


1. 改 [gǎi]改 [gǎi]变更,更换:~变。更(gēng )~。~革。~造。~善。~弦更张。朝令夕~。~编。~写。纂~。姓。……


1. 观 [guān]2. 观 [guàn]观 [guān]看,察看:~看。~止(赞叹所看到的事物极端完美,无以复加)。~风(a.暗中察看动静,以定行止;b.观察民间风俗习惯,生活状态)。~阵。~赏。~察。~感。参~。看到的景象或样子:~瞻……



汉语拼音:gǎi guān








  1. 改变本来的看法、观感。

    《后汉书·王畅传》:“以明府上智之才,日月之曜,敷仁惠之政,则海内改观,实有折枝之易,而无挟山之难。” 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·容止》:“ 庾 风姿神貌, 陶 一见便改观,谈宴竟日,爱重顿至。” 唐 司空图 《华帅许国公德政碑》:“王所统见军不踰六百,率先士卒,尽殪兇狂,不崇朝而收復关城,自此藩方改观矣。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·声容·修容》:“窃怪今之所谓‘牡丹头’、‘荷花头’、‘鉢盂头’,种种新式,非不穷新极异,令人改观。”

  2. 改变原来的样子,出现新的面目。

    南朝 宋 谢灵运 《悲哉行》:“幽树虽改观,终始在初生。” 元 刘因 《登镇州隆兴寺阁》诗:“天光物色惊改观,少微今在青云中。” 清 叶廷琯 《吹网录·石林燕语》:“盖此书自经馆臣纂校,已视旧刻改观。” 叶圣陶 《倪焕之》二六:“大海的浪潮涌起,会使海面改观。”



  1. Men and women combined second seat, the scene greatly changed, my boy you let Him, a great man of grace, gentle girl, a great lady of style.


  2. Recently Prospect Garden in the repair, did not know after the repair, can this kind of situation have a new look.


  3. "I would prefer things to have been different - every player wants to play week in, week out, " he said in the Sun.


  4. But it does convey how much China's view of Taiwan has changed since Ma Ying-jeou became president last May.


  5. But the party's place in British politics has changed out of all recognition since the general election in 2005.


  6. This year, however, should be better, in part because prices have normalized to levels where investors are ready to move forward again.


  7. This progress has greatly improved the prospects for growth and for a substantial reduction in poverty over the next decade.


  8. How much of a difference should investors expect when General Motors -- or any company -- brings in a new chief executive?


  9. Dark tones will make you just a part of a crowd hardly distinguishable from others, and the fresh color may be not good for you.


  1. 使某事改观

    put a new face on sth.

  2. 没有太大改观

    have no large change.

  3. 情况终于有所改观

    Things are at last looking up.

  4. 这使战局大为改观。

    This brought on a new look in the military situation.

  5. 会对我有所改观吗?

    That I was beaten as a child?

  6. 新家具让旧房改观。

    The new furniture has transfigured the old house.

  7. 从此事情要有个改观

    Things are gonna be different from here on in.

  8. 他使一切彻底改观了。

    He changed everything from the ground up.

  9. 这次进攻使战局改观。

    The offensive turned the tide of the war.

  10. 今日的世界已截然改观。

    We live in a different world today.

  11. 家人对他完全改观了。

    His family completely changed their attitude towards him.

  12. 这次大捷使这战争改观。

    This great victory changed the complexion of the war.

  13. 城市的面貌改观了许多。

    The city has already taken on quite a new look.

  14. 没错,希望以后能有所改观

    Well, hopefully that will change.

  15. 亚当有了很大的改观。

    And Adam was greatly improved.

  16. 雇员和工会关系大有改观。

    There is a substantial payback in terms of employee and union relations.

  17. 那使这问题整个改观了。

    That puts an entirely new face on the matter.

  18. 多亏了你, 一切都会改观的。

    Thanks to you, that's all gonna change.

  19. 斗转星移,情况已经完全改观了。

    The situation has changed out of all recognition.

  20. 在她居住期间花园改观了。

    During her occupancy the garden was transformed.

  21. 所有的一切,都会改观,是吗?

    all of that stuff, it will look different. OK?

  22. 你的叙述使这件事改观。

    Your account puts a different complexion on the matter.

  23. 两年后这种情形有了改观。

    That changed with the Super Bowl played two years later.

  24. 全国的治疗品质有很大的改观。

    Quality of care varies widely across the country.

  25. 流通领域经济效益状况有所改观。

    Economic efficiency in the circulating sector improved to some extent

  26. 我们的居住条件已有显著改观。

    There has been an appreciable change in our living conditions.

  27. 这个证词使整个案情完全改观了。

    This testimony puts quite a new face on the whole matter.

  28. 这一胜利使战争形势为之改观。

    This victory changed the complexion of the war.

  29. 脑体倒挂的错位现象已大有改观。

    There's been a great change in the misplacement of the income of intellectual workers falling short of that of manual workers.

  30. 这次大捷使整个战局为之改观。

    This great victory changed the complexion of the war.


  1. 问:改观拼音怎么拼?改观的读音是什么?改观翻译成英文是什么?

    答:改观的读音是gǎiguān,改观翻译成英文是 take on a new look; change one’s attitude


