted in Warburton.

  19. 他惊骇地举起了手。

    He held up his hand in amazement.

  20. 他们握了手,走了进去。

    They shook hands and went in.

  21. 她不小心割破了手。

    She wasn't careful and cut her hand.

  22. 不过, 约翰先举起了手。

    John, however, had held up his hand first.

  23. 他修理机器弄脏了手。

    He soiled his hands repairing the machine.

  24. 掌柜得 说, 松开了手。

    The manager took his hands away from the old man's shoulders.

  25. 他们非常热情地分了手。

    They separated in the most cordial manner.

  26. 这个士兵举起了手, 投降了。

    The soldier threw up his hands and surrendered.

  27. 这个士兵举起了手,投降了。

    The soldier threw up his hands and surrendered.

  28. 修车时他弄伤了手。

    When he repaired the car, he threw his hand out.

  29. 我跌倒的时候割了手。

    I must have cut my hand when I fell.

  30. 就是我们往往下不了手。

    The problem is that we are usually hesitant about handling such cases.

