


1. 从 [cóng]2. 从 [zòng]从 [cóng]依顺:顺~。盲~。~善如流。采取,按照:~优。跟随:愿~其后。跟随的人:侍~。仆~。参与:~业。~政。投笔~戎。由,自:~古至今。~我做起。次要的:主~。~犯。宗族中次于至亲的亲属……





汉语拼音:cóng xīn







  1. 向新的方面发展。

    《管子·侈靡》:“天地不可留,故动,化故从新。” 尹知章 注:“化其故,以就其新。” 宋 苏辙 《景灵宫奏告雅饰圣祖罢散道场朱表》:“虽道存不变而体有从新。”

  2. 重新。表示从头另行开始。

    宋 文天祥 《与赣州属县宰》:“郡家禀使者之命,欲於十县从新整刷一番。” 明 唐顺之 《牌》:“其一册开具各兵年貌、籍贯、每年工食银若干,其一册须要从新简閲。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·关于中国的两三件事》:“我想,人们是的确由事实而从新省悟,而事情又由此发生变化的。”

  3. 重新。再一次。

    《醒世恒言·勘皮靴单证二郎神》:“既是太师府中事体,我只道官官相护,就了其事。却如何从新又要这个人来,却不道是生菜舖中没买他处!” 清 李渔 《慎鸾交·赠妓》:“[小生]我们的盟誓久矣就发下了。[生]那是月下私盟,当不得人前公誓。今日在我面前从新发誓,以后若有变局,待我好兴问罪之师。” 鲁迅 《南腔北调集·又论“第三种人”》:“对于‘第三种人’的讨论,这极有从新提起和展开的必要。”



  1. It's as if Schultz can't help himself: Starbucks is growing up, and he needs to start over again with something small.


  2. I understand it is not easy to move to a new environment and start all over again.


  3. Many institutions, from neolithic villages to the maniples of the Roman army, seem to be organised around the Dunbar number.


  4. While the cosmetic industry did not fund Lewis' study, it will probably get a boost from his new Botox research.


  5. In the case of a new method built from scratch, the Method Definition is empty at the beginning of the project.


  6. After numerous website is depilated by Baidu, if you think Baidu establishes a trust to you anew, should also must adopt remedy measure.


  7. How much can you make from your new gig and how quickly?


  8. From new period up to now, "forbidden area" problem in children literature has always been very big focus disputed problem.


  9. Before you can practice any rhythms , you've got to pick up on a bit of musical notation. It's simple and really helpful.


  1. 从新开始, 从心开始。

    Anew starts, to start from the heart.

  2. 从新兼从轻原则

    principle of application of the new law with the exception of a less punishment in the old law

  3. 从新的角度看待问题

    See problem in new light

  4. 油从新油井中涌出来。

    Oil gushed from a new well.

  5. 从新的角度考虑某事物

    consider sth. from a new slant

  6. 我们应该从从新思考皮革开始

    And we should begin by reimagining leather.

  7. 新一年的开始也是从新的一天开始的。

    The beginning of a new year also starts a new day.

  8. 新一年得开始也是从新得一天开始得。

    The beginning of a new year also starts a new day.

  9. 从新水法看流域管理体制改革

    Discussion on Catchment Management System Reform in Terms of New Water Law

  10. 从新设计的安装程序。能够完善安装。

    Complete redesign of installer for a flawless installation.

  11. 告诉那些人从新的阵地上撤出。

    Tell the men to withdraw from their new position.

  12. 杠杆型增长能从新技术中获益

    Leveraged growth benefits from new generations of Technology

  13. 你可以从新浪网英语频道下载。

    You can download it from www. sina. com English Channel.

  14. 从新知识论谈教学设计的新视角

    On the new visual angle of teaching design from the new knowledge theory

  15. 他们从新的角度讨论了这个问题。

    They discussed the problem from a new angle.

  16. 我们从新朋友开始, 再创我们的未来。

    Our anew friend starts, again will create our future.

  17. 从新数据表自动创建组织结构图

    Automatically create an organization chart from a new data table

  18. 他是不会从新投入你怀抱的。

    He's not just gonna come running back into your arms.

  19. 从新制度经济学角度看权力寻租

    Viewing Power to Let in the Economic Perspective under the New System

  20. 每一个段落都从新的一行开始。

    A paragraph always starts on a new line.

  21. 然后你再从新展现给我你的标志。

    And then you take me back to your logo.

  22. 从新工业政策看印度90年代经济政策走势

    Orientation of Indian Economic Policy in the 1990s

  23. 从新水法颁布谈加强水行政执法

    Discussion on Strengthening Administration of Law in Water in Terms of New Water Law

  24. 我们试过从新墨西哥州传送物质。

    We tried to send something from new mexico.

  25. 这个房子被极大程度得从新改建。

    This house have been extensively remodelled.

  26. 这个房子被极大程度的从新改建。

    This house have been extensively remodelled.

  27. 艺术家们从新古典主义运动中得到灵感。

    The artist was inspired by the neoclassical movement.

  28. 假如能给我从新来一次的机会。

    If gad can give me another chance.

  29. 了解你能从新习惯里获取什么利益。

    Engross yourself in the benefits of your new habit.

  30. 从新具象艺术看绘画的回归趋势

    To See the Regression Tendency of Picture from the Pospective of the Specific Expression


  1. 问:从新拼音怎么拼?从新的读音是什么?从新翻译成英文是什么?

    答:从新的读音是cóngxīn,从新翻译成英文是 Again, all over.

  2. 问:从新原则拼音怎么拼?从新原则的读音是什么?从新原则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:从新原则的读音是cóngxīnyuánzé,从新原则翻译成英文是 the principle of observing new laws


从新,汉语词汇。拼音:cóng xīn释义:1、向新的方面发展。2、.重新。表示从头另行开始。3、重新。再一次。