


1. 正 [zhèng]2. 正 [zhēng]正 [zhèng]不偏斜,与“歪”相对:~午。~中(zhōng )。~襟危坐。合于法则的:~当(dāng)。~派。~楷。~规。~大光明。~言厉色。拨乱反~。合于道理的:~道。~确。~义。~气。……


1. 供 [gōng]2. 供 [gòng]供 [gōng]准备着东西给需要的人应用:~给(jǐ)。~求。~应。~需。~销。提~。~不应求。供 [gòng]奉献:~养。~献。~奉。~佛。~职。祭祀用的东西:~桌。~品。~果。上~。被审问时在……



汉语拼音:zhèng gòng







  1. 常供;法定的赋税。

    《清会典事例·户部·赐复一》:“大兵屯驻西边,一切军兴徵缮,皆动支正供帑项,不使累及閭阎。” 清 侯方域 《豫省试策四》:“正供之额,概从俭薄。” 清 梅曾亮 《黄个园家传》:“户部以正供入不充,募富民。” 范文澜 蔡美彪 等《中国通史》第三编第三章第三节:“ 五代 租税,大抵正供以外,附征农器钱(每亩一文半)、曲钱(每亩五文)、匹帛钱、鞋钱、地头钱、蚕盐钱及诸包折科。”

  2. 正规的供品。



  1. Applications and Comments on Applications Currently Available for Public Inspection


  1. 没有提出原产正供审查。

    Certificates of origin were not presented for review.

  2. 安装正压或正供通风系统。

    Installing a positive pressurization or ventilation system.

  3. 她面前正供着儿子和女儿在大学读书。

    She was now putting her son and daughter through college.

  4. 我也知道这些证据是不能作为呈堂正供的。

    And I understand that most of this evidence is technically considered circumstantial.

  5. 我们正在编一本供大学生用的英语词典。

    We are compiling an English dictionary for students.

  6. 我们正在编一本供大学生用得英语词典。

    We are compiling an English dictionary for students.

  7. 其中一群人正在平整一块供儿童玩耍的空地。

    One group was leveling area for children to play on.

  8. 这些猪正在被催肥以供食用。

    These pigs are being fatted out as porkers.

  9. 正中神经返支血供的解剖学研究及其临床意义

    Anatomical Study of Blood Supply of the Recurrent Branch of Median Nerve and its Clinical Significance

  10. 印刷厂已将词典的印张粘贴好了, 以供编辑修改校正。

    The printing plant has pasted up the editors to make corrections on.

  11. 那些没有需供的物品便掀示正在他们家的前院里。

    The unwanted objects are set out on the front yard of their home.

  12. 印刷厂已把词典的印张粘贴好,以供编写者修改校正。

    The printing plant has pasted up the printed sheets of the dictionary for the editors to make corrections on.

  13. 配气与供油正时

    Valve and fuel timing

  14. 当地供电站正在修复中。

    The electricity substation is being repaired.

  15. 这条街道正在铺设供水管道。

    The street is being piped for water.

  16. 他正想着他那篇长长的,羞辱的自供。

    He was thinking of his long, humiliating confession.

  17. 供大家在教学时参考,不妥之处,敬请斧正。

    Hope the treatise can give some useful reference for your teaching.

  18. 水污染正使越来越多的水没办法供人饮用。

    Water pollution has been making more and more water unable for drinking.

  19. 水污染正使越来越多得水没办法供人饮用。

    Water pollution has been making more and more water unable for drinking.

  20. 正中神经返支和掌皮支血供的显微解剖

    Microanatomy of blood supply of recurrent branch of median nerve and palmar cutaneous branch

  21. 自动变进、排气及供油正时系统的仿真

    Simulation and Study on Automatic Variable Inlet, Exhaust and Injection Timing System

  22. 现在他们正在筹划建立更多得场地供学生们踢球。

    It now plans to build more pitches for students to play on.

  23. 现在他们正在筹划建立更多的场地供学生们踢球。

    It now plans to build more pitches for students to play on.

  24. 目前联合国统计司正筹备印刷这本书以供销售。

    The United Nations Statistics Division is currently preparing to publish the printed version for sale.

  25. 正中神经腕管段及返支血供的显微外科解剖

    Microsurgical anatomy of the blood supply of the carpal canal part and recurrent branch of the median nerve

  26. 村里的人们正为他们的孩子 设立学校供膳项目。

    And they're starting school feeding programs for their children by the people in the village.

  27. 另外还正在编制一个信息管理资源简编,供两个部门使用。

    A compendium of information management resources is also being compiled to serve both Departments.

  28. 例如,粮食供应仍然不足,有报道称供应品正在被私吞。

    For example, food supplies remained inadequate and there were reports that supplies were being misappropriated.

  29. 一些非洲最不发达国家正在编制申请供资的项目提案。

    A number of African LDCs are in the process of preparing project proposals for funding.

  30. 这张图片, 仁波切正精力集中, 专注于烟供得念诵和祈请。

    Here is Rinpoche, chanting and praying with deep concentration and strong focus during the smoke offering.


  1. 问:正供应导轨拼音怎么拼?正供应导轨的读音是什么?正供应导轨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:正供应导轨的读音是zhèng gōng yìng dǎo guǐ,正供应导轨翻译成英文是 positive supply rail