


1. 各 [gè]2. 各 [gě]各 [gè]每个,彼此不同:~别。~得其所。~尽所能。~有千秋。~自为政。各 [gě]〔自~儿(gěr)〕自己,亦作“自个儿”。方言,特别:这个人真~。……


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……


不争,尽(jǐn)着旁人:~步。~位。谦~。请:~茶。许,使:不~他来。任凭:~他闹去。被:~雨淋了。索取一定代价,把东西给人:出~。转(zhuǎn )~。闪避:~开。当仁不~。责备,谴责:“二世使人~章邯”。古同“攘”,侵夺。……



汉语拼音:gè bù xiāng ràng








  • 【解释】:让:歉让。互不谦让、让步。
  • 【出自】:冯玉祥《我的生活》第二十三章:“于是两方明争暗斗,各不相让,一天利(历)害一天。”


  1. Hundred years of cultural discussion tangled, do not give way, one of the reasons is that there is no attention to this distinction.


  2. We discuss the problem, a difficult problem for the red to win, do not give all.


  3. There was intense competition between the rival companies to get the contract.


  4. The members of the board of directors crossed swords in the selection of a new president.


  5. Games technology, and which company bodes the best, is a key battle ground for both Sony and Microsoft.


  6. The competition for the project was so fierce that these normally gentleman-like firms were taking the gloves off.


  7. For now, a chess match of sorts is playing out between banks and private investors.


  1. 各不相让。

    Neither is willing to give ground.

  2. 现在的局势是三足鼎立, 各不相让。

    The current situation is tripartite confrontation. No party wants to give in to another party.

  3. 现在的局势是三足鼎立、各不相让。

    The current situation is tripartite confrontation. No party wants to give in to another party.

  4. 他似乎常常为双方各不相让而生气沮丧。

    He often appeared angry and frustrated by the intransigence of both sides.

  5. 贸易竞争十分激烈, 竞争的公司你争我夺, 各不相让。

    There was so much competition for the trade that rival firms were fighting with the gloves off.

  6. 董事会成员在选举新董事长中唇枪舌剑, 各不相让。

    The members of the board of directors crossed swords in the selection of a new president.

  7. 此外,彼此之间便各不相干了。

    Outside of these they did not exist for one another.

  8. 因为有好些人作假见证告他,只是他们的见证,各不相和。

    For many bare false witness against him, but their witness agreed not together.

  9. 卡洛斯和加布互不相让

    Carlos and Gaby got competitive.

  10. 卡洛斯和加布互不相让。

    Carlos and Gaby got competitive.

  11. 马拉松运动员互相追逐,互不相让。

    Marathon runners pursue each other and do not let others overtake them.

  12. 那两队一交锋真是棋逢对手,互不相让。

    It was diamond cut diamond when the two teams met.

  13. 一直到终点两匹马都并驾齐驱, 互不相让。

    The two horses were neck and neck all the way down to the wire.

  14. 让我们各让一半, 我再付你十块钱, 行不行?

    Let's split the difference and I'll pay you ten dollars more, OK?

  15. 在公司中左班挤轧右班, 两者互不相让。

    A storm has come and surging waves are beating against the rudder end of the boat.

  16. 两只极贪婪的狗争一根骨头, 互不相让。

    Two extremely ambitious dogs are eyeball to eyeball over the same bone.

  17. 在公司中左班挤轧右班,两者互不相让。

    The two parties are struggling against each other in the company, no one is willing to give way.

  18. 我从不让正规的学校教育与我的自我培养相抵触。

    I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.

  19. 让人更迷惑的是科学研究的结果都各不相同。

    Muddying the waters further are scientific studies that have reached very different conclusions.

  20. 谈判双方你来我往,都因为各自公司的利益而互不相让。

    Both parties bargain with each other, unwilling to make concessions to the profits of their own companies.

  21. 他们虽然是亲兄弟,可有好东西的时候却互不相让。

    Though they are blood brothers, neither of they is willing to make concessions to the other on something good.

  22. 他们虽然是亲兄弟,可有好东西的时候却互不相让。

    Though they are blood brothers, neither of they is willing to make concessions to the other on something good.

  23. 第三,各项生活服务配套设施与人口再分布态势不相适应。

    Thirdly, service facilities were unfit for the redistribution of the population.

  24. 今年遭遇大范围水灾,各部门领导努力保证物资供应,不让资源减损,让群众正常生活。

    Many areas have been swept by floods this year; in order to make sure that people in these areas lead a normal life, cadres from all sectors have taken measures to ensure the supply of materials.

  25. 不要让相类似的情况再次发生。

    The circs must not be happen again!

  26. 为什么不直接让各州这样做?

    Why not ask all of the states to do that instead?

  27. 对不起,我们双方各让一点好 不好

    Sorry. Can we meet each other half way

  28. 你们二虎相争,两败俱伤,不是让别人坐收渔人之利吗?

    You two fight until both are weakened; isn't this letting a third party reap the profit?

  29. 还有一件事,不要让电线相碰。

    One more thing, do not let the wires touch.

  30. 让咱们假设唯一咱们不相同意的状况。

    Lets imagine a hypothetical case wITe we disagree.