







汉语拼音:wǎn huí









  1. 扭转。谓使已成的不利局面好转或恢复原状。

    宋 苏轼 《浣溪沙·即事》词:“黄菊篱边无悵望,白云乡里有温柔,挽回霜鬢莫教休。” 清 秋瑾 《黄海舟中日人索句并见日俄战争地图》诗:“拚将十万头颅血,须把乾坤力挽回。” 丁玲 《梦珂》二:“每个人听了都感到无挽回的叹息。”

  2. 扭转已成的不利局面。

    清 薛福成 《叶向高论》:“风声习气,日趋日下,莫可輓回。”



  1. Don't wait for anybody else pain, to ask for apologize. . . neither separation to make it up.

  2. You mean, do I believe if I look up in the sky, and promise this or that, the biggie will make all this go away?

  3. I have no dint to do any further what, have no dint to save any further what, I be still formerly of I, you be still formerly of you?

  4. President Roosevelt said he would end the depression and put people back to work.

  5. Whatever how you to express the angers, but don't make the matter which is unable to recall.

  6. As for "Terminator" , it was somewhat expected since the season finale in April, which did not help in the overall rating.

  7. The original painting could still recover some value, he says. 'I hate to tell you, but we are kind of waiting for him to pass on. '

  8. Melody seems to act as a path or a cue to evoke the precise information we are trying to retrieve.

  9. The position of the heavenly bodies indicates that you may not be able to undo the damage that has occurred within a special relationship.


  1. 丢/ 挽回面子

    to lose/ save face

  2. 木已成舟,无法挽回。

    What is done cannot be undone. It is irrevocable.

  3. 坏事已经无法挽回。

    The evil deed was past recall.

  4. 没法挽回了吗?

    Can't we work this out?

  5. 官员们试图挽回局面。

    Officials tried to salvage the situation.

  6. 算了,没法挽回了。

    Well, we have have it.

  7. 要挽回自己的婚姻。

    To save her marriage.

  8. 时机失了无法挽回。

    An occasion lost cannot be redeemed.

  9. 亨利尽力挽回局势。

    Henry do his best to retrieve the situation.

  10. 哎, 已经无法挽回了。

    Well, what has been done can't be undone.

  11. 哎,已经无法挽回了。

    Well ,what has been done can't be undone .

  12. 无法挽回的失去物品

    Lost possessions beyond retrieval.

  13. 当时局面已无法挽回。

    The situation was beyond retrieve.

  14. 从某事中挽回某物

    to salvage something (from something)

  15. 我们只是想挽回过去。

    We just want things to be back the way they were.

  16. 唉,已经不能挽回了。

    Well, the die is cast.

  17. 我不知道该怎么挽回

    And I don't know how to get back in.

  18. 他挽回了自己的损失。

    He recouped himself for his losses.

  19. 到了无法挽回的地步。

    Come to cannot go back land footstep.

  20. 是否真的无法挽回呢。

    Is it really impossible to restore it.

  21. 二, 不要急于挽回损失。

    Two, not to rush to recoup their losses.

  22. 大势已去, 非人力可以挽回。

    His day had gone, and no human power could save it.

  23. 不这样就不能挽回局面。

    Nothing short of this could mend the case.

  24. 他们的婚姻已不可挽回。

    Their marriage was not salvageable.

  25. 他们的婚姻已不可挽回。

    Their marriage was not salvageable.

  26. 到那时,局势已无法挽回。

    By then the situation was beyond retrieval.

  27. 你不顾一切的挽回你的名誉。

    You went too far to recover your reputation.

  28. 已成定局,无可挽回。

    The die is cast.

  29. 我是无法将其挽回的。

    I'm not gonna be able to take back.

  30. 事已定局,无可挽回。

    What's done cannot be undone.


  1. 问:挽回拼音怎么拼?挽回的读音是什么?挽回翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挽回的读音是wǎnhuí,挽回翻译成英文是 redeem

  2. 问:挽回局面拼音怎么拼?挽回局面的读音是什么?挽回局面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挽回局面的读音是wǎnhuíjúmiàn,挽回局面翻译成英文是 redeem the situation

  3. 问:挽回面子拼音怎么拼?挽回面子的读音是什么?挽回面子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挽回面子的读音是wǎnhuí miànzi,挽回面子翻译成英文是 save face

  4. 问:挽回祭拼音怎么拼?挽回祭的读音是什么?挽回祭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挽回祭的读音是wǎnhuíjì,挽回祭翻译成英文是 Propitiation

  5. 问:挽回系统拼音怎么拼?挽回系统的读音是什么?挽回系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挽回系统的读音是wǎn huí xì tǒng,挽回系统翻译成英文是 retrieval system

  6. 问:挽回载体拼音怎么拼?挽回载体的读音是什么?挽回载体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:挽回载体的读音是wǎn huí zǎi tǐ,挽回载体翻译成英文是 retriever vector



wǎnhuí注释:①扭转已成的不利局面:~面子/~影响/~败局②收回(利权等):话已说出,无法~扭转。谓使已成的不利局面好转或恢复原状。 宋苏轼《浣溪沙·即事》词:“黄菊篱边无怅望,白云乡里有温柔,挽回霜鬓莫教休。” 清秋瑾《黄海舟中日人索句并见日俄战争地图》诗:“拚将十万头颅血,须把乾坤力挽回。”丁玲《梦珂》二:“每个人听了都感到无挽回的叹息。”||扭转已成的不利局面。 清薛福成《叶向高论》:“风声习气,日趋日下,莫可挽回。”