




给予帮助使脱离危险或解脱困难:~济。~命。~护。~国。~难(nàn )。~灾。~药。~正(补救匡正)。~死扶伤。~困扶危。终止:濯以~热。……



汉语拼音:yíng jiù








  1. 援救。

    《后汉书·郭太传》:“乡里有忧患者, 淑 輒倾身营救,为州閭所称。”《三国志·魏志·夏侯渊传》:“ 太祖 居家,曾有县官事, 渊 代引重罪, 太祖 营救之,得免。” 明 刘元卿 《贤奕编·官政》:“彼见夺职责轻,不復致力营救。” 邹韬奋 《萍踪忆语》二三:“他们因为我未照他们所预期的时间到,立刻开会打算营救,疑我被地主抓去!”



  1. Ms Betancourt's mother was particularly bitter in her criticism of the president during her tireless campaign for her daughter's release.


  2. Mr. Flowers and a team of bankers were trying to arrange a last-minute buyout of Bear Stearns Cos. , the struggling investment bank.


  3. The rescuers had to rappel from the roof down the side of the building to save the two men left hanging by their safety harness es.


  4. A couple of hours earlier, the rescue crew had found a body in the waves, still outfitted in a neoprene survival suit.


  5. He said China had "actively started rescue operations" for the ship, without giving details.


  6. Rescue teams sent probes down to see whether they were alive. The probes passed them by a long way away. The men lost hope.


  7. Moreover, the mission had gone smoothly with no casualties among the team, but Rem was no longer on Garuda.


  8. Eventually, they dug away the final pieces of rubble - and a woman was carefully lifted out and rushed on a stretcher to a nearby doctor.


  9. A rescue plan involving 30 police officers attached to the Wuhan Railway Administration is to be launched in the next few days, they said.


  1. 高山营救守则

    alpine code of rescue

  2. 营救某人脱险

    rescue sb. from danger.

  3. 登山营救队

    a mountain rescue team.

  4. 搜索营救用海图

    search and rescue chart

  5. 前往/ 来营救某人

    to go/ come to somebody's rescue

  6. 中箭鸟躲避营救

    Bird Struck With Arrow Eludes Rescuers

  7. 我们发现营救马丁

    it becomes clear that Martin is.

  8. 营救折翼的飞虎

    Saving Broken Wing Flying Tiger

  9. 营救的希望几乎没有。

    There is little hope of the salvage.

  10. 稻草人先生前来营救啦

    Mr. Scarecrow to the rescue.

  11. 为什么当局不营救我们?

    Why did authorities not rescue us

  12. 帮忙营救斯泰因

    helping rescue Stein.

  13. 他们正在进行营救行动。

    They are performing an attempt of a rescue.

  14. 营救队已经来了。

    The rescue party had arrived.

  15. 营救他也是我们的任务

    not just Stein and your partner.

  16. 营救人员赶往雪崩地点。

    Rescue workers rushed to the site.

  17. 引开守卫,争取营救时间

    Distracting the guards and giving us time to save our team.

  18. 是迪娜卡营救我出狱的。

    It was tineke who got me out.

  19. 抢险队员奋不顾身营救孩子们。

    The emergency worker showed great courage in rescuing the children.

  20. 抢险队员奋不顾身营救孩子们。

    The emergency worker showed great courage in rescuing the children.

  21. 狗来营救它的主人了。

    The dog came to its master's rescue.

  22. 只有四人被营救了出来。

    Only four were rescued alive.

  23. 营救人员正在矿北边钻孔。

    Rescue workers are drilling a hole on the north side of the mine.

  24. 风雨交加的天气妨碍了营救。

    Severe weather conditions hindered the rescue.

  25. 也就没有秘密营救行动了。

    There's no covert rescue option.

  26. 营救努力本身就一场灾难。

    The rescue effort was a disgrace.

  27. 杰克普特要去营救了!

    Jack putter to the rescue!

  28. 杀掉恐怖分子和营救大使。

    Kill terrorists and rescue the Ambassador.

  29. 营救和转移工作仍在继续。

    Rescue and relocation efforts were still going on.

  30. 狼停下脚步, 开始营救狐狸。

    The wolf stopped, and set to work to rescue the fox.


  1. 问:营救拼音怎么拼?营救的读音是什么?营救翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营救的读音是yíngjiù,营救翻译成英文是 rescue

  2. 问:营救组拼音怎么拼?营救组的读音是什么?营救组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营救组的读音是yíng jiù zǔ,营救组翻译成英文是 rescue party

  3. 问:营救车拼音怎么拼?营救车的读音是什么?营救车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营救车的读音是yíng jiù chē,营救车翻译成英文是 wrecking car

  4. 问:营救公司拼音怎么拼?营救公司的读音是什么?营救公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营救公司的读音是yíng jiù gōng sī,营救公司翻译成英文是 wreck company

  5. 问:营救活动拼音怎么拼?营救活动的读音是什么?营救活动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营救活动的读音是yíng jiù huó dòng,营救活动翻译成英文是 rescue operation

  6. 问:营救设备拼音怎么拼?营救设备的读音是什么?营救设备翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营救设备的读音是yíng jiù shè bèi,营救设备翻译成英文是 salvage plant

  7. 问:营救运送法拼音怎么拼?营救运送法的读音是什么?营救运送法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营救运送法的读音是yíng jiù yùn sòng fǎ,营救运送法翻译成英文是 rescue carry

  8. 问:营救盟军战俘与拘留者组织拼音怎么拼?营救盟军战俘与拘留者组织的读音是什么?营救盟军战俘与拘留者组织翻译成英文是什么?

    答:营救盟军战俘与拘留者组织的读音是yíng jiù méng jūn zhàn fú yǔ jū liú zhě zǔ zhī,营救盟军战俘与拘留者组织翻译成英文是 Organization for the Recovery of Allied Prison...


