


1. 过 [guò]2. 过 [guo]3. 过 [guō]过 [guò]从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时:~江。~账。~程。~渡。~从(交往)。经~。经过某种处理方法:~秤。~磅。~目。超出:~于。~度(dù)。~甚。~奖(谦辞)。~量(lià……





汉语拼音:guò zé






  1. 逾越规矩。

    《礼记·哀公问》:“君子言不过辞,动不过则。” 元 虞集 《御史中丞杨公神道碑》:“羣臣侍坐者,或言笑过则,上见公正色,为之改容。”



  1. Determines whether any memory leaks occurred since the start of program execution and, if so, dumps all allocated objects.


  2. If the workbook has not been saved before, you should save the workbook by specifying a path.


  3. Ultimately, the people on this Product as a job, not have the good character of the risk to do things the general staff will not do.


  4. If so, Skeletonize 's delayed triggered ability will trigger.


  5. Nonzero if the document has been modified since it was last saved; otherwise 0.


  6. The default password, if you've never logged in before, is abc1234.


  7. The important thing to remember is, "If you have faults, don't be afraid to change. "


  8. If links should display as though they were visited; otherwise,


  9. True if this version of the application has never run on the client computer before; otherwise,


  1. 过则勿惮改。

    It is never too late to mend.

  2. 凡事宜节制,过则必败事。

    The last straw breaks the camels neck.

  3. 过则勿惮改。亡羊补牢, 为时不晚

    Never too late to mend

  4. 最后一根稻草折断骆驼腰。过则事败。

    The last straw breaks the camel's back.

  5. 男子过着多妻制的生活,而妇女则过着多夫制的生活。

    Men live in polygyny, while women in polyandry.

  6. 杜兰特得这个夏天则过得极为安静也极为低调。

    Durant has had the quietest, most understated summer of all.

  7. 她父亲负担她的吃住, 而她自己则过舒适的日子。

    Her father pays for her board but she keeps herself in comfort.

  8. 杜兰特的这个夏天则过得极为安静也极为低调。

    Durant has had the quietest, most understated summer of all.

  9. 不久淤泥深到腿的一半,而水则过了膝头。

    Soon he had the slime up to his calves and water above his knees.

  10. 人生是上帝给你的礼物,怎麽过它则是你给上帝的回报。

    Your life is god's gift to you, what you do with it is your gift to Him.

  11. 过湿则轻易使君子兰根系呼吸受阻,造成腐烂。

    Lan Gen of too wet easy the fruit of Rangoon creeper fastens breathing suffocate suffocate, cause decay.

  12. 油脂含量过多会油性发质, 相反, 油脂含量过少则会干性发质。

    Toosebum results in greasy hairconversely, too little sebum makes dry hair.

  13. 增长过慢则企业将面临过剩的资源和被收购的危险。

    Slow growth may cause superfluous resource and danger of purchase.

  14. 目标生物本回合内如果没行动过,则马上轮到其行动。

    Target creature which has not yet taken an action this turn acts now instead of when it was supposed to.

  15. 若您提交的条目曾经出版或发布过,则请选择此项。

    If you are entering older items that have already been distributed or published, click in the yes box.

  16. 若曾伤害过,则会触发血脉吸啜鬼的第三个异能。

    If so, Vein Drinker's third ability will trigger.

  17. 参数过多,则降低了解的强度。

    While the parameters are excessive, the intensity of the solutions will be depressed.

  18. 拱状划过天空的则是银河系的中央地带。

    Arching across the sky is the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy.

  19. 假如放射性指标过高,则必须立即更换石材。

    If radioactivity index is exorbitant , must change instantly stone material.

  20. 相反, 如果抽样强度过高, 则估计值也偏高。

    On the contrary, as Sl was too high. the estimated wold be high.

  21. 如果颜色过淡,则可能让你看起来被动,软弱。

    If it's too light, you could seem passive or weak.

  22. 如果油箱内压力过高, 则压力阀开启, 以降低压力。

    If the pressure builds up excessively, the pressure valve opens to relieve the pressure.

  23. 此则余之过也。

    This is my fault.

  24. 如果流体噪音过大,则通常意味着出现气穴现象。

    Excessive fluid noise is usually an indication that cavitation is occurring.

  25. 如果机油压力过低,则应检查机油泵驱动装置。

    The oil pump drive should be examined if the oil pressure is low.

  26. 但如果削减赤字过激过猛则会拖累复苏的步伐。

    But cutting too deep, too fast will stall the recovery.

  27. 如果某个段落过长, 则应分成几个小分段。

    If the paragraph is longer, then separate it into subparagraphs.

  28. 但是,如果血钙含量过高,则会妨碍锌的吸收。

    But, if blood is calcic content is exorbitant, can hamper zincic absorption.

  29. 但如果局部表达浓度过高, 则会形成血管瘤组织。

    If the local expression of VEGF is too high, angioma develops.

  30. 如果社交活动压力过大, 则想办法有策略性地离开。

    Plan a tactful way to leave if a social event gets too stressful.