







汉语拼音:lái shì








  1. 后世;后代。

    《书·仲虺之诰》:“予恐来世以台为口实。”台(yí),我。 唐 韩愈 《答张籍书》:“有一説:‘化当世,莫若口;传来世,莫若书。’” 清 黄景仁 《城南晚步》诗:“无为末士感,永貽来世嘲。”

  2. 佛教轮回的说法,人死后会重行投生,因称转生之世为“来世”。

    南朝 梁 慧皎 《高僧传·译经下·法显》:“君等昔不布施,故致飢贫;今復夺人,恐来世弥甚。” 宋 苏轼 《龟山辩才师》诗:“何当来世结香火,永与名山供井磑。” 吴组缃 《山洪》二八:“因为他身世孤苦,为要修福来世,他的行为用心,确实忠厚良善,深得人们的敬仰。”



  1. Man of practice often says that it is not easy to be mankind. People should work hard at practice in the short dozens of years of life.


  2. I think I shall stop startled if ever we meet after our next birth, walking in the light of a far-away world.


  3. When being asked for afterlife by his students, he said: "life even unknown, how about afterlife" .


  4. Why not at least try to explore the possibility that there may be a life after?


  5. Do you believe in reincarnation? If yes, what do you think you were in your last life? How about the next one?


  6. Solemnly in the sun in full flower, this life of my past life of the afterlife are looking forward to writing in the middle of petals yard.


  7. Question: Tell us something of your idea of the hereafter.


  8. The set of 'Hereafter' was one of happiest places I've ever been.


  9. It may also serve him as a means of transportation in his afterlife journey according to Ancient Egyptian beliefs.


  1. 来世再见你

    See You In The Next Life.

  2. 但愿来世来生,

    I wish in the other world and the next life

  3. 你相信来世吗?

    Do you believe in the hereafter

  4. 来世又怎么样呢?

    What will it be hereafter.

  5. 你相信有来世吗?

    Do you believe in a life hereafter?

  6. 来世会有报应的。

    Yeah.He got his retribution.I made sure of that.

  7. 他不相信来世转生。

    Dad didn't believe in reincarnation.

  8. 他们将在来世重聚。

    They'll be reunited in the afterlife.

  9. 我死后哪怕洪水来世!

    After me the Deluge!

  10. 我死后哪怕洪水来世!

    After me the Deluge!

  11. 第181章来世, 笨笨的相爱!

    Chapter No. 181 Hereafter, Benben of love!

  12. 现在, 来看看来世有什么。

    Now, with regard to what lies hereafter.

  13. 就算来世都不会屈服的

    would never succumb to the afterlife.

  14. 在今世与来世间, 在生死之间

    between this life and eternity

  15. 佛无来世, 所以爱的深沉。

    Buddha will not have next life, will therefore love deepness.

  16. 我们来世在做姐妹,记住了!

    We are doing the afterlife and sisters, remember!

  17. 请停止杀生以免来世悔恨痛苦。

    So stop killing to avoid your afterlifes regret.

  18. 今世,来世。霍志恒的图。

    This Age, the Age to Come. Vos diagram.

  19. 我无法相信有来世这回事。

    It is incredible to me that there should be an afterlife.

  20. 宗教里认为来世会永远存在。

    a state of eternal existence believed in some religions to characterize the afterlife.

  21. 上帝和来世的生活有什麽不同的?

    How are God and the afterlife different?

  22. 来世还要依偎你温暖的胸膛。

    I still want to nestle in your warm breast in my afterlife.

  23. 你知道, 埃及人非常关心, 人的来世?

    You know, the Egyptians were very concerned about afterlife?

  24. 我期待死人的复活, 及来世的生命。

    We look the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.

  25. 我期待死人得复活,及来世得生命。

    We look the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.

  26. 李煜啊!李煜,来世莫投帝王家!

    Li Yu ah! Li Yu, the imperial family for the afterlife Mo!

  27. 人本主义者不相信来世和永生。

    Humanists do not believe in an afterlife or immortality.

  28. 问题请告诉我们你关于来世的看法。

    Question Tell us something of your idea of the hereafter.

  29. 你认为人老了就会相信来世吗?

    Do you think belief in an afterlife comes with old age?

  30. 对于来世, 我们这些凡人又知道些什么?

    What can we poor human beings know of the beyond ?


  1. 问:来世拼音怎么拼?来世的读音是什么?来世翻译成英文是什么?

    答:来世的读音是láishì,来世翻译成英文是 future world; next world; afterlife

  2. 问:来世的拼音怎么拼?来世的的读音是什么?来世的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:来世的的读音是,来世的翻译成英文是 otherworldly

  3. 问:来世论拼音怎么拼?来世论的读音是什么?来世论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:来世论的读音是,来世论翻译成英文是 eschatology

  4. 问:来世论的拼音怎么拼?来世论的的读音是什么?来世论的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:来世论的的读音是,来世论的翻译成英文是 eschatological


来世,汉语词汇。拼音:lái shì指来生;佛教有来世的说法。