







汉语拼音:yōu míng









  1. 玄远;微妙。

    《淮南子·说山训》:“视之无形,听之无声,谓之幽冥。幽冥者,所以喻道而非道也。”《后汉书·冯衍传下》:“ 衍 闻明君不恶切慤之言,以测幽冥之论。”《云笈七籤》卷四四:“太上玄一,九星吐精;三五七变,洞观幽冥。”

  2. 幽暗;黑暗。

    汉 王符 《潜夫论·明忠》:“夫术之为道也,精微而神;言之不足,而行有餘;有餘,故能兼四海,而照幽冥。” 徐迟 《牡丹》:“ 魏紫 感到大地在她足下裂开一道缝,她往下掉落到幽冥的深渊中。”

  3. 引申为暗地里,暗中。

    汉 王充 《论衡·书虚》:“世称 柳下惠 之行,言其能以幽冥自修洁也。”

  4. 暗昧;昏庸。

    《汉书·刘歆传》:“至於国家将有大事,若立辟雍、封禪、巡狩之仪,则幽冥而莫知其原。” 颜师古 注:“幽冥,犹暗昧也。”

  5. 幽僻;荒远。


  6. 地府;阴间。

    《文选·曹植<王仲宣诔>》:“嗟乎夫子,永安幽冥;人谁不没,达士徇名。” 吕向 注:“幽冥,地下也。” 唐 白居易 《祭弟文》:“岂幽冥道殊,莫苦拘碍;将情爽迁散,杳无觉知。”《明史·刑法志二》:“而不知彼所戕害者,皆含冤蓄愤於幽冥之中。” 戴望舒 《祭月》诗:“他一定是瘦了,过着飘泊的生涯,在幽冥中,但他的忠诚的目光是永远保留着的。”

  7. 借指死者。




  1. The bane is armed with a Bane Blade. Banes are the generals of the Underworld and are able to lead large numbers of undead.


  2. The sky of the Fan rides a hell tiger to fly toward the Feng Lin to, stop at one on, ask a way: "You today how come over repeatedly? "


  3. After his death, he took Ms. Kou back to the nether world.


  4. Nether fruit is, is in the invisible underworld, also in the hundreds of thousands of years long long long time, down to hell suffering.


  5. Wild waves of the sea , foaming out their own shames ; wandering stars , for whom the gloom of darkness is kept for eternity .


  6. The dark hours and the underworld .


  7. Our first stop was at Peggy's Cove where ghostly white boulders cradle a child's picture-book lighthouse.


  8. Level 1 - Summons a 100 hp ward that works to damage the enemy's spellcasting abilities.


  9. The super-Earth COROT-7b may well be a chthonian planet, orbiting 23 times closer to its star than Mercury is to our sun.


  1. 幽冥飞船的船长?

    The captain of the Flying Dutchman ?

  2. 幽冥的船只徘徊远方

    The ghost ship wanders far

  3. 你埋葬的地方叫幽冥

    You bury the place calls the nether world

  4. 幽冥境界,乃地之阴司。

    The nether world boundary is the place hail.

  5. 永远别想得到幽冥之门!

    You shall never obtain the necronomicon!

  6. 彝族灵魂观念中的幽冥世界

    The ghost world viewed from the Yi peoples perspective on soul

  7. 在那幽冥中我入了梦。

    And dreaming through the wtilight.

  8. 黑暗时刻与幽冥世界的女神。

    The dark hours and the underworld.

  9. 如果幽冥之门落入死灵之手。

    If the Necronomicon fell into the hands of the deadites.

  10. 一个墓地, 幽冥之门就在那儿。

    A cemetery. there, the Necronomicon awaits.

  11. 在那里,他们两个结婚的幽冥世界。

    There the two of them got married in the nether world.

  12. 你拿幽冥之门时, 有没有念咒语?

    When you removed the Necronomicon from the cradle, did you speak the words?

  13. 找到了可能是幽冥剑的踪迹,哼!

    He found the clue to the Hades sword. Humph!

  14. 纸灰化蝶飞幽冥, 祭品花样层不穷。

    This usually fly deep shade, Offerings pattern layer in endlessly.

  15. 万一魔心再起,可能再度污染幽冥剑!

    Yin zhong may contaminate the Hades sword if he turns evil once more!Heck!

  16. 他去世后,他带着寇女士回到了幽冥世界。

    After his death, he took Ms. Kou back to the nether world.

  17. 他想到他的尸体漂浮在那无限凄凉的幽冥里。

    He thinks of the gloomy adventures of the corpse in the limitless shadow.

  18. 你以前有没有见过两个男人在幽冥山顶打啵?

    Have you ever seen two men kiss on the top of Erebus before?

  19. 我把炸药包扔到幽冥鬼塔里面, 无意中敲响了丧钟!

    I threw the explosive pack to the hell ghost inside in the tower and unintentionally knocked to ring death bell!

  20. 裂魂人是个出色的终结者, 它的幽冥一击足以结束对手。

    Barathrum is a great finisher and Nether Strike can pretty much guarantee a kill.

  21. 裂魂人是个出色得终结者,它得幽冥一击足以结束对手。

    Barathrum is a great finisher and Nether Strike can pretty much guarantee a kill.

  22. 我们象是悬浮在上不沾天, 下不着地的一片幽冥之中。

    There we were poised in the gloom between earth and heaven.

  23. 我们象是悬浮在上不沾天, 下不着地得一片幽冥之中。

    There we were poised in the gloom between earth and heaven.

  24. 小七被关在幽冥园内, 宁死不愿承认自己有错。

    Xiao Qi refuses to admit that her love for Dong Yong is a mistake.

  25. 法师使用幽冥界的黑暗合金构造出一位巨大的毒魔像人。

    This mage create a Poison Golem, a metal giant made of dark alloys from the Underworld.

  26. 法师使用幽冥界得黑暗合金构造出一位巨大得毒魔像人。

    This mage create a Poison Golem, a metal giant made of dark alloys from the Underworld.


  1. 问:幽冥拼音怎么拼?幽冥的读音是什么?幽冥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:幽冥的读音是yōumíng,幽冥翻译成英文是 dark; netherworld



幽冥 (U Minh) 是越南的金瓯省直辖的一县。 地理位置:西接南海, 南以南根县, 北以[[]]东以西以南以北以。县面积758.9 km²,人口90,000 (2006年)。县治位于幽冥市镇。该县经济农业,渔业为主,特别是小虾教养场。行政直辖有一个市镇,6个社。