


价值,价钱:币~。产~。贬~。升~。物和价相当,引申有意义或有价值:~百元。不~一文。~当。数学上指演算所得结果:数~。比~。函数~。遇到,逢着:相~。~遇。正~。当,轮到:当~。~班。~勤。~更(gēng )。~星。……





汉语拼音:zhí qín







  1. 指负责治安保卫或指挥交通等工作的人员值班执行任务。

    曹靖华 《飞花集·前沿风光无限好》:“我们又到了海边,一位女民兵在荷枪值勤。”



  1. For some reason all the bathroom cleaners I've encountered are women who seem to be on a schedule.


  2. The sergeant is looking for volunteer for guard duty , so I'd keep my head down for a while if I were you.


  3. Police say most of the casualties appeared to be Pakistani police and private security guards posted outside of the compounds.


  4. More than 30 kilometers away from the company location, a soldier on the patrol was reporting to his commander with a walkie-talkie.


  5. For her, taking time off from her surgery duties was fairly easy.


  6. Setting up a duty roster for the employees or managing appointments for a veterinary surgeon are the right jobs for this planning tool.


  7. The military hopes solar power will allow soldiers to stay out on missions longer and safely travel farther from supply bases.


  8. Forty thousand extra police officers have been on the beat and a comprehensive security plan has kept locals and foreigners safe and secure.


  9. She said I move a little slow these days. She said, son where were you stationed?


  1. 卫兵值勤名簿

    guard roster

  2. 派某人值勤警卫

    to assign one to guard duty

  3. 今晚是谁值勤?

    Who will keep watch tonight?

  4. 三班制值勤名单

    Three shift roster

  5. 值勤室警务员

    Security Desk Officer

  6. 值勤的特工可以证实。

    The secret service will confirm that.

  7. 晚上有民兵值勤巡逻。

    There are night patrols by the militia.

  8. 轮班值勤时间值班换班。

    The day shift or the night shift shift.

  9. 你们今晚要值勤吗?

    So what's going on? Are you working tonight?

  10. 他是在值勤时死的。

    He died in the line of duty.

  11. 警察不值勤时不穿制服。

    A policeman does not wear a uniform when he is off duty.

  12. 警察当班值勤时不得抽烟。

    A policeman must not smoke while he is on duty.

  13. 我要立刻见值勤的将军!

    The general on duty at once!

  14. 他们按轮流值勤制工作。

    They work on a rota system.

  15. 这位警察在值勤时被杀害。

    The police officer was killed in the line of duty.

  16. 你是今晚的值勤官,对吧?

    You are watch commander tonight, aren't you?

  17. 值勤警官粗鲁地回答我的问候

    The desk officer answered my greeting with a growl.

  18. 现在有许多警察在外面值勤。

    There are many police out now.

  19. 游行期间有100多名警察值勤。

    There were over 100 police on duty at the demonstration.

  20. 他是在值勤的岗位上睡着了的。

    He was asleep at his post of duty.

  21. 在被调查期间,军官们暂时停止值勤。

    The officers have been suspended from their duties during the ineuiry.

  22. 员工值勤及逾时工作的监管清单

    Monitoring staff attendance and overtime work checklist

  23. 已多次发现该哨兵在值勤时睡觉。

    The sentry has been found sleeping at his post many times.

  24. 汽车抵境辅助队办事处值勤员

    Duty Officer Car Arrival Secondary Team Office

  25. 他们因为我攻击值勤警员而起诉了我。

    And they charged me with assault on a police officer.

  26. 边防检查站的过境处有卫兵值勤。

    There are border guards at the checkpoint crossing.

  27. 值勤记录是否准确和完整并妥善保管?

    Are the attendance records accurately and completely maintained?

  28. 在检察之前, 营房的内务值勤必须完成

    Police of the barracks must be completed before inspection can take place.

  29. 你在值勤时一定要保持良好的状态。

    You need to stay in good shape while in the line of duty.

  30. 警察在值勤时随时都可能碰到危险。

    A policeman could meet danger any minute of his working day.


  1. 问:值勤拼音怎么拼?值勤的读音是什么?值勤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值勤的读音是zhíqín,值勤翻译成英文是 be on duty

  2. 问:值勤官拼音怎么拼?值勤官的读音是什么?值勤官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值勤官的读音是zhí qín guān,值勤官翻译成英文是 Commander-at-Arms

  3. 问:值勤日拼音怎么拼?值勤日的读音是什么?值勤日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值勤日的读音是zhí qín rì,值勤日翻译成英文是 Day of Duty

  4. 问:值勤站拼音怎么拼?值勤站的读音是什么?值勤站翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值勤站的读音是zhí qín zhàn,值勤站翻译成英文是 Duty Station

  5. 问:值勤薄拼音怎么拼?值勤薄的读音是什么?值勤薄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值勤薄的读音是zhí qín báo,值勤薄翻译成英文是 Duty Roster

  6. 问:值勤中尉拼音怎么拼?值勤中尉的读音是什么?值勤中尉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值勤中尉的读音是zhí qín zhōng wèi,值勤中尉翻译成英文是 Lieutenant-at-Arms

  7. 问:值勤人员拼音怎么拼?值勤人员的读音是什么?值勤人员翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值勤人员的读音是zhí qín rén yuán,值勤人员翻译成英文是 Personnel on Duty

  8. 问:值勤军官拼音怎么拼?值勤军官的读音是什么?值勤军官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值勤军官的读音是zhí qín jūn guān,值勤军官翻译成英文是 Officer on Duty

  9. 问:值勤地点拼音怎么拼?值勤地点的读音是什么?值勤地点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值勤地点的读音是zhí qín dì diǎn,值勤地点翻译成英文是 Place of Duty

  10. 问:值勤士兵拼音怎么拼?值勤士兵的读音是什么?值勤士兵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值勤士兵的读音是zhí qín shì bīng,值勤士兵翻译成英文是 Dutyman

  11. 问:值勤岗哨拼音怎么拼?值勤岗哨的读音是什么?值勤岗哨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值勤岗哨的读音是zhí qín gǎng shào,值勤岗哨翻译成英文是 Post of Duty

  12. 问:值勤时间拼音怎么拼?值勤时间的读音是什么?值勤时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值勤时间的读音是zhí qín shí jiān,值勤时间翻译成英文是 Duty Hour

  13. 问:值勤班长拼音怎么拼?值勤班长的读音是什么?值勤班长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值勤班长的读音是zhí qín bān zhǎng,值勤班长翻译成英文是 shift supervisor

  14. 问:值勤计划拼音怎么拼?值勤计划的读音是什么?值勤计划翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值勤计划的读音是zhí qín jì huà,值勤计划翻译成英文是 Plan of the Duty

  15. 问:值勤飞机拼音怎么拼?值勤飞机的读音是什么?值勤飞机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值勤飞机的读音是zhí qín fēi jī,值勤飞机翻译成英文是 Aircraft in Commission

  16. 问:值勤人员表拼音怎么拼?值勤人员表的读音是什么?值勤人员表翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值勤人员表的读音是zhí qín rén yuán biǎo,值勤人员表翻译成英文是 rota

  17. 问:值勤优先卡拼音怎么拼?值勤优先卡的读音是什么?值勤优先卡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值勤优先卡的读音是zhí qín yōu xiān kǎ,值勤优先卡翻译成英文是 Duty Preference Card

  18. 问:值勤作战官拼音怎么拼?值勤作战官的读音是什么?值勤作战官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值勤作战官的读音是zhí qín zuò zhàn guān,值勤作战官翻译成英文是 Duty Operations Officer

  19. 问:值勤军士长拼音怎么拼?值勤军士长的读音是什么?值勤军士长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值勤军士长的读音是zhí qín jūn shìzhǎng,值勤军士长翻译成英文是 Chief Master-at-Arms

  20. 问:值勤情报官拼音怎么拼?值勤情报官的读音是什么?值勤情报官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:值勤情报官的读音是zhí qín qíng bào guān,值勤情报官翻译成英文是 Duty Intelligence Officer




拼音:zhíqín 基本

解释:[watch] 军人或负责保卫、治安、交通等工作人员值班。值勤人员名单。 详细

解释:指负责治安保卫或指挥交通等工作的人员值班执行任务。 曹靖华《飞花集·前沿风光无限好》:“我们又到了海边,一位女民兵在荷枪值勤。”