







汉语拼音:miàn jiàng






  1. 面粉制的酱。

    明 李时珍 《本草纲目·穀四·酱》:“麪酱有大麦、小麦、甜酱、麩酱之属。”



  1. Maybe the veggies you're adding to your pasta sauce could also be served up in a veggie pita.


  2. I hated that aroma, which came from the poor oil she must have used, but I loved her spaghetti sauce.


  3. If you plant basil, you'll be reaping your harvest in five weeks, not a long wait for that homemade pesto sauce.


  4. For the pasta sauce, the volume of water needed to grow the tomatoes, sugar, garlic and onions added up to 52 gallons.


  5. Two bowls of flour paste placed next to the wicker basket were used to dip the vegetables when eating.


  6. In a medium bowl, stir together pasta sauce, mushrooms and reserved mozzarella and Parmesan. Pour over stuffed shells.


  7. Most stains like spaghetti sauce, wine and coffee com out in the wash.


  8. I would have, but I had a spaghetti stain on the other side.


  9. The list of tainted products has since widened to include frozen lasagna, tortellini, and bolognese sauce.


  1. 我只有面,没有酱。

    I get noodles and no sauce.

  2. 我只有面,没有酱。

    I get noodles and no sauce.

  3. 面酱面肉饭

    Soybean paste Pig face rice

  4. 用勺子淋上调味酱, 面上是炒好的猪肉末和花生碎, 趁热即食。

    Ladle the sauce on top, top with pork and chopped peanuts and servehot.

  5. 我可以买番茄酱,但是我买不起意面酱。

    I could buy tomato sauce but I couldn't buy spaghetti sauce.

  6. 我本来会翻, 但另一面沾到意大利面酱汁

    I would have, but I had a spaghetti stain on the other side.

  7. 我只有酱,没有面。

    I get plain sauce,no noodles.

  8. 我只有酱,没有面。

    I get plain sauce, no noodles.

  9. 我比较喜欢吃王酱面的炸酱面!

    I prefer to eat the king sauce jajangmyun!

  10. 面酱小黄瓜

    Gherkin with Soy Bean Paste

  11. 天然红面酱酿制技术

    Brewing Technology of Natural Red Flour Paste

  12. 我在找意大利面酱。

    I'm looking for the pasta sauce.

  13. 酶法面酱的生产技术

    Production technology of a sweet sauce made of fermented flour

  14. 防腐剂在面酱中的应用试验

    Application test of preservatives in brown sauce

  15. 微波在面酱中的应用试验

    Application trials of microwave technology in the production of flour paste

  16. 你右边脸上沾上了意面酱。

    You have some pasta stuck to the right side of your face.

  17. 复合防腐剂在面酱中的应用试验

    Research on Fermentation Factors of Flour Paste during the Storage

  18. 篮筐旁放着两碗面酱,是用来蘸这些蔬菜吃的。

    Two bowls of flour paste placed next to the wicker basket were used to dip the vegetables when eating.

  19. 本文论述了酶法制作红面酱的工艺以及适合消费的群体。

    The article discusses technique of enzyme red flour sauce and customers who suitable consume this kind of products.

  20. 或许, 你要放到面酱里得蔬菜, 在素食皮塔饼里就有。

    Maybe the veggies youre adding to your pasta sauce could also be served up in a veggie pita.

  21. 大多数的脏污如义大利面酱汁, 酒与咖啡都可以轻松洗乾净。

    Most stains like spaghetti sauce, wine and coffee com out in the wash.

  22. 八宝椒酱面

    Marinated Pork with Soya Bean Sauce.

  23. 这是我吃过的最好的核桃酱面。

    This was the best pasta with walnut sauce I've ever tasted.

  24. 这是我吃过得最好得核桃酱面。

    This was the best pasta with walnut sauce I've ever tasted.

  25. 这是我吃过的最好的核桃酱面。

    This was the best pasta with walnut sauce I've ever tasted.

  26. 小肉丸和意大利面配有传统的自制番茄酱。

    Minced meatballs served with traditional home style tomato sauce.

  27. 很多意大利面和番茄酱的搭配囊括了五花八门的材料。

    Many of the spaghetti or tomato sauce recipes include all sorts of ingredients.

  28. 第二, 将番茄酱涂满面粉团。

    Secondly, spread the tomato paste on the pastry.

  29. 把蛋黄酱放在一片面包上

    Put the mayonnaise on a slice of bread.

  30. 服务员包括一只烤鸭,面饼,甜面酱,葱。

    This includes a roast duck, round flat cake, sweet soybean paste and leek.