











汉语拼音:xiàn shì xiàn bào







  • 【解释】:报:报应。原为佛家语。后指人做了恶事,今生就会得到报应。意指报应很快。
  • 【出自】:唐·释道世《法苑珠林·妄语部》卷九十三:“是人现得,恶口恶色,所言虽实,人不信受,众皆憎恶,不喜见之,是名现世,恶业之报。”
  • 【示例】:那世里造的孽,这会子~,叫我那一个眼睛瞧得上。


  1. na.
  2. get punished quickly for the evil one has just done

  1. 所有这一切都不过是骗子得现世报。

    All this was no more than a swindler's just desserts.

  2. 所有这一切都不过是骗子的现世报。

    All this was no more than a swindler's just desserts.

  3. 他作恶多端总算被抓了,可算是现世报呀!

    He has finally been caught for all the bad things he did, which can be called a retribution in this life.

  4. 他作恶多端总算被抓了,可算是现世报呀!

    He has finally been caught for all the bad things he did, which can be called a retribution in this life.

  5. 现报盘如下。

    We can offer as follows.

  6. 同一版本号码会现报后, 系统重新启动。

    The same version number will now be reported after a system restart.

  7. 现报盘如下,以五天内复到为准。

    We are making you the following offer, subject to your reply reaching here within five days.

  8. 现报最低价如下,须经我方确认为有效。

    Our offer is given below subject to our confirmation.

  9. 现报盘如下,以你方在10日之内回复为有效。

    We make you the following offer subject to your reply within 10 days.

  10. 我们现报盘如下,以你方答复9月5日前到达为条件。

    We make you the following offer,subject to your reply reach here on or before September 5th.

  11. 现报最优惠的报盘如下,须经我方最后的确认为有效。

    Our best offer is given below subject to our final confirmation.

  12. 续我方10月2日函,现报不具约束力的各种货物价格如下。

    Further to our letter of october 2nd,we now offer you without engagement our various item as follows.

  13. 续我方10月2日函,现报不具约束力得各种货物价格如下。

    Further to our letter of october 0nd, we now offer you without engagement our various item as follows.

  14. 现按贵方要求, 报盘如下

    As requested, we take pleasure in quoting you as follows

  15. 否则再次提现将自动退到报单币。

    Otherwise again carry will automatically withdrew to form currency.

  16. 我得到线报,他在这附近现身了。

    He was seen nearby, according to the report I got.

  17. 由于皮带本身现作得报导标题而争权?

    Sincethe belt itself is now used for the WWE title, and the Undisputedtitle ?

  18. 由于皮带本身现作的报导标题而争权?

    Sincethe belt itself is now used for the WWE title, and the Undisputedtitle ?

  19. 公司现主要生产邮政信报箱及冲压件加工。

    Companies are major producers Post Xinbao Xiang and stamping parts processing.

  20. 现车管理信息系统中确报接收程序的优化

    Optimization of receving program of Inventory Management Information System

  21. 现答复你方本月26日来函,向你们报实盘如下。

    In reply to your letter of26th of this month, we are making you the following firm offer.

  22. 现按你方要求报盘如下,以我方最后确认为准。

    At your request we make you an offer as follows subject to our final confirmation.

  23. 正义行事,公理不会长久湮没。心存善念,果报必然早晚现前。

    Justice will not sleep long. Karmic retribution will ripen sooner or later.

  24. 现随函附去第3652号询价单并十分乐于得到你方的报盘。

    We now send you the 3652 inquiry list and we are highly appreciated with your quotation.

  25. 现随函附去第3652号询价单并十分乐于得到你方得报盘。

    We now send you the 3652 inquiry list and we are highly appreciated with your quotation.



