如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……
汉语拼音:bù yī yī
晋 王羲之 《问慰诸帖》上:“足下知消息,今故遣问,使至具示之,力书不一一, 王羲之 白。” 宋 车若水 《脚气集》卷上:“ 王右军 帖多於后结写不具,犹言不备也,有时写不备。其不具草书似不一一。 蔡君謨 帖并写不一一,亦不失理。”
Lights can be used to simulate the sun, burning match light, flashlights, gun-fire, or explosions, just to name a few.
灯光可以用来模拟太阳,燃烧的火柴,手电筒,枪火光,或爆炸,等等等等,在此就不一一列举。You'll also find increased news items during the tournament too, but I'll leave you to discover those for yourself!
你会发现在大赛期间相关的新闻报道会大量增加,具体哪些内容我这里就不一一列举了,有待你们自己去发现。Other jade I just a introduces below, the text introduced are detailed.
其他的玉器我就不一一介绍了,下面都有详细的文字介绍。I'm not going to go through anymore examples of that because they're just all the way through the text.
我就不一一列举了,它是贯穿文章始终的。But you will also find food from India, China, Africa, the Middle East, Vietnam, Greece, Turkey, France, Italy, just to name a few.
在这里你也能找到印度,中国,非洲,中东,越南,希腊,土耳其,意大利等国家的美食,在这里就不一一列举了。Specific models differ in various ways, but I do not 11 A out of.
具体型号不同的方式各有不同,但我不一一甲出。furthermore , there are other kind of special assigned system , which can be used to manage and plan the welfare.
此外,还有一些较为专用的系统,如用于福利管理和规划的专用程序等,在此不一一列举。How to differentiate? Here, the universe in the family straightforwardly. Believe that the earth humans with your wisdom force can do it.
如何划分呢?这里,宇宙大家庭不一一明说了。相信地球人类以你们的智慧力可以做得。Other sites not the type of a list, anyhow is the key.
其它站点的类型就不一一列举了,总之文章是王道。我不一一举例, 只举几个具有代表性的例子。
I'm not all examples one by one, I'll just make a few typical examples.
So, I've no time to go into all the different scientific results.
写秋的诗句实在太多了, 我这里也不一一例举了。
Autumn poem written too much, I am not here to enumerate the.
我就不一一读了,毕竟我今天不是来教学的 我是来娱乐的
I'm not going to read them all to you because I'm not in teacher mode, I'm in entertain, amaze mode.
This system has a lot of other functions, will not enumerate out one by one here.
这个语段里有好多病句, 你能不能一一找出来?
There are several mistakes in this passage. Can you find all of them ?
There are several mistakes in this passage. Can you find all of them?
I was never able to write back to them, so instead, I wrote Sea of Shadow.
While reading your mind thoroughly, I hugged you and said that I would do away with all your unhappiness.
为了维护这些站点的名义, 我们就不一一点名了。
We dont want to humiliate this website, so no mentioning of its name.
I'd like to tell you all about my success but modesty forbids.
The party's malfunctions across the policy spectrum are too numerous to detail here.
Many lovers sought her, but she spurned them all.
你能不能够对我担保一一你们会内没有汉奸, 没有不良份子?
Can you give me a guarantee that there'll be no harmful elements in your committee ?
Resistant starch in a meal is associated with less fat storage after that meal.
People were not served their meals individually.
As space is limited, it is impossible to publish all the messages we have received.
They are joined one to another, they stick together, that they cannot be sundered.
也不能一一做到 仅凭一己之力是不行的
We can't do it all by ourselves.
我们不能对所有得怀疑得, 一一建立保垒来对抗。
We cannot build fortresses against every shadow of doubt.
We cannot build fortresses against every shadow of doubt.
This metadata is not incremental; it is a full copy each and every time.
It would be unwise to have an exclusive list of those classifications that deserve equal protection.
当然了还有很多其它因素, 我在此不能一一罗列。
There are many more, of course and I won't cover of them here.
The aquatic vegetation 11 arrangements,they do not attend to mutually look,goes potential profile flow.
The aquatic vegetation 9 arrangements, they do not attend to mutually look, goes potential profile flow.
When you have attained this contemplation, visualize each object quite clearly without losing the image, whether your eyes are closed or open.
But neither can we wait until each and every terrestrial problem has been solved.
提斯柏也许有一一双美丽的灰色眼睛, 可是也不配相提并论。
Thisbe a grey eye or so, but not to the purpose.Signior Romeo, bon jour!
All these, and many deep gratitude and respect can not be exhaustive reference.