







汉语拼音:yú zhū






  1. 安置。

    《公羊传·哀公六年》:“ 景公 死而 舍 立, 陈乞 使人迎 阳生 于诸其家。” 何休 注:“于诸,置也, 齐 人语也。”一说“诸”语中助词,见 刘淇 《助字辨略》卷一。



  1. The ancients believed that have all inside will shape on the outside, facial features, just right of the five is the wait.


  1. 他从事于欧洲诸语言的比较研究。

    He is engaged in a comparative study of European languages.

  2. 尼尼伯,于黑暗遗落诸土间飘荡,聆听,并记住!

    NINIB, Dark Wandered of the Forgotten Lands, Hearken and Remember!

  3. 于时阿难与诸大众,瞪瞢瞻佛,目睛不瞬。

    Thereupon Ananda and the entire great assembly were dazed, and they stared unblinking at the Buddha.

  4. 日内瓦公约诸原则适用于海战的公约

    Convention for the Adaptation to Maritime Warfare of the Principles of Geneva Convention

  5. 诸比丘!于过去世有鹰, 忽而袭捉鹑。

    Once a hawk suddenly swooped down on a quail and seized it.

  6. 日内瓦公约诸原则适用于海战的公约关于战争开始的公约

    Convention for the Adaptation to Maritime Warfare of the Principles of Geneva Convention Convention Relative to the Opening of Hostilities

  7. 诸比丘!于往昔,有一名为陀舍罗诃之阿能诃鼓。

    Monks, there once was a time when the Dasarahas had a large drum called Summoner.

  8. 是日晚,将军于葡萄架下邀纵队诸领导秉烛痛饮,大醉。

    That evening, the generals in the cluster under the leadership of surrender invited to fill all the columns, Me.

  9. 最极致的伤害加诸于你

    to hurt as much as is humanly possible.

  10. 最极致的伤害加诸于你。

    To hurt as much as is humanly possible.

  11. 对于此总可以归诸于许多因素。

    A number of factors contribute to this.

  12. 诸如此类的言论定会不绝于耳。

    There will be more of such talk.

  13. 诸如此类得言论定会不绝于耳。

    There will be more of such talk.

  14. 我们不喜欢加诸于我们身上即定的改变。

    We do not like change be done to us.

  15. 谁拒爱于门外, 也必将被爱拒诸门外。

    Who shuts love out, in turn shall be shut out from love.

  16. 我们并不相信种族歧视是上帝加诸于人的观念。

    We don't believe the myth that racial discrimination was imposed by God.

  17. 因此,受虐待的孩子会求诸于过分进食导致发胖。

    Hence, abused children may turn to overeating, which causes obesity.

  18. 为了证明这一点, 特将事实陈诸于世界公正人士之前

    To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

  19. 诚然,有许多发明和发现已被人们归诸于随机性事件。

    It is true that there have been many inventions and discoveries credited to discovery by accident.

  20. 古希腊人大抵把人类的不幸,归诸于神祗们的排斥和妒嫉。

    The Greeks attributed the misfortunes of men the antipathies and jealousies of gods and goddesses.

  21. 婆罗门甚是成功地将自己对实体的定义大体上强诸于社会。

    The Brahmans. qua experts in ultimate reality. succeeded to an astounding degree in impressing their definitions of reality upon society at large.

  22. 我们不应该诉诸于武力。

    We should not resort to violence.

  23. 也许没有必要诉诸于暴力。

    It may not be necessary to resort to force.

  24. 采取外交手段胜于诉诸战争。

    Diplomacy is better than war.

  25. 它们诉诸于关税和进口配额。

    They resorted to tariffs and import quotas.

  26. 我们的想法将逐步付诸于行动。

    Our thoughts will take shape in action.

  27. 我们得想法将逐步付诸于行动。

    Our thoughts will take shape in action.

  28. 我们靠诉诸于理性赢得了辩论。

    We appealed to reason to win our argument.

  29. 他诉诸于我们的情感,并非我们的理智。

    He appeal to our emotions rather to our reasons.

  30. 我们不得不每天,所以我们诉诸于政治

    And we have to duke it out every day. So we resort to politics.