







汉语拼音:qián shì








  1. 以前的时代。

    《国语·晋语九》:“方臣之少也,进秉笔,赞为命名,称於前世,立义於诸侯。”《后汉书·周举传》:“昔在前世,求贤如渴,封墓軾閭,以光贤哲。” 宋 曾巩 《移沧州过阙上殿札子》:“盖前世或不能附其民者,刑与赋役之政暴也。” 明 王鏊 《震泽长语·官制》:“前世藏书分散数处,盖防散佚水火之虞也。” 刘师培 《文说·析字篇》:“呜呼!前世之文,字必师古, 周 秦 故训,赖文以传;后世之文,字必背古,俗训歧义,因文而兴。”

  2. 前生,前一辈子。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·归心》:“今人贫贱疾苦,莫不怨尤前世不修功业。” 金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷六:“是前世里债、宿世的寃,被你担阁了也 张解元 。”《红楼梦》第八八回:“却是除了老太太,别的也伏侍不来,不晓得前世什么缘分儿!” 巴金 《秋》三七:“你是前世修来的。你前世再好一点,这世就会做小姐了。”



  1. another Buddhist, said: "short life a mirror, how much incense edge past life. "


  2. When asked about the house he lived, he walked a few steps behind the tree and stood in a place where there was no sign of any construction.


  3. I do not want to see your vision of the helpless, I do not know whether you owe Lives, Many Masters in debt!


  4. It is often the case that you have had prior life experiences of not having had your emotional or individuality needs met or recognized.


  5. You think we seem to have met before, you asked me if we have an agreement of the preexistence? I open my big eyes with reticent.


  6. So at the time of his death the brahmana had attained the body of a goat, but by the grace of Lord Govinda he remembered his previous birth.


  7. I've been female, and I've been every single one of you, your mother in a previous life, the way the Buddhists reflect.


  8. Solemnly in the sun in full flower, this life of my past life of the afterlife are looking forward to writing in the middle of petals yard.


  9. You still look like your past life, is still the face of your youth, but I eliminate the color, not a fragrance.


  1. 你相信有前世吗?

    Do you believe in past lives?

  2. 你相信有前世吗?

    Do you believe in past lives?

  3. 虽然那是在前世。

    But even though it was in a past life.

  4. 虽然那是在前世。

    But even though it was in a past life.

  5. 我们在前世认识你。

    We knew you in our past lives.

  6. 你和安妮在前世认识。

    You knew Annie in another life.

  7. 我想我前世是个仙女。

    I think I was a fairy my previous life.

  8. 前世我们也争吵过,理论过。

    Past lives we'd fight, argue.

  9. 在阴阳界双方, 我的前世。

    Across the Yin and Yang of the two circles, my preexistence.

  10. 我必须得弄清楚我前世到底。

    I've got to find out who I brutally murdered

  11. 鉴前世之兴衰,考当今之得失。

    Through rise and fall of the past, reflect gain and loss nowadays.

  12. 我一定是前世欠了你的。

    I must have been indebted to you in the previous life.

  13. 我还在失去对前世的记忆

    I was losing my memories of my past lives.

  14. 伊,揽我之怀,除我前世轻浮。

    Iraq and the bosom embrace me, except I preexistence is frivolous.

  15. 也许他们在前世是一对情人。

    Perhaps they were lovers in a previous incarnation.

  16. 前世的你,一定是个善良的人。

    You must have been kind-hearted in your previous incarnation.

  17. 我认为你的前世可能是黑人。

    I think you might have been black in a previous life.

  18. 我感觉到他们的前世是我的朋友。

    I feel as if they had been my friends in a former incarnation.

  19. 她开始回忆起前世的种种情形。

    She began recalling a series of previous incarnations.

  20. 此外,我也可能前世是你们的母亲。

    And also, actually, I've been your mother.

  21. 你两个结为夫妻,是前世有缘。

    Your union was predestined from a previous incarnation.

  22. 他说每个生命都有前世和来世。

    He said that every being have previous birth and next birth.

  23. 我会想起, 前世, 我们一直都在一起。

    I'll remember, in the prelife, we have been together.

  24. 他在历史上的地位是前世已经注定的。

    His place in history was foreordained.

  25. 师父不仅在前世救了我, 还救了今生的我。

    She not only rescued me in my previous life, but also in this life.

  26. 您在前世做了很多对不起他的事。

    You've done him many wrongs in your previous life.

  27. 你真是很厉害的家伙!难道你前世是蟑螂?

    You tough guy! Were you a cockroach in a former life?

  28. 我知道你还想不起自己前世的事。

    Look, I know you don't remember your past lives yet.

  29. 你是否会生而拥有前世的因缘宿命

    Will you be born with he same karma as preexistence

  30. 也有人说, 今生的一切均是前世注定的。

    It was also noted that all life is doomed the previous life.


  1. 问:前世拼音怎么拼?前世的读音是什么?前世翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前世的读音是qiánshì,前世翻译成英文是 precious existence

  2. 问:前世的拼音怎么拼?前世的的读音是什么?前世的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前世的的读音是,前世的翻译成英文是 preexistent

  3. 问:前世界冠军拼音怎么拼?前世界冠军的读音是什么?前世界冠军翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前世界冠军的读音是qián shì jiè guàn jūn,前世界冠军翻译成英文是 former world champion


