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给予帮助使脱离危险或解脱困难:~济。~命。~护。~国。~难(nàn )。~灾。~药。~正(补救匡正)。~死扶伤。~困扶危。终止:濯以~热。……
汉语拼音:zhěng jiù
汉 荀悦 《汉纪·平帝纪》:“ 建初 元寿 之间,大统几絶,陛下圣德拯救,国命復延。”《陈书·宗元饶传》:“以秩米三千餘斛助民租课,存问高年,拯救乏絶,百姓甚赖焉。” 宋 苏轼 《奏户部拘收度牒状》:“右臣近者,伏见二圣遇灾而惧,忧劳四方,所以拯救饥民者,可谓至矣。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第三五回:“已蒙拯救了小婢,又承如此委曲成全,真是令人感入骨髓。” 闻一多 《记忆》诗:“请弃绝我吧,拯救我吧!”
But Jesus announced that this woman's actions gave evidence that she had another asset: God's gift of saving faith in his Son.
然而,耶稣宣称这女人的举动证明她还拥有另一项资产:对神赐下爱子拯救人类的信心。My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery.
在这场斗争中我的最高目标是挽救联邦,而不是拯救或摧毁奴隶制度。Similarly, a dying man might save himself if he finds someone to share a sugared egg with him on the threshold of a house.
类似的,一个快死亡的人如果能找到一个人与他站在房子的门槛两边分食一个糖水鸡蛋,他就可以拯救他自己。My failures do not lessen my worth in God's sight. I matter so much to God that it warranted an all-out search to rescue me.
我的失败不会减低我在神眼中的价值,我对神来说是如此重要,以致祂必须彻底寻找我,拯救我。Na Bata: your son into a crystal, we will save the cocoon of his tragic hero as a monument made of black: You would say that the monument!
娜巴塔:你儿子变成的水晶,我们会把他当成拯救茧的悲情英雄做成一块纪念碑黑人:你竟然说纪念碑!!Now, more often than not, policymakers seem to be getting it wrong. Their mistakes vary, but two sorts stand out.
决策者在拯救欧元时还常常犯各种各样的错误,但其中两种非常突出。"By being able to relay the information at an appropriate time, that -- in and of itself -- is life-saving, " he added.
“在适当的时候能够传递消息,那本身就是拯救生命”他又说。She would cast all caution to winds, rush into his room, kneel at his feet, tell him her whole bitter story, beg him to save her.
她想不顾一切地跑进房里,跪在他的面前,向他哭诉她的痛苦,并且哀求他把她从不幸的遭遇中拯救出来。Such exceptions are extremely rare, and are certainly not done in response to a Call from one trying to save themselves or their lifestyle.