


1. 了 [liǎo]2. 了 [le]了 [liǎo]明白,知道:明~。一目~然。完结,结束:完~。~结。在动词后,与“不”、“得”连用,表示可能或不可能:看不~。办得~。与“得”、“不得”前后连用,表示异乎寻常或情况严重:那还~得!了 ……





汉语拼音:liǎo jú









  1. 长远之计;彻底解决的办法。

    《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二五:“只愿得遇个知音之人,随他终身,方为了局的。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·毛狐》:“戴月披星,终非了局。使君自有妇,搪塞何为?” 清 林则徐 《会奏夷人趸船尽数呈缴烟土折》:“即使逐出 老万山 以外,不过暂避一时,而不久復来,终非了局。”

  2. 结束;解决。

    《红楼梦》第九十回:“家中又碰见这样飞灾横祸,不知何日了局。” 赵树理 《“锻炼锻炼”》:“你们闯下了事自己没法了局,我给你们做了开解,倒反落下不是了?”



  1. Deputy director of the bureau, said there is the matter back to the bureau.


  2. And the next customer kicked out a vendor during a pitch early, because they wanted extra money for providing a Java API.


  3. write a few words and unexpected ending. you also write me ad on't finish song.


  4. Way Jee brought his girlfriend there. I also played a round of CS, it is obvious that I lost terribly.


  5. Instead of taking foreign policy challenges sequentially, he had made the opening moves in all the important games.


  6. She h text ad cleaned the office, so it what very tidy.


  7. When we did, our Board of Directors sided with him. So at 30 I was out.


  8. Bella: If thellos ends badly being that I become the meal.


  1. 这件事怎么了局?

    How should we settle this outcome?

  2. 这就是故事的了局。

    This is the end of the story.

  3. 拖下去不是个了局。

    Putting things off is no solution.

  4. 花了局里边那么多钱。

    The Bureau spent a lot on my medication.

  5. 这名队员曾因为打人犯规而被罚了局。

    The player was once sent off because of striking.

  6. 仲裁判决应为究竟了局判决,对双圆均具有束厄局促力。

    The arbitration prize shall be ultimate and has valid fastening forces to both sides.

  7. 已是第七局了, 铃声还没响。

    It is the seventh inning and no calls.

  8. 我把所有的钱都押在这局了。

    I put all my money in this game.

  9. 看起来这场拳击比赛要打成乎局了。

    It looks like this boxing match is going to be a standoff.

  10. 若他发球再出界, 我就拿下这局了。

    If he serves it out again, I'll take the set.

  11. 我赢了这局棋。

    I won the chess game.

  12. 我赢了这局棋。

    I won the chess game.

  13. 而你输了第一局。

    And you Iost the first one.

  14. 他们已经输了第一局。

    They have lost the first game.

  15. 而这些, 便构成了一个局!

    And these, formed a bureau!

  16. 小鱼儿开了第四局球。

    Xiaoyuer Directorate IV had the ball.

  17. 顺便说一下,我们61赢了第三局。

    Incidentally, we won the third set59.

  18. 她丢了第一局以后,沉着不乱。

    She was unruffled when she lost the first game.

  19. 他胜了第一局后,就节节胜利。

    After he won the first game, he never looked back.

  20. 胜了第一局后, 他仍然全力奋战。

    After the first win, he is still full fighting.

  21. 为了避免失去一子, 很多人失去了对局。

    To avoid losing a piece, many a person has lost the game.

  22. 申请表和邮政汇票寄给了护照局。

    The application form and the postal order were sent off to the passport office.

  23. 东尼和贝丝已经打了好几局撞球。

    Tony and Beth have played quite a few games of pool.

  24. 转泪点就在当我们输了第一局比赛。

    The turning point of the match was lost the first set.

  25. 他失去第二局,可是又扳回一局赢了第三局。

    He lost the second game, but broke back and won the third game.

  26. 台北的一名烟草小贩遭到了专卖局人员的殴打。

    The flashpoint came when a Taipei cigarette vendor was roughed up by an agent of the Monopoly Bureau.

  27. 亨德利胜了第五局、第八局,沃登则拿下第六、第七局。

    Hendry won the fifth, eighth, then won the warden of the Sixth, Seventh Bureau.

  28. 他赢了第一局的比赛,我赢了第二局,因此我们打平了。

    He won the first game and I won the second, so we're even.

  29. 他参加了第七局于2002年, 并成为玛格南提名在2005年。

    He joined the VII Agency in 2002, and became a Magnum nominee in 2005.

  30. 加登发球输了第一局,但在第二局对方发球时他又捞回来了。

    Garden lost the first game on his service but broke back and won the second game.


  1. 问:了局拼音怎么拼?了局的读音是什么?了局翻译成英文是什么?

    答:了局的读音是liǎojú,了局翻译成英文是 the end; solution

