







汉语拼音:shāo fàn







  1. 辽 、 金 、 元 俗,祭祀后,焚烧祭祀用的酒食。

    宋 俞文豹 《吹剑三录》:“ 元祐 间, 辽 使言 契丹 於 庆州 崇奉 仁宗 御容,每夕宫人理衣衾,朔望大上食,食气尽,登臺燎之,曰烧饭。”

  2. 指祭奠。

    宋 文惟简 《虏廷事实·血泣》:“尝见 女真 贵人初亡之时,其亲戚部曲奴婢,设牲牢酒饌以为祭奠,名曰烧饭。”《金史·张暐传》:“ 明昌 三年,太傅 徒单克寧 薨, 章宗 欲亲为烧饭。” 明 叶子奇 《草木子·杂制》:“ 元 朝,人死致祭曰烧饭。”

  3. 烧火煮饭。

    鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·关于中国的两三件事》:“其实,放火,是很可怕的,然而比起烧饭来,却也许更有趣。” 高晓声 《钱包》:“太阳已到烧饭时光,看来只有拖到大家回去吃饭,才能把皮包转移。”



  1. Home, take advantage of her mother in cooking, I quickly small bag out of a book, caught in the clothes.


  2. If I hang out with my friends, we go to Carrefour, buy food and then go back to my place and cook.


  3. She was not beautiful, but she was hardworking, cooked and kept house well, and begged in the streets to relieve her family's poverty.


  4. In it there was a bed, a table, one chair, and a place on the dirt floor to cook with charcoal.


  5. For example, a new stand mixer might be hard to justify, but if it encourages you to cook more at home, it will save you money.


  6. AFTER vaccines and bed nets, could the humble cooking stove be the next big idea to save millions of lives in poor countries?


  7. Hemade a bargain with his wife, "You cook and I'll wash up" .


  8. I am willing to go to father and mother share the housework, I am willing to help his father sweep the floor, helped her mother cook.


  9. When he returned, his wife was cooking.


  1. 鳗鱼石烧饭

    Rice with eel in stone bowl

  2. 你会烧饭吗

    Can you make meal

  3. 用6个热度烧饭

    to cook at regulo 6

  4. 王小姐不会烧饭。

    Miss Wang cannot cook meals.

  5. 她为我们烧饭煮面条。

    She cooks rice and noodles for us.

  6. 这个厨师边看书, 边烧饭。

    The cook is reading a good book and cooking some food.

  7. 现在普遍用煤气烧饭,取暖。

    Gas is now widely used for cooking and heating.

  8. 现在普遍用煤气烧饭和取暖。

    Gas is now widely used for cooking and heating.

  9. 人们用废农作物就可以烧饭

    People can make their own cooking fuel from waste products.

  10. 她是婚前开始学烧饭的。

    She began learning to cook before her marriage.

  11. 接着他闻到了烧饭的气味。

    Then he smelled food cooking.

  12. 那火帮他们烧饭,还帮他们暖手。

    That fire helped them cook their food and warm their hands.

  13. 母亲在烧饭, 而玛丽在整理卧室。

    Mother was cooking and meanwhile Mary was cleaning her bedroom.

  14. 它是婚前开始学烧饭地可以。

    She began learning to cook before her marriage.

  15. 我妈妈有一个烧饭用得煤气炉。

    My mother has a gas stove for cooking.

  16. 我才不想找麻烦给自己烧饭呢。

    I can't be bothered to cook for myself.

  17. 住校生决不应当在宿舍里烧饭。

    On no account should resident students cook in the dormitory.

  18. 如果你烧饭的话,我不反对在家吃饭。

    I don't mind eating in if you do the cooking.

  19. 一阵烧饭的气味从门缝钻了进来。

    A smell of cooking penetrated the crack of the door.

  20. 回家给妈妈烧饭洗衣服去了, 呵呵,

    Cook and wash clothes for my mother

  21. 让烧饭这个苦差事变成了一种享受。

    Let this cook a meal drudgery became a kind to enjoy.

  22. 人们正用他们的唯一燃料 生木材烧饭。

    People were cooking on their only fuel source, green timber.

  23. 我的烧饭手艺向来是家庭笑话的攻击目标。

    My cooking has always been the target of family jokes.

  24. 趁她姐姐烧饭的空隙, 嘉莉打量了公寓。

    In the interval which marked the preparation of the meal, Carrie found time to study the flat.

  25. 妈妈在烧饭, 爸爸在做灯笼, 我在学舞龙灯。

    Mother is cooking, Father is making lantern, and I am learning dancing dragon light.

  26. 女儿则烧饭煮菜, 打扫茅屋和照顾小孩。

    The daughter cooked, the hut, and care of the baby.

  27. 她更喜欢我,我烧饭给大家吃还打扫屋子

    She likes me more. I bake for everyone and i clean.

  28. 这个村子已经改用坑气来替代煤烧饭了。

    Marsh gas has been supplied to the village instead of coal gas.

  29. 这个村子已经改用坑气来替代煤烧饭了。

    Marsh gas has been supplied to the village instead of coal gas.

  30. 我过去用电烧饭, 但现已换成用煤气了。

    I used to cook on electricity, but I've switched to gas.


  1. 问:烧饭拼音怎么拼?烧饭的读音是什么?烧饭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烧饭的读音是shāofàn,烧饭翻译成英文是 to cook food; to do the cooking; to prepare a m...

  2. 问:烧饭女佣拼音怎么拼?烧饭女佣的读音是什么?烧饭女佣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:烧饭女佣的读音是,烧饭女佣翻译成英文是 kitchenmaid


