


1. 抢 [qiǎng]2. 抢 [qiāng]3. 抢 [chēng]抢 [qiǎng]夺,硬拿:~劫。~夺。赶快,赶紧,争先:~先。~占。~购。~攻。刮,擦:磨剪子~菜刀。当面责备或讽刺:~白他一顿。抢 [qiāng]碰,撞:呼天~地。……


给予帮助使脱离危险或解脱困难:~济。~命。~护。~国。~难(nàn )。~灾。~药。~正(补救匡正)。~死扶伤。~困扶危。终止:濯以~热。……



汉语拼音:qiǎng jiù








  1. 在危急情况下突击救护。

    闻一多 《可怕的冷静》:“火烧上了眉毛,就得抢救。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第十二章:“你们留下照看这八十多石粮食,能抢救多少就抢救多少。” 韶华 《灵魂的自白》:“这种病是很痛苦的,延长生命就是延长患者的痛苦。可是,他们还是抢救,抢救,再抢救。”



  1. The police had to break in to save the child before the fire got out of control .


  2. Such a thing should be sold soon, and I call it saving purchase. It's appropriate if it's not over. Congratulations!


  3. Therefore, the initial evaluation and treatment of the pregnant injured patient is identical to that of the non pregnant injured patient.


  4. He finds a crystal jewel box in the shape of a coffin, which haunts him with reminders of the mission he tried to salvage in East Timor.


  5. After it was revealed that he'd also stolen from his employers, there was little he could do to salvage his battered reputation.


  6. "Your son just went into cardiac arrest, and they are trying to shock him back. " It was a miracle that they brought me back.


  7. Her husband carried him to the nearby clinic, where the doctors treated him for over an hour but couldn't save him. He left this world.


  8. And it may happen in the next decade that cars may come on the market whereby some of your energy, at least, can be salvaged.


  9. He made a dive from the bridge to save the child who had fallen into the river.


  1. 抢救无效。

    All rescue measures proved ineffectual.

  2. 装甲抢救车


  3. 不用抢救生命

    No lives to save.

  4. 抢救国家财产

    save state property

  5. 抢救遇难矿工

    rescue trapped miners

  6. 好的,继续抢救

    Okay. Keep working.

  7. 即使我们抢救她

    Even if we try to resuscitate her.

  8. 危重患者抢救小组

    Rescue group for the critically ill

  9. 抢救行动继续进行。

    The salvage operation went on.

  10. 抢救时也从容不迫

    She can run a code without freaking out.

  11. 他们仍在抢救中。

    They're still in surgery.

  12. 医生竭尽全力抢救她。

    The doctor did everything in his power to save her.

  13. 对失事油轮的抢救

    the salvage of the wrecked tanker

  14. 他们对他抢救无效。

    Their efforts to revive him were futile.

  15. 你们已经抢救了多久了

    How long you been going?

  16. 从大火中抢救财产

    to salvage the goods from the fire

  17. 经过抢救, 孩子脱险了。

    The child was out of danger after the emergency treatment.

  18. 你在签不抢救协议

    You're signing a do not resuscitate order?

  19. 我会停下来参与抢救

    I would have stopped to help.

  20. 一个急需抢救的病人

    A patient in instant need of first aid

  21. 抢救货, 剩余物资或换代货

    salvage goods

  22. 火灾中抢救出来的财物

    the salvage from a fire

  23. 经过抢救, 病人终于脱险。

    The patient was finally out of danger after the emergency treatment.

  24. 好的,五号抢救室

    Uh, bay five.

  25. 抢救人员正在挖碎砖瓦。

    Rescuers were picking over the rubble.

  26. 好,我要进抢救室

    Okay. I'm in the room.

  27. 沉船向抢救队求助。

    The sinking ship appealed to the rescue team for help.

  28. 不抢救协议,撕了它吧

    The D. N. R. tear it up.

  29. 所有抢救措施都证明无效。

    All rescue measures proved ineffectual.

  30. 医护人员千方百计抢救病人。

    The hospital staff did everything in their power to save the patient.


  1. 问:抢救拼音怎么拼?抢救的读音是什么?抢救翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢救的读音是qiǎngjiù,抢救翻译成英文是 rescue; salvage; santch

  2. 问:抢救组拼音怎么拼?抢救组的读音是什么?抢救组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢救组的读音是qiǎng jiù zǔ,抢救组翻译成英文是 Salvage Group

  3. 问:抢救车拼音怎么拼?抢救车的读音是什么?抢救车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢救车的读音是qiǎng jiù chē,抢救车翻译成英文是 emergency service vehicle

  4. 问:抢救队拼音怎么拼?抢救队的读音是什么?抢救队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢救队的读音是qiǎng jiù duì,抢救队翻译成英文是 emergency team

  5. 问:抢救人员拼音怎么拼?抢救人员的读音是什么?抢救人员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢救人员的读音是qiǎng jiù rén yuán,抢救人员翻译成英文是 Rescue Personnel

  6. 问:抢救伤亡拼音怎么拼?抢救伤亡的读音是什么?抢救伤亡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢救伤亡的读音是qiǎng jiù shāng wáng,抢救伤亡翻译成英文是 Salvage Loss

  7. 问:抢救器材拼音怎么拼?抢救器材的读音是什么?抢救器材翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢救器材的读音是qiǎng jiù qì cái,抢救器材翻译成英文是 Recovery Facilities

  8. 问:抢救工具拼音怎么拼?抢救工具的读音是什么?抢救工具翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢救工具的读音是qiǎng jiù gōng jù,抢救工具翻译成英文是 salvage tool

  9. 问:抢救引信拼音怎么拼?抢救引信的读音是什么?抢救引信翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢救引信的读音是qiǎng jiù yǐn xìn,抢救引信翻译成英文是 Salvage Fuze

  10. 问:抢救担架拼音怎么拼?抢救担架的读音是什么?抢救担架翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢救担架的读音是qiǎng jiù dān jià,抢救担架翻译成英文是 rescue stretcher

  11. 问:抢救盖布拼音怎么拼?抢救盖布的读音是什么?抢救盖布翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢救盖布的读音是qiǎng jiù gài bù,抢救盖布翻译成英文是 salvage sheet

  12. 问:抢救背负拼音怎么拼?抢救背负的读音是什么?抢救背负翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢救背负的读音是qiǎng jiù bēi fù,抢救背负翻译成英文是 fireman’s lift

  13. 问:抢救险球拼音怎么拼?抢救险球的读音是什么?抢救险球翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢救险球的读音是qiǎng jiù xiǎn qiú,抢救险球翻译成英文是 get

  14. 问:抢救牵引车拼音怎么拼?抢救牵引车的读音是什么?抢救牵引车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢救牵引车的读音是qiǎng jiù qiān yǐn chē,抢救牵引车翻译成英文是 recovery tractor

  15. 问:抢救雷恩大兵拼音怎么拼?抢救雷恩大兵的读音是什么?抢救雷恩大兵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢救雷恩大兵的读音是,抢救雷恩大兵翻译成英文是 Saving Private Ryan

  16. 问:抢救盖布存放架拼音怎么拼?抢救盖布存放架的读音是什么?抢救盖布存放架翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢救盖布存放架的读音是qiǎng jiù gài bù cún fàng jià,抢救盖布存放架翻译成英文是 cover rack




拼音:qiǎng jìu 词义:对于危重的伤员、病人,采取迅速及时的医疗手段,以挽救生命。抢救病人的一个重要原则就是争取时间。抢救器械有多种,如心脏电起搏器、呼吸机、除颤仪、心电监护仪等。 见急救、急救技术、心肺复苏。 基本解释 [rescue;save;salvage] 在危急情况下突击救护 抢救病人 详细解释 在危急情况下突击救护。 闻一多 《可怕的冷静》:“火烧上了眉毛,就得抢救。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第十二章:“你们留下照看这八十多石粮食,能抢救多少就抢救多少。” 韶华 《灵魂的自白》:“这种病是很痛苦的,延长生命就是延长患者的痛苦。可是,他们还是抢救,抢救,再抢救。”