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给予帮助使脱离危险或解脱困难:~济。~命。~护。~国。~难(nàn )。~灾。~药。~正(补救匡正)。~死扶伤。~困扶危。终止:濯以~热。……
汉语拼音:jí jiù
宋 洪迈 《夷坚乙志·刘子文》:“ 子文 遽前执其手,攫拏不置,左右急救之,犹败面流血。”《水浒传》第八十回:“ 花荣 搭上箭,拽满弓,望着那个开詔使臣道:‘看 花荣 神箭!’一箭射中面门,众人急救。” 清 阮葵生 《茶馀客话》卷二:“江潮大上,一小舟为风漂没, 徐翁 急救之,得无恙。”
洪深 《青龙潭》第二幕:“ 费有三 :你还是躺着养息一回,等 林先生 来,他懂得急救的法子。”
Finally, I got so worried the child was dehydrated that I told her to go to the emergency room.
最终,由于担心小孩脱水,我让这位母亲带他去急救室。I jumped into the water immediately, took her to the bank and performed first aid on him.
我马上跳进水里,把他带到河边,并对他进行急救。So I found the finger at the bottom of the pool, brought it up, put it on ice, and gave it to the EMTs.
我在游泳池底部找到了手指,从水里拾起它放在冰上交给了急救专家。City fire chief Jim Clack said that emergency work was no longer a rescue operation and had become a recovery operation.
市消防队长吉姆说急救工作已经不再是营救运转了而变成了恢复操作。They can be also a lot of mankinds to do the matter that does not arrive , as if first aid, explore the matter with a kind of space.
它们也能做许多人类所做不到的事,就象急救,探索太空一类的事情。But when they wheeled me to the emergency room and I saw expressions on the faces of the doctors and nurses, I got really scared.
但他们把我推进急救室时,我看见医生和护士脸上写满了忧虑,我真的很害怕。you know this to be the meeting room for the vault . where the emergency supply cabinet would be is buried under tons of rock.
你知道这应该是避难所的会议室。急救物品储备箱就应该埋在那一大堆石头下面。DO NOT use your telephone, EXCEPT for a medical or fire emergency. You could tie up the lines needed for emergency response.
不要使用电话,除非是呼叫医疗急救和火警。你可能会占用急救的通信线路。The other hunter soon took out his mobile phone to call the emergency center for help.