如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 格 [gé]格 [gé]划分成的空栏和框子:~子纸。方~儿布。法式,标准:~局。~律。~式。~言。合~。资~。表现出来的品质:~调。风~。人~。国~。性~。阻碍,隔阂:~~不入。击,打:~斗。~杀。推究:~致。树的长枝。至,来:~于上……
1. 斗 [dǒu]2. 斗 [dòu]斗 [dǒu]中国市制容量单位(十升为一斗,十斗为一石):~酒只鸡(经常用作招待客人的简单酒食,家常便饭)。量粮食的器具:~筲之人(形容人器量狭小,见识短浅)。形容小东西的大:~胆。形容大东西的小:~……
汉语拼音:gé dòu
搏斗。《汉书·戾太子传》:“吏围捕太子……主人公遂格鬭死。” 唐 李白 《战城南》诗:“野战格鬭死,败马号鸣向天悲。” 明 梁辰鱼 《浣纱记·送饯》:“残兵格鬭筋力疲,沿出烽火军声沸。” 曹禺 《王昭君》第五幕:“在黑暗中,显出了战场,一片格斗厮杀的景象。”
All the men had been killed in vendettas or had also emigrated, either to America, Brazil or to some other province on the Italian mainland.
亲属中的女人生都寿终正寝,男人不是在家族格斗中给杀害了,就是移居到美国、巴西或意大利半岛去了。The police warned the public that it would be dangerous to grapple with the wanted man, as he was armed.
警察当局警告公众,与那个通缉犯格斗是危险的,因为他携带武器。Straker chose the dark path of Necromancy , but it was soon discovered that his fighting skills by far outclassed his magical abilities.
斯强克选择了巫术这一黑暗道路,但很快发现他的格斗技巧大大超过他的魔法能力。A few individuals waited and waited and then, as if assuming an infantry combat crouch, moved cautiously toward the food.
少数的猴子一直在等待,最后,好像是摆出一副步兵格斗的架势,小心翼翼地朝食物移动。So a fierce lion was shut up for a whole day without food, and a time was set for the fight.
于是人们把一头凶猛的狮子整整关上一天,不给食物,并定下了格斗的时间。Carol uses all her martial arts skills. She pounds at Mary's broken nose. Kicks her in the groin. Tries to punch her eyes out.
凯洛使出她格斗技能。她猛击玛丽的断裂的鼻子。猛击她的腹部。试着猛击她的眼睛。But I was particularly interested in using it to see how much mixed martial arts has changed.
可是,使我更感兴趣的是用它来看看综合格斗技术的变化。If it is a real fight, you are trying to hurt the attacker.
在真实格斗中,你应该试图伤害攻击者。When he reads his own comments, Uwe Boll becomes enraged and challenges himself to a bare-knuckled MMA match.