


1. 蚂 [mǎ]2. 蚂 [mā]3. 蚂 [mà]蚂 [mǎ]〔~蟥〕环节动物,身体长形,稍扁,黑绿色,尾端有吸盘。生活在池沼或水田中,吸食人畜的血液。亦称“马鳖”、“水蛭”。〔~蚁〕见“蚁”。蚂 [mā]〔~螂〕“蜻蜓”的俗称。(螞)……





汉语拼音:mǎ yǐ







  1. 本指大蚁。后亦为蚁的通称。种类甚多,皆营巢群居,一般雌蚁、雄蚁有翅;工蚁、兵蚁无翅。某些种类对人类有害。

    《水浒传》第八十回:“四下小船,如蚂蚁相似,望大船边来。”《三宝太监西洋记通俗演义》第八回:“蚁子盐,是蚂蚁儿的卵煮熬得的。” 柯岩 《奇异的书简·美的追求者》:“哦,它们去搬兵了,找来了成队的蚂蚁。”

  2. 旧称房田产交易时的中人。

    清 沉起凤 《谐铎·蚁封》:“ 吴 俗田房交易,作中者名曰‘蚂蚁’。”



  1. They turned out to be sliced pig's ear, one of many traditional delicacies at a banquet that included fried ants, sea slugs and geese feet.


  2. Just as it seems to have got hold of it - it suddenly runs away and starts cleaning itself frantically.


  3. She then dusted off the crumbs from the picnic table so that they would not find ants crawling over their space the next day.


  4. The shoemaker followed his way and found some bees with the same problem as the ants.


  5. Do not take off the aircraft, it has always been ants.


  6. Drag out a yarn from a yarn ball, put an ant on it. Loosen the ball as it goes till the end of the yarn .


  7. " the ants said: " If you were foolish enough to sing all the summer, you must dance supperless to bed in the winter.


  8. Having bounced in and out of the room, Margaret finally came and knelt down on the floor beside him to see what he was doing.


  9. Suddenly, the small ants stopped carrying it "semi-disabled" into a ants, did not come out for a long time.


  1. 蚂蚁与鸽子

    The Ant and the Dove.

  2. 蚂蚁和野餐

    The Ants and the Picnic.

  3. 蚂蚁搬泰山

    ants can move Mount Taishan.

  4. 蚂蚁看天下

    How does Ant discover the World.

  5. 蚂蚁啃骨头

    plod away at a big job bit by bit.

  6. 二进制蚂蚁算法

    binary ant system

  7. 蚂蚁吗?,是啊。

    Ants, huh? Yes.

  8. 蚂蚁开始大喊,

    The ant began to shout

  9. 蚂蚁爬上树枝

    The ant climbed onto the branch.

  10. 地上满是蚂蚁。

    The ground was crawling with ants.

  11. 蚂蚁族群最佳化

    ant colony optimization

  12. 貘从来不吃蚂蚁。

    Tapirs do not eat ants.Never.Ever.

  13. 巡逻的蚂蚁也是。

    The patrollers become foragers.

  14. 网络蚂蚁使用技巧

    Use Skills of Meshes Ant

  15. 热锅上的蚂蚁

    ant on a hot pan.

  16. 我被蚂蚁咬了!

    I'm being bitten by ants!

  17. 蚂蚁舔食着蜜。

    The ants lapped the honey.

  18. 我也是小蚂蚁了。

    I'm one of the ants.

  19. 我也是小蚂蚁了。

    I'm one of the ants.

  20. 杜鹃吃掉蚂蚁蛋。

    The cuckoo eat ant eggs.

  21. 会吊秋千的蚂蚁!

    Ants that perform on the trapeze!

  22. 有很多蚂蚁。很多很多的蚂蚁。

    There are many ants. Many, many ants.

  23. 但只是蚂蚁受伤了。

    But only the ant hurt.

  24. 蚂蚁世界转译词类

    Lesson Two Text Go to the Ant

  25. 蚂蚁系统的初始化

    the initialization of ants system

  26. 蚂蚁是群居性昆虫。

    An ant is a gregarious insect.

  27. 他们用蚂蚁做实验。

    They make experiments with ants.

  28. 蚂蚁喝了水,得救了。

    Ant drank the water which saved its life.

  29. 厨房里到处是蚂蚁。

    The kitchen was infested with ants.

  30. 他用手指捅出蚂蚁。

    He poked the ants out with his finger.


  1. 问:蚂蚁拼音怎么拼?蚂蚁的读音是什么?蚂蚁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蚂蚁的读音是mǎyǐ,蚂蚁翻译成英文是 ant

  2. 问:蚂蚁咬拼音怎么拼?蚂蚁咬的读音是什么?蚂蚁咬翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蚂蚁咬的读音是mǎyǐyǎo,蚂蚁咬翻译成英文是 ant bite

  3. 问:蚂蚁花拼音怎么拼?蚂蚁花的读音是什么?蚂蚁花翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蚂蚁花的读音是mǎyǐhuā,蚂蚁花翻译成英文是 Osbeckia nepalensis

  4. 问:蚂蚁星云拼音怎么拼?蚂蚁星云的读音是什么?蚂蚁星云翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蚂蚁星云的读音是,蚂蚁星云翻译成英文是 Mz 3



“蚂蚁”是个多义词,它可以指蚂蚁(朱婧演唱歌曲), 蚂蚁(魔兽RPG类地图Dota的英雄), 蚂蚁(何韵诗演唱歌曲), 蚂蚁(科幻小说《蚂蚁》三部曲), 蚂蚁(李尚朝诗歌,《蚂蚁》), 蚂蚁(果尹弢执导电影《蚂蚁》), 蚂蚁(苏永康演唱歌曲), 蚂蚁(古巨基演唱的歌曲), 蚂蚁(昆虫), 蚂蚁(动画片《蚂蚁》), 蚂蚁(东方骏的歌曲)。