







1. 宿 [sù]2. 宿 [xiǔ]3. 宿 [xiù]宿 [sù]住,过夜,夜里睡觉:住~。留~。露~。~舍(shè)。~营。年老的,长久从事某种工作的:~将(经验丰富的老将)。~儒。名~。平素,素有的:~愿。~志。~疾。~敌。~心。隔……





汉语拼音:xiōng wú sù wù







  • 【解释】:宿:过夜。胸中没有过夜的东西。比喻心地坦率,没有成见。
  • 【出自】:南朝宋·刘义庆《世说新语·赏誉》:“庾赤玉胸中无宿物。”
  • 【示例】:毕为人坦直,~,微泄之。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、定语;含褒义


  1. na.
  2. nothing concealed in a straightforward man'

  3. s mind;never to bear sb. a grudge

  1. 他胸无城府。

    His mind is an open book.

  2. 她胸无城府。

    She was quite unsophisticated in the ways of the world.

  3. 虽然,只有胸无点墨你的伤口已经愈合时间。

    Though, only unlearned by the time your wounds have healed.

  4. 她真是受够了她那又懒又胸无大志的丈夫。

    She has had it with her lazy, unambitious husband.

  5. 无胸痛型心肌梗死患者的原因分析及护理对策

    The causes analysis of patients with painless cardiac infraction and nursing intervention

  6. 雪若算白,她的胸就暗褐无光。

    If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun.

  7. 我向所有胸无成见的人士求援。

    I report myself to any that have not the pearl of prejudice in the eye of their judgment.

  8. 对于仪式需要为此单独的胸无点墨教。

    For ceremonies are needed to this end alone that the unlearned be taught.

  9. 然而,牛玉合周围的人却取笑他目光短浅胸无共产主义大志。

    However, people around Niu Yuhe at him for his shortsightedness without an ambition for communism.

  10. 青壮年无神经损伤胸腰椎爆裂骨折的手术治疗

    Surgical treatment of the thoracolumbar burst fracture without neural impairment in younger patients.

  11. 无肩带式文胸

    Strapless Bra.

  12. 无胸壁塌陷、感染,无严重并发症。

    No chest wall subsidence and infection occurred.

  13. 老年无胸痛左束支传导阻滞患者的临床研究

    Clinical investigation of complete left bundle branch block in older patient without chest pain

  14. 无钮短上衣前胸敞开的短上衣

    A very short jacket worn open in the front.

  15. 如无脉搏, 行胸外按压法。

    If no pulse, initiate chest compressions.

  16. 因为我胸大无脑 我给忘了。

    Well, me being pretty and therefore stupid, I forgot.

  17. 胸前导联心房波无明显变化。

    Atrial wave in precordial leads had not any change.

  18. 连枷胸的无创正压通气治疗

    The treatment of NIPPV in flail chest

  19. 紧身胸衣原为女式在无袖紧身短胸衣。

    A short, sleeveless bodice, formerly worn by women.

  20. 无创正压通气治疗连枷胸合并肺挫伤

    Ventilatory treatment of flail chest together with pulmonary contusion

  21. 冠状动脉迂曲无狭窄的胸痛病人的临床分析

    Clinical characteristics in chest pain patients with coronary artery tortuosity without coronary stenosis

  22. 无创正压呼吸机通气连枷胸肺挫伤治疗

    Keywords NIPPVFlail chestPulmonary contusionIntratranchea stabillization.

  23. 还记得派对上泡的胸大无脑辣妹吗

    Remember gamin on dumb hotties at chill parties

  24. 多数细长的无鳞海水鱼,有大的胸和退化的。

    Elongated mostly scaleless marine fishes with large pectoral fins and reduced pelvic fins.

  25. 农业上用作无土栽培,酸性土壤的酥胸啊肥料。

    Used as soilless culture in agriculture, fertilizer with quick result for acid soil.

  26. 无创性胸壁皮肤电极心脏起搏的临床观察

    Clinical trial of nontraumatic cardiac pacing with thoracic cutaneous electrodes

  27. 且无1例出现误穿颈动脉和气胸等穿刺并发症。

    No complications oc cured, such as unintentional puncture of carotid artery and pneumothorax.

  28. 刚度的研究对象与脊柱胸腰段及无腰背痛。

    Stiffness of the thoracolumbar spine for subjects with and without low back pain.

  29. 无神经症状的不稳定胸腰段爆裂性骨折手术初探

    Surgical treatment for thoracolumbar burst fracture without neural symptom

  30. 多数细长的无鳞海水鱼,有大的胸鳍和退化的腹鳍。

    Elongated mostly scaleless marine fishes with large pectoral fins and reduced pelvic fins.