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1. 改 [gǎi]改 [gǎi]变更,更换:~变。更(gēng )~。~革。~造。~善。~弦更张。朝令夕~。~编。~写。纂~。姓。……
汉语拼音:gǎi biàn
《孔子家语·弟子行》:“ 祈奚 曰:‘每位改变,未知所止,是以不敢得知也。’” 唐 白居易 《重到渭上旧居》诗:“人物日改变,举目悲所遇。” 宋 罗大经 《鹤林玉露》卷十二:“ 杜陵 诗云:‘雨晴山不改,晴罢峡如新。’言或雨或晴,山之体本无改变。” 茅盾 《喜剧》:“经过了五年,这世界的一切当真并没有丝毫的改变么?”
《全唐诗》卷八九九载《贺圣朝》词:“ 长安 道上行客,依旧利深名切。改变容颜,消磨今古,陇头残月。” 明 黄元吉 《流星马》第二折:“小生 黄廷道 ,自离了京师,改变了衣服,随身带些乾粮。” 巴金 《怀念萧珊》:“她想改变自己的生活,不愿作家庭妇女,却又缺少吃苦耐劳的勇气。”
It would be easy to say that the pants changed everything that summer.
可以简单说那条裤子在那个夏天该改变了所有。You are about to embark upon the last episode that will see an end to duality, and all will eventually change from what you know it as now.
你们即将开始最后一段将看见一个二元性终结的情节,并且一切最终将改变你们现在所认识的它的样子。MORE than anything since the invention of the postal service, Facebook has revolutionized how we relate to one another.
Facebook彻底改变了我们联系彼此的方式,在这一点上它超过了自邮政服务以来的任何发明。The resolution, Rice said, lays the foundation for a durable cease-fire and a decisive change from the status quo that produced the war.
赖斯指出,这项决议为实现持久停火并根本改变导致战争爆发的现有局面奠定了基础。The power of a volunteer to transform a visitor's experience was just one of the many lessons gleaned from a week.
一个志愿者足以改变一个游客的感受,这是我从一周的各种经历中领会到的许多东西之一。For economic growth to be sustainable in the long term, Geithner said, the pattern of global growth must change.
盖特纳表示,为了保证长期持续的经济增长,全球增长模式必须改变。He said the test could be applied to other toxins and chemicals in water or food simply by changing the antibody.
他说该测试仅仅通过改变抗体就可以用于测试水或食物中的其它毒物和化学物质。A key consideration for the court will be whether the number of suspect votes, if any, would have been enough to alter the result.
法庭考虑的一个要素是,若有可疑选票,这些选票的数目是否足以改变结果。She did not tremble before her father's anger; she opposed him with courage and at last made him change his mind.