


1. 展 [zhǎn]展 [zhǎn]张开,舒张开:~开。~示。~玩。~现。~宽。~望。发~。愁眉不~。延缓,放宽期限:~延。~期。~缓。察看,省(xǐng )视:~墓。陈列:~品。~销。~播。~评。施行,发挥(能力):~拜。开~。施~。一……





汉语拼音:zhǎn shì








  1. 展现,显示。

    巴金 《海的梦》:“花园里展示着更丰富的生命,而我的房里却只有孤寂。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第六章:“展示在她面前的人生,是那么阴惨灰暗。”



  1. So maybe I should stop describing my life, start showing what happens instead, but I'll get to that bit in a bit, so to speak.


  2. Even the Bank of England, where the great man kept his money, is planning a new display about his financial affairs.


  3. In the Soviet Union research was as vigorous as in the United States and showed a similar mix of empirical and basic theoretical approaches.


  4. The best way to help Eduardo is not to speak about what happened there and for him to show that he has come over it.


  5. DO NOT USE Meme to exercise your aggressiveness or to attack other users.


  6. Design finished, click on lower right button to display the image, if the design does not look good, the bat would be very unhappy Woman oh.


  7. When a person is asking a question, show interest and a desire to understand the question by listening and asking for clarification.


  8. His wonderful personality demonstrated to one and all that it is possible to have fun while fighting leviathan.


  9. We show how the weakening of the boundary conditions is able to break the axial symmetry of the optimal equilibrium configuration.


  1. 巡航展示会

    floating fair.

  2. 从未展示过。

    It's never been shown.

  3. 展示给大家

    without asking my permission.

  4. 项链展示架

    Necklaces and Bracelets DISPLAY STAND

  5. 看幻灯片展示

    Click here for a Slide show.

  6. 才艺展示中心

    Talent and Art Exhibition Center

  7. 展示性提问

    display question.

  8. 菌体表面展示

    bacterial surface display.

  9. 有机玻璃变色展示

    Acrylic LED changing colour display

  10. 这是首次展示。

    And that's the rollout.

  11. 还不值得展示。

    It's not good enough to show.

  12. 还不值得展示。

    It's not good enough to show.

  13. 冷冻食品展示柜

    frozen food display case

  14. 展示与剖析自我

    self exposure and analysis

  15. 被推举为。被展示为

    Be held up as be shown or offered as

  16. 自豪地展示奖杯。

    proudly displaying the trophy

  17. 展示者必须忍耐。

    The exhibitor must be patient.

  18. 展示反腐败方法

    Demonstrated ways to curtail corruption

  19. 让我来展示下。

    Let me show you.

  20. 要求病患展示笑容。

    Ask the individual to SMILE.

  21. 讓我展示這種方法的優點

    Let me demonstrate the strength of this approach.

  22. 它展示了意识流。

    That's supposed to exhibit the stream of consciousness.

  23. 家具卖场展示空间

    Exhibition space design for furniture stores

  24. 瓦楞纸板展示架

    corrugated displayer

  25. 种子是不展示的

    seeds aren't on show.

  26. 我展示给你们看

    I will show it to you.

  27. 炫耀得展示, 虚饰

    an ostentatious display

  28. 炫耀的展示, 虚饰

    an ostentatious display

  29. 而这是橱窗展示

    And this is a window display.

  30. 不要触摸展示品。

    Do not touch the exhibits.


  1. 问:展示拼音怎么拼?展示的读音是什么?展示翻译成英文是什么?

    答:展示的读音是zhǎnshì,展示翻译成英文是 reveal

  2. 问:展示个性拼音怎么拼?展示个性的读音是什么?展示个性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:展示个性的读音是Zhǎnshì gèxìng,展示个性翻译成英文是 reveal one's personality

  3. 问:展示会拼音怎么拼?展示会的读音是什么?展示会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:展示会的读音是zhǎnshì huì,展示会翻译成英文是 Exhibition

  4. 问:展示图拼音怎么拼?展示图的读音是什么?展示图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:展示图的读音是zhǎn shì tú,展示图翻译成英文是 display drawing

  5. 问:展示场拼音怎么拼?展示场的读音是什么?展示场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:展示场的读音是zhǎnshì chǎng,展示场翻译成英文是 Exhibition Hall

  6. 问:展示室拼音怎么拼?展示室的读音是什么?展示室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:展示室的读音是zhǎnshì shì,展示室翻译成英文是 Exhibition Room

  7. 问:展示机拼音怎么拼?展示机的读音是什么?展示机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:展示机的读音是zhǎn shì jī,展示机翻译成英文是 lay out machine

  8. 问:展示技能拼音怎么拼?展示技能的读音是什么?展示技能翻译成英文是什么?

    答:展示技能的读音是zhǎn shì jì néng,展示技能翻译成英文是 presentation skill

  9. 问:展示指令拼音怎么拼?展示指令的读音是什么?展示指令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:展示指令的读音是zhǎn shì zhǐ lìng,展示指令翻译成英文是 viewing command

  10. 问:展示证据拼音怎么拼?展示证据的读音是什么?展示证据翻译成英文是什么?

    答:展示证据的读音是zhǎn shì zhèng jù,展示证据翻译成英文是 floor plan rule

  11. 问:展示全景的拼音怎么拼?展示全景的的读音是什么?展示全景的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:展示全景的的读音是,展示全景的翻译成英文是 panoptic

  12. 问:展示厅现象拼音怎么拼?展示厅现象的读音是什么?展示厅现象翻译成英文是什么?

    答:展示厅现象的读音是,展示厅现象翻译成英文是 Showrooming

  13. 问:展示式烹调拼音怎么拼?展示式烹调的读音是什么?展示式烹调翻译成英文是什么?

    答:展示式烹调的读音是zhǎn shì shì pēng tiáo,展示式烹调翻译成英文是 display cooking

  14. 问:展示全部命令拼音怎么拼?展示全部命令的读音是什么?展示全部命令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:展示全部命令的读音是zhǎn shì quán bù mìng lìng,展示全部命令翻译成英文是 expand all command

  15. 问:展示模拟适配器拼音怎么拼?展示模拟适配器的读音是什么?展示模拟适配器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:展示模拟适配器的读音是zhǎn shì mó nǐ shì pèi qì,展示模拟适配器翻译成英文是 Display Station Emulation Adapter


