




1. 脚 [jiǎo]脚 [jiǎo]人和某些动物身体最下部接触地面的部分:~心。~掌。~背。~跟。~步。~印。~法(指踢球、踢毽等的技巧)。~镣。~踏实地(形容做事实事求是,不浮夸)。最下部:~注。山~。墙~。剩下的废料,渣滓:下~料。〔……



汉语拼音:mǎ jiǎo







  1. 亦作“ 马脚 ”。马的脚。

    《后汉书·班超传》:“ 超 还至 于窴 ,王侯以下皆号泣曰:‘依 汉 使如父母,诚不可去。’互抱 超 马脚,不得行。” 唐 王建 《田侍郎归镇》诗之三:“踏著家乡马脚轻,暮山秋色眼前明。”

  2. 比喻破绽。

    元 无名氏 《陈州粜米》第三折:“兄弟,这老儿不好惹,动不动先斩后闻,这一来,则怕我们露出马脚来了。”《西游记》第三十回:“这廝不济,走了马脚。” 冯德英 《苦菜花》第十六章:“天哪,被她看出马脚,那命就休了。”

  3. 用马运输的费用,脚价。

    清 林则徐 《查勘矿厂情形试行开采折》:“有所谓火耗、马脚、硐主、硐分、水分,以及西岳庙功德、合厂公费等名目,皆头人所逐渐增添者,虽不能尽裁,亦必须大减。”

  4. 赶马人。

    清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·缅甸归诚本末》:“ 尚贤 本无籍马脚,於 茂隆山 开厂,督臣 张允随 僉委充当课长,积私财捐通判职衔。”

  5. 迷信谓神所附的人。

    清 李调元 《南越笔记·南越人好巫》:“ 安崖 有二司神者,一日降魂,童言曰:‘欲与 萧公 鬭法。’於是二司神各发马脚。马脚者,神所附之人也。”

  6. 清 代官服的袖口为马蹄形,因借指 清 军。

    《太平天囯歌谣·四望亭探马脚》:“四望亭,三层阁,站在亭上探马脚。马脚到,吹角号,打得 清 兵往回跑。”

  7. 见“ 马脚 ”。



  1. He made several efforts to creep out of his scrape, but the old man's eye was upon him and he made blunder after blunder.


  2. She could not tarry long, for she felt unable to support the character she had assumed for any length of time.


  3. This desire to be a god shows up every time we try to control our circumstances, our future, and people around us.


  4. Although they make a brave attempt to laugh and joke their way through the experience, the misery on their faces gives the game away.


  5. To remain undercover, he had to pretend to be Peluso's loyal servant, which meant sacrificing his own dignity and reputation.


  6. But the biggest giveaway that this isn't a serious research study is the adjectives chosen to describe the two groups of people.


  7. He told me he was a hunter, but was caught tripping when he spoke of the hounds as "dogs" .


  8. Ziro wasn't a bad actor, all things considered. But even if he'd rehearsed it, his choice of words was revealing.


  9. The thinking clues occur because it's harder to lie than tell the truth, she said.


  1. 马脚露出来

    he gave himself away

  2. 他的话露出马脚

    His words bewray him.

  3. 他无意中露出了马脚。

    He betrayed himself without meaning to.

  4. 走私者在海关露了马脚。

    The smugglers gave themselves away at customs.

  5. 走私者在海关露了马脚。

    The smugglers gave themselves away at customs.

  6. 北马脚车商业联合会


  7. 她很快就会露出马脚。

    That she will reveal herself before long.

  8. 这些把戏多少已经露出了马脚

    And these were somewhat noticed.

  9. 他终于露出马脚,我们找到他了。

    He gets pulled in for something, anything, we got him.

  10. 暗物质在此刻便露出了马脚。

    They were thus able to study the distribution of dark matter.

  11. 这个小偷因大量花钱而露了马脚。

    The thief gave himself away by spending so much money.

  12. 你的笑露了马脚,把事情弄糟了。

    Your smile gave you away and jammed up the works.

  13. 羚羊明白,猎人恼羞成怒,再次露出了马脚。

    The antelope realized that, by getting so angry, the hunter had given himself away a second time.

  14. 我早就认为他迟早会露出马脚来的。

    I thought he would show the cloven hoof sooner or later.

  15. 吉姆进屋时, 琳达笑了起来, 不慎露了马脚。

    Linda gave the game away by laughing when Jim walked in.

  16. 时间长了,这件事情终久会露出马脚来。

    As time went on, this matter would eventually be exposed.

  17. 所以你要保持冷静, 否则就会露出马脚了。

    So keep your cool or the cat's out of the bag.

  18. 我们利用敲山震虎的办法使歹徒们露出了马脚。

    We made the gang give their position away by attacking in an indirect way.

  19. 一个人中了马票是很容易露出马脚的。

    It's easy to tell if one has struck lottery.

  20. 他伪装得很好, 但一说话就露出了马脚。

    He had a good disguise, but as soon as he spoke he betrayed himself.

  21. 你把那事完全弄糟了!你的笑露了马脚, 把事情弄糟了。

    Your smile gave you away and jammed up the works.

  22. 那一定是不走运气或者因为有人露了马脚。

    It'll be through a lucky break or because somebody got careless.

  23. 给你的马脚拍张x光片,查看一下脚骨的位置。

    Take x-rays of your horse's feet to look at the position of the pedal bone.

  24. 在被要求证明其身分时,那个骗子露了马脚。

    The swindler gave himself away when he was asked to establish his identity.

  25. 每次使我们露出马脚的都是他那心虚的眨眼。

    It was his guilty blink that always gave us away.

  26. 他假装是英国人,但他的美国口音使他露出了马脚。

    He pretended to English but his American accent gave him away.

  27. 你以为我在这里是打酱油的么?你已经露出马脚了!

    What do you think Im here for tea and biscuits ?Spill the beans already!

  28. 给母亲的礼物我原想保密, 可是妹妹却露了马脚。

    I wanted mother's present to be a secret, but my sister let the cat out of the bag.

  29. 他鞋上露出马脚的泥土泄漏了他从何处来的底细。

    The telltale clay on his shoes shows whence he came.

  30. 马脚应当充分抬起, 后脚应当走在和前脚一样的直线上。

    The feet should be well raised and the hind legs remain well in line with the front legs.


  1. 问:马脚拼音怎么拼?马脚的读音是什么?马脚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:马脚的读音是mǎjiǎo,马脚翻译成英文是 giveaway


马脚是汉语词汇,拼音mǎ jiǎo,意思是比喻破绽。