











汉语拼音:piān piān qǐ wǔ








  • 【解释】:形容轻快地跳起舞来。
  • 【出自】:《诗经·小雅·四牡》:“翩翩者鵻,载飞载下。”
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作谓语、定语;用于描写舞姿


  1. Today so happy to see this beautiful&white winter snow, under the lights in such a venerable and elegant, just like dancing white beauties.

  2. Wind, the numerous Bauhinia flowers and emerald green leaves, like the wind, like flocks of butterflies dancing, very enjoyable.

  3. The moon a good round Yeah, there is Chang's home, I seem to see Chang sister in dance, as if to smell the scent sweet-scented osmanthus.

  4. Dancing in the moonlight and having a candlelight dinner with the beloved one seem to be very romantic to many girls.

  5. Just across the road was another hotel which had a fancy water show in front, with water "dancing" to the music.

  6. She had raised herself on the tips of her toes, as if she were about to dance.

  7. In the sky, it is still floating in the white snow falls, it seems to be with the north wind - that a strong cold melody in the dance.

  8. When I opened my eyes, I turned to where she was pointing. Fluttering around the rearview mirror was a tiny yellow butterfly.

  9. I, as if turned into a white dancing butterfly, am reveling in the Ocean of green!


  1. 翩翩起舞了

    get down.

  2. 舞蹈者穿过舞台翩翩起舞

    The dancer whirled across the stage.

  3. 翩翩起舞者,不尽欢乐人。

    All are not merry that dance lightly.

  4. 而是学会在雨中翩翩起舞!

    It's about to learning to dance the rain.

  5. 她在舞台上翩翩起舞,光彩照人。

    She is dancing on the stage and looks very beautiful.

  6. 芭蕾舞女演员翩翩起舞,来到台上。

    The ballerinas danced onto the stage.

  7. 蝴蝶翩翩起舞真是一幅奇妙的迹象。

    The flutter of a butterfly is a magical sight.

  8. 蝴蝶翩翩起舞真是一幅奇妙得迹象。

    The flutter of a butterfly is a magical sight.

  9. 蝴蝶翩翩起舞真是一幅奇妙的迹象。

    The flutter of a butterfly is a magical sight.

  10. 一对对舞伴在舞池里旋转着翩翩起舞

    Couples whirling round the dance floor

  11. 你能随黄金猎犬的跳跃翩翩起舞吗?

    Can you dance with all the bounds of the Golden?

  12. 我们曾在细雨中翩翩起舞, 现在仍是

    We were dancers in the rain and it still remains

  13. 她踮起了脚尖, 好像要翩翩起舞似的。

    She had raised herself on the tips of her toes, as if she were about to dance.

  14. 在他的梦里,翩翩起舞,脚趾亲吻着大地。

    In his dreams, he twirls and swirls with his toes kissing the Earth.

  15. 是为了您的仁慈而翩翩起舞,还是为了您的敬畏而肃穆

    Will I dance for You, Jesus Or in awe of You, be still.

  16. 我说,让时间和我独自翩翩起舞,任手挥摆。

    I say, make time to dance alone with one hand waving free.

  17. 三月带来尖叫的风,吹拂着翩翩起舞的水仙花。

    March brings breezes loud and shrill, stirs the dancing daffodil.

  18. 她穿着柔姿纱的裙子翩翩起舞,显得格外轻盈飘逸。

    She was dancing lightly in the georgette skirt, which appears graceful and elegant.

  19. 她穿着柔姿纱的裙子翩翩起舞,显得格外轻盈飘逸。

    She was dancing lightly in the georgette skirt, which appears graceful and elegant.

  20. 在你的爱人面前翩翩起舞,突出你的胸部、部以及腿部。

    Dance around your lover, emphasizing your chest, butt, and legs.

  21. 她又恢复了女儿身,还有能再翩翩起舞的天地。

    She had become a woman again. There was room to dance again.

  22. 秋风轻轻拂过, 飘落得树叶像在空中翩翩起舞得蝴蝶。

    The autumn wind and the wind blowing gently, falling leaves dancing in the air like butterflies.

  23. 秋风轻轻拂过,飘落的树叶像在空中翩翩起舞的蝴蝶。

    The autumn wind and the wind blowing gently, falling leaves dancing in the air like butterflies.

  24. 风一吹, 像千万只美丽得蝴蝶, 翩翩起舞, 煞是有趣。

    Fengyi Chui, like 10 million a beautiful butterfly, dance, Shashi fun.

  25. 风一吹,像千万只美丽的蝴蝶,翩翩起舞,煞是有趣。

    Fengyi Chui,like 10 million a beautiful butterfly,dance,Shashi fun.

  26. 他们已经在艾美奖颁奖现场的过道上翩翩起舞了。

    They've been dancing the aisles out here at this year's Emmy Awards.

  27. 一片片花瓣落了下来,像一只只翩翩起舞的蝴蝶,美丽极了!

    Petal drop pieces down just dancing a butterfly, very beautiful!

  28. 当缤纷甘心与漆黑翩翩起舞,她才绽放了她的最美。

    The moment resplendence is willing to dance with dark, she can really bloom her most beauty.

  29. 将这段鼓劲讲话传过去, 我们让整个世界翩翩起舞吧。

    Pass this pep talk along, and lets get the whole world to dance.

  30. 那儿还有几只漂亮得蝴蝶在花丛中翩翩起舞呢!

    There have a few beautiful butterflies dancing in the flowers in it!

