







汉语拼音:pò zhan








  1. 衣被靴帽等的裂缝。

    元 方回 《登屋东山作》诗:“坏屋如敝衣,随意补破绽。” 明 康海 《得胜令·自寿》套曲:“纶巾,无破绽堪笼髩;磁盆,有馨香好入脣。” 明 徐渭 《风鸢图》诗之十四:“若箇红靴不破绽,若人红袄不鏖糟。” 柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第六章:“ 兰英 纫好线,来给 银凤 缀裤子的破绽。”

  2. 亦作“ 破赚 ”。漏洞;毛病。

    《朱子语类》卷一三九:“ 韩 ( 韩愈 )不用科段,直便説起去至终篇,自然纯粹成体,无破绽。” 元 马致远 《汉宫秋》第一折:“便宣的八百姻娇比并他,也未必强如俺娘娘带破赚丹青画。”《水浒传》第十七回:“当时 杨志 和那和尚鬭到四五十合,不分胜败。那和尚卖个破绽,托地跳出圈子外来。”《红楼梦》第二一回:“我就怕有原故,留神搜了一搜,竟一点破绽儿都没有。” 鲁迅 《三闲集·怎么写》:“做作的写信和日记,恐怕也还不免有破绽,而一有破绽,便破灭到不可收拾了。”

  3. 开裂;绽开。

    元 成廷珪 《戚戚行》:“戚戚復戚戚,白头残兵向人泣。短衣破绽露两肘,自説行年今七十。” 郭沫若 《瓶》诗之十六:“那姑娘站在墓前,把提琴弹了几声,刚好弹了几声,梅花儿都已破绽。”

  4. 指坏事、丑事或某些越轨行为。

    清 李渔 《风筝误·婚闹》:“这话説得奇怪,难道我女儿有了破绽不成?”



  1. A precious sign which, however, led him astray, since it caused him to turn all his researches in the direction of the Cul-de-Sac Genrot.


  2. Flaws in the event of such a dominance relationship is bound to cause social unrest.


  3. A few common dice. To play a few, the accuracy rate was one hundred percent, and the dice roll back nature, without flaw.


  4. I was looking for a chance behind him, but because of he did not make any mistake, I did not even get close enough.


  5. show up For many, however, the rationale that underpinned real estate investment is showing surprising flaws.


  6. If you're a good observer, you can see a trace of one of those emotions leak through.


  7. Maybe, it is only when we failed to cover up the roles we try to play, can we see our true face.


  8. Shocked by this defection, he was thrown alternately into the deepest gloom and into paroxysms of wrath.


  9. open to the objection common to all forms of attack with the raised arm , in that they leave the attacker wide open.


  1. 破绽处女膜

    hymen defloratus.

  2. 使露出破绽

    trip sb. up.

  3. 好借口也有破绽。

    The fair cloak has its wrong side.

  4. 在论据中寻找破绽

    Pick holes in picked holes in the argument

  5. 他看出了她的破绽。

    He spotted her weak point.

  6. 你不会露出破绽吧?

    Don't let her see through you.

  7. 提单上的破绽你能识别吗

    Can You Detect Flaws of a Trade Document

  8. 他们找出了这个比赛的破绽。

    They picked a hole in this game.

  9. 但是你们要从中找出破绽。

    But you can see how it could work.

  10. 他就等着我露出破绽。

    He is just waiting till I crack.

  11. 他就等着我露出破绽。

    He is just waiting till I crack.

  12. 那盗贼挥霍金银,露出了破绽。

    The robber gave himself away by spending so much money.

  13. 破绽深夜, 一个小偷第一次入室行窃。

    Flaws night, a thief of the first burglary.

  14. 由于起诉案情有破绽, 他被判无罪。

    He was found not guilty because of holes in the prosecution case.

  15. 人们假装微笑常常能不露任何破绽。

    People are so often able to fake a smile to perfection.

  16. 他们只要一发现敌人的破绽就猛打。

    When they see an opening they strike.

  17. 她经常能挑出任何正式制度的破绽。

    She can always pick a hole in any formal system.

  18. 她经常能挑出任何正式制度的破绽。

    She can always pick a hole in any formal system.

  19. 仔细检查手包,寻找可能表明伪造的破绽。

    Examine the bag carefully for this sign of a possible counterfeit.

  20. 一旦他失去了理智就会出现破绽。

    If he's pissed off, he'll make a mistake.

  21. 在他的论点中, 我找不到任何破绽。

    I can't find a flaw in his argument.

  22. 她温文尔雅的外表第一次露出破绽。

    For the first time her veneer of politeness began to crack.

  23. 从泰纳恩身上找不出什么破绽。

    There had been no crack in Tynan's armour armor.

  24. 狄克依旧在他的前边招架着,窥觑着破绽。

    Still Dick fled before him, spying for his chance.

  25. 破绽,失效可能导致其无效的法律文件的漏洞

    A defect in a legal document that can render it invalid.

  26. 钉子穿透她得上衣, 留下一块难看得破绽。

    The nail perforated her coat and left an ugly rip.

  27. 人只要一撒谎, 通常就会露出破绽。

    Whenever someone lies, they normally have a tell.

  28. 钉子穿透她的上衣,留下一块难看的破绽。

    The nail perforated her coat and left an ugly rip.

  29. 一位好演员能够不露破绽地假装瘸一条腿。

    A good actor can fake a lame leg.

  30. 这种支配关系一旦发生破绽, 势必引起社会的动乱。

    Flaws in the event of such a dominance relationship is bound to cause social unrest.


  1. 问:破绽拼音怎么拼?破绽的读音是什么?破绽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:破绽的读音是pòzhàn,破绽翻译成英文是 burst seam; something in one's speech or action t...

  2. 问:破绽百出拼音怎么拼?破绽百出的读音是什么?破绽百出翻译成英文是什么?

    答:破绽百出的读音是pòzhànbǎichū,破绽百出翻译成英文是 imprecision in words or action; many faults...



“破绽”是个多义词,它可以指破绽(2007年出品美国电影), 破绽(汉语词语)。