







汉语拼音:jīn yè






  1. 中医对人体内液体的总称,包括血液、唾液、泪液、汗液等。通常专指唾液。

    《素问·调经论》:“人有精气津液。”《医宗金鉴·正骨心法要旨·作渴》:“如胃虚津液不足,用补中益气汤。” 老舍 《四世同堂》六一:“他不敢多说,他须保存着口中的津液。”

  2. 水滴;液汁。

    汉 焦赣 《易林·坤之旅》:“津液下降,流潦霈霈。” 唐 陆广微 《吴地记》:“初入,洞口狭隘,傴僂而入,约数里,忽遇一石室,可高二丈,常垂津液。” 明 宋应星 《天工开物·弧矢》:“凡造弓初成坯后,安置室中梁阁上,地面勿离火意。促者旬日,多者两月,透乾其津液。” 冯沅君 《隔绝》:“你送我的花我都用从心坎上流出来的津液浸润着。”



  1. Body fluids consist of the water of the body and substances dissolved in it.


  2. Qi is a sort of refined substance with powerful activity.


  3. The occurrence of plaque blood fluid does not stagnate, due to stasis in the upper body.


  4. Pomegranate: The pomegranate-temperature acid Sweet, living body fluid, only the role of polydipsia .


  5. The metabolism of body fluid is essentially the processes of continuous production, distribution and excretion of body fluid.


  6. Nutritive qi and body fluid are thought of as the material basis of blood formation.


  7. So, whether body fluid is adequate or inadequate depends upon the conditions of spleen-qi and stomach-qi.


  8. The relationship between qi and body fluid is rather similar to that between qi and blood.


  9. Body fluid will become and important component of blood when infiltrating into the blood vessels.


  1. 内热消烁津液

    internal heat wasting body fluid.

  2. 阳气蒸化津液

    body fluid steamed by YANG QI

  3. 脾为胃行其津液

    the spleen transporting the nutrients for the stomach

  4. 目失津液润养

    eyes losing nourishment of body fluid.

  5. 消渴津液耗伤

    consumption of body fluid caused by diabetes.

  6. 脾主为胃行其津液

    the spleen transporting the nutritious substance in the stomach

  7. 第四,津液是气的载体。

    Fourth, body fluid is a carrier of qi.

  8. 论五脏与津液免疫的关系

    Discussion on the Relationship Between Five Viscera and Body Fluid Immune

  9. 津液是人体正常体液的总称。

    Body fluid is a general term for all normal liquids in the body.

  10. 脾病不能为胃行其津液

    dysfunction of the spleen in transporting essential substances from the stomach to the whole body

  11. 气和津液的关系与气和血的关系非常相似。

    The relationship between qi and body fluid is rather similar to that between qi and blood.

  12. 脾主运化,气血津液生化之源。

    Spleen transport, gas blood body fluid biochemical source.

  13. 津液是由身体得水, 以及溶质组成得。

    Body fluids consist of the water of the body and dissolved it.

  14. 津液是由身体的水,以及溶质组成的。

    Body fluids consist of the water of the body and dissolved it.

  15. 气和津液的关系和气与血的关系非常近似。

    The relationship between qi and jinye is quite similar to that between qi and blood.

  16. 气和津液得关系和气与血得关系非常近似。

    The relationship between qi and jinye is quite similar to that between qi and blood.

  17. 中医气血津液学说与现代免疫学思想

    Discussing Relationship Between Theory of Qi Blood and Body Fluid in TCM and Modern Immunology

  18. 营气和津液被认为是形成血液的物质基础。

    Nutritive qi and body fluid are thought of as the material basis of blood formation.

  19. 津液的代谢是津液持续产生, 分布和排泄的必要过程。

    The metabolism of body fluid is essentially the processes of continuous production, distribution and excretion of body fluid.

  20. 气的运动是津液运行分布和汗尿液排泄的原动力。

    The movements of qi are the motivity for the transportation, and distribution of body fluid, and the excretion of sweat and urine.

  21. 说明肠胃对于此一部分的津液具有相当重要的转输功能。

    It is proved that intestines and stomach play an important part in transporting the body fluid.

  22. 周期或严重出血会损伤津液导致口渴、尿少和皮肤干燥。

    Recurrent or severe bleeding may do damage to body fluid, resulting in thirst, scanty urine and dry skin.

  23. 在生理上中医认为大肠与脑通过津液和经络密切相联。

    The large intestine has close relationship with the brain through body fluid and meridians and collaterals in TCM.

  24. 津液的形成, 布和排泄依赖气的运动和温煦, 动和固摄功能。

    The formation, distribution and excretion of body fluid depend upon all the movements of qi and its warming, promoting and controlling functions.

  25. 斑的发生是气血津液不凝滞,郁积在上半身所致。

    The occurrence of plaque blood fluid does not stagnate, due to stasis in the upper body.

  26. 由于医生缺乏进行脊椎抽液收集津液的能力, 经常不做诊断。

    Diagnoses are frequently not made because the physicians lack the capacity to carry out a spinal tap to collect fluid.

  27. 肺系虚证的形成与气血津液以及痰瘀均有着密切的联系。

    The lungs system Lung is the formation and deficiency of qi, blood, body fluid and phlegm and blood stasis are closely linked.

  28. 津液代谢即津液生成、布散以及废浊之物排泄的全过程。

    The metabolism of body fluid refers to the whole course of its production, dispersing and excretion of waste and dirty substances.

  29. 秋季燥气当令,易伤津液,故饮食应以滋阴润肺为宜。

    Dangling dry autumn air, easily injured Jinye, the diet should be Ziyin Runfei suitable.


  1. 问:津液拼音怎么拼?津液的读音是什么?津液翻译成英文是什么?

    答:津液的读音是jīnyè,津液翻译成英文是 refer to all kinds of body fluid; saliva


