




1. 信 [xìn]2. 信 [shēn]信 [xìn]诚实,不欺骗:~用。~守。~物。~货。~誓旦旦。不怀疑,认为可靠:~任。~托。~心。~念。崇奉:~仰。~徒。消息:~息。杳无音~。函件:~件。~笺。~鸽。~访。随便,放任:~手(随手)……



汉语拼音:máng xìn







  1. Your belief in a unitary movement of life is just a groundless belief, lacking any certainty.


  2. Logical analysis has always been encouraged in the Buddhist tradition, and Buddhism has always challenged the promotion of blind faith.


  3. Channel estimation methods can be broadly divided as the data symbol auxiliary and blind channel estimation.


  4. Aiming at the two great challenges: bandwidth efficiency and multi-paths fading, we propose a blind channel estimation algorithm.


  5. The well-known constant modulus algorithm (CMA) is a very important approach for blind channel equalization.


  6. Generally, classical BSS methods include Blind source parallel separation and Blind source extract.


  7. Whether we allow the flames of Gojra to burn down the fanatic ideologies remains a pending decision.


  8. All of these make the reality of semiblind channel estimation to be possible.


  9. Strickland had the directness of the fanatic and the ferocity of the apostle.


  1. 盲信源分离

    blind source separation.

  2. 盲信噪比估计

    blind SNR estimation.

  3. 盲信的, 愚蠢的天真地轻信或受骗的

    Naively credulous or foolish.

  4. 我说过我是天主教徒 不是盲信徒。

    I said I was catholic, not a fanatic.

  5. 盲信源分离中信源动态变化的识别

    Blind source separation for identifying the changing source number

  6. 无线数字通信的盲信噪比估计

    Blind SNR estimates in wireless digital communications

  7. 这是一封盲信,我没有办法投递。

    This is a dead letter, so I can not deliver it.

  8. 这是一封盲信,我没有办法投递。

    This is a dead letter, so I can not deliver it.

  9. 峭度自适应学习率的盲信源分离

    Blind Source Separation with Kurtosis Adaptive Learning Rate

  10. 提出了一种新的盲信道辨识算法。

    A novel blind channel identification algorithm isp ro posed.

  11. 提出了一种新得盲信道辨识算法。

    A novel blind channel identification algorithm isp ro posed.

  12. 线性盲信道系统的一种稳定控制策略

    A Stabilized Control Policy for Liner Bind Channel Systems

  13. 一种基于联合信息标准的盲信噪比估计算法

    Signal to Noise Ratio Algorithm Based on CIC

  14. 为了打击狂热盲信, 我们必须培养对人类的忠诚。

    In order to combat fanaticism, we must cultivate fidelity to humankind.

  15. 线性盲信道辨识算法中存在的问题及解决方法

    The problem of linear blind channel identification algorithms and the resolvent

  16. 一种新的基于特征值分析的盲信噪比估计方法

    A New Method Based on Eigenvalue Analysis for Blind SNR Estimation

  17. 一种移动通信中的低复杂度盲信噪比估计算法

    A Low Complexity Blind SNR Estimator in Mobile Communication

  18. 他用手读着这封盲信,不禁露出了喜悦的表情。

    He read the letter in braille, and could not help looking happy.

  19. 他用手读着这封盲信,不禁露出了喜悦的表情。

    He read the letter in braille, and could not help looking happy.

  20. 那个确信就是虔敬心,不是盲信或对不合逻辑的坚持。

    That trust is devotion. It is not blind faith or insistence on the illogical.

  21. 传统的盲信道辨识和均衡都是基于高阶统计算法。

    Traditionally, blind channel identification and equalization are all based on high order statistics.

  22. 我认为这是个误译,很有可能,但是人们宁愿盲信权威。

    I think it was a poor translation, probably, but people relied on authorities like that.

  23. 你对宇宙整体运行的信念不过是无根据的盲信,缺少确定性。

    Your belief in a unitary movement of life is just a groundless belief, lacking any certainty.

  24. 斯特里克兰德有着盲信者得直截了当和使徒得狂热不羁。

    Strickland had the directness of the fanatic and the ferocity of the apostle.


  1. 问:盲信拼音怎么拼?盲信的读音是什么?盲信翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盲信的读音是mángxìn,盲信翻译成英文是 Fanaticism.; A letter written in Braille.

  2. 问:盲信号拼音怎么拼?盲信号的读音是什么?盲信号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盲信号的读音是máng xìn hào,盲信号翻译成英文是 blind signal

  3. 问:盲信地拼音怎么拼?盲信地的读音是什么?盲信地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盲信地的读音是,盲信地翻译成英文是 fanatically

  4. 问:盲信的拼音怎么拼?盲信的的读音是什么?盲信的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盲信的的读音是,盲信的翻译成英文是 fanatical

  5. 问:盲信者拼音怎么拼?盲信者的读音是什么?盲信者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盲信者的读音是,盲信者翻译成英文是 bigot