




1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……



汉语拼音:xīn tóu







  1. 心上,心间。

    唐 白居易 《思往喜今》诗:“争似如今作宾客,都无一念到心头。” 宋 朱淑真 《秋夜闻雨》诗之二:“独宿 广寒 多少恨,一时分付我心头。”《红楼梦》第二五回:“天不拘兮地不羈,心头无喜亦无悲。” 萧殷 《桃子又熟了》:“一股怒火,涌上我的心头。我觉得脸上热呼呼的,大概我的耳朵都红了。”

  2. 胸口。

    唐 李复言 《续玄怪录·麒麟客》:“家人曰:‘取药既迴,呼之不应,已七日矣,唯心头尚暖,故未殮也。’”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷十六:“因你分付了,不敢入殮。况且心头温温的,只得坐守。幸喜果然还魂转来。” 陈残云 《山谷风烟》第六章:“ 徐文盛 很害怕……心头跳动得很厉害。”



  1. She had great concern about this concert, so was quite nervous about it. Now she felt relieved as it completed successfully.


  2. It had always bothered him that he had never had an occupation where he could keep his hands clean.


  3. There is a nameless sorrow and grief rushed to my mind, as if a heavy heart, I restrain my tears, do not let it flow out.


  4. Some stream of people is tied up in ordinary , ordinary puzzle like a fast knot in the heart untwisting.


  5. I had been angry at my husband these two days, but now, I started to worry about him.


  6. I shall melt into the music of the flute and throb in your heart all day.


  7. For days this apparition was a drag on her soul before it began to wear partially away.


  8. A feeling such as she had known when about to take the first plunge in bathing came upon her, and she crossed herself.


  9. English Introduction: Be fond of listening to all over. The especially final soliloquy , listens to the heart once tremble.


  1. 偏心头螺钉

    dog screw

  2. 心头一阵酸苦

    feel a twinge at the heart.

  3. 我心头一沉

    my heart sank

  4. 杯式离心头

    cup shaped rotor.

  5. 又上我心头

    Back On My Mind Again.

  6. 心头大石落地

    A load off my mind.

  7. 思绪涌上心头

    And the thought crosses my mind.

  8. 萦绕心头的曲调

    a haunting melody

  9. 萦绕心头的旋律

    A haunting melody.

  10. 突然心头一酸。

    Suddenly something inside me turned.

  11. 萦绕心头的颂歌

    An Ode Lingering in Heart

  12. 萦绕某人的心头

    to play on somebody's mind

  13. 往事历历在心头。

    Past events remain fresh in my memory.

  14. 消除心头的压抑

    relieve the oppression of the heart

  15. 债台高筑, 愁上心头

    Money borrowed is soon sorrowed

  16. 水平式超离心头

    swing rocket rotor

  17. 千言万语涌上心头。

    Thousands of words welled up in one's heart.

  18. 千头万绪涌上心头。

    A thousand confused thoughts come to one's mind.

  19. 按不住心头怒火

    be unable to restrain one's fury

  20. 我心头一阵刺痛。

    A stab went through my heart.

  21. 在我的心头荡漾。

    Always linger in the depth of my heart.

  22. 滴滴香浓, 萦绕心头!

    Drops of fragrance lingers in my mind!

  23. 而让忧愁占据心头?

    For cares to seize the heart?

  24. 滴滴香浓,萦绕心头!

    Drops of fragrance lingers in my mind!

  25. 只是偶尔浮上心头。

    It just crosses my mind now and then.

  26. 我心头洋溢着善意。

    My heart is overflowing with kindness.

  27. 多少往事涌上心头。

    Many past memories crowded in upon my mind.

  28. 他感到心头一阵恐惧。

    The fear slowly spewed out of his body.

  29. 她竭力压制心头怒火。

    She made strenuous efforts to tame her anger.

  30. 怒火涌上他的心头。

    Anger well up within him.


  1. 问:心头拼音怎么拼?心头的读音是什么?心头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心头的读音是xīntóu,心头翻译成英文是 mind; heart; thoughts

  2. 问:心头肉拼音怎么拼?心头肉的读音是什么?心头肉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心头肉的读音是xīntóuròu,心头肉翻译成英文是 one's favorite; most treasured possession



词目心头 拼音xīn tóu 基本解释 [mind; heart] 胸口 详细解释 1. 心上心间 唐 白居易 思往喜今诗争似如今作宾客都无一念到心头 宋 朱淑真 秋夜闻雨诗之二独宿 广寒 多少恨一时分付我心头红楼梦第二五回天不拘兮地不羁心头无喜亦无悲 萧殷 桃子又熟了一股怒火涌上我的心头我觉得脸上热呼呼的大概我的耳朵都红了 2. 胸口 唐 李复言 续玄怪录·麒麟客家人曰取药既回呼之不应已七日矣唯心头尚暖故未殓也二刻拍案惊奇卷十六因你分付了不敢入殓况且心头温温的只得坐守幸喜果然还魂转来 陈残云 山谷风烟第六章 徐文盛 很害怕……心头跳动得很厉害