







汉语拼音:guān yǔ



(?—220)三国时期蜀汉将领。字云长,河东解县(今山西临猗西南)人。曾为曹操所俘。后归蜀,从刘备起兵在樊城大破曹军。吴军偷 袭荆州,败走麦城被杀。他的事迹长期在民间流传,被称为“关公”,并被神化,尊为“关帝”。



  1. No one had expected him to carry out his mission so quickly.


  2. Liu Bei was afraid to disturb him and had been waiting on the stone steps out of the door till Zhuge Liang woke up.


  3. Guan Yu just wanted to go back to Shu as soon as possible and he did not care about Guan Ping.


  4. In the year 207AD, Liu Bei with his sworn brothers Guan Yu and Zhang Fei traveled to Longzhong to ask Zhuge Liang to assist him.


  5. Guan Yu sent soldiers to Shu to ask for help, but they failed to arrive.


  6. As the "Three Kingdoms" in Zhang Fei and Guan Yu and Liu Bei, harbor the same dream, but rivalries between them are not.


  7. Many days later, Guan Yu decided to make a break for it, despite his counselor's advice.


  8. Once upon a time, Guan Yu was shot by a stray arrow, perforated his left arm.


  9. "By Liu Jingzhou" , "Guan Yu lost to the effect Jingzhou" and other well-known story, took place in this ancient land.


  1. 关羽被穿上比基尼

    Guang Yu Wears Bikini

  2. 原来这个人就是关羽。

    The man was named Guan Yu.

  3. 关羽战术风格是精细刁钻。

    Guan Yu's tactics style is careful and cunning.

  4. 关羽,三国时蜀汉大将。

    General Guan Yu, whose date of birth is unknown but who died in A. D. 217, was one of the most intrepid warriors in history.

  5. 关羽为何要发动襄樊战役?

    Why did Guan Yu launch the Xiangfan campaign?

  6. 关羽无力抵抗, 投降了曹操。

    Guan Yu powerless to resist, surrendered Caocao.

  7. 于是, 孙权处死了关羽父子。

    So Sun Quan had Guan Yu and his son put to death.

  8. 关羽形象与关羽崇拜的传播与接受

    The Distribution and Reception of the Image of Guan Yu

  9. 南北融合与关羽形象的演变

    The Merge of Northern and Southern Cultures and the Development of the Image of Guan Yu

  10. 孙权又劝关羽投降,关羽大骂孙。

    Sun Quan again tried to persuade Guan Yu to surrender. Guan Yu insulted him.

  11. 因为它是武圣人关羽的陵墓。

    Because it is the graveyard of general Guan yu.

  12. 关羽不但拒绝,还侮辱了孙权。

    Guan Yu not only refused but also insulted Sun Quan.

  13. 关羽决心攻下樊城, 不肯退。

    Determined to take over Fancheng City, Guan refused to retreat.

  14. 却引起了张飞和关羽的不满。

    Cause dissatisfaction from Zhang Fei and Guan Yu.

  15. 关羽我喜欢这把青龙偃月刀。

    Guan YuI prefer this Green dragon crescent moon blade.

  16. 关羽、张飞无话,冷笑着走了。

    Guan and Zhang had nothing more to say, But they walked away sneeringly.

  17. 有人向关羽报告, 吴国有船队过。

    Guan Yu was informed that a fleet was coming from wu.

  18. 在戏曲舞台上,关羽由红生扮演。

    On the dramatic stage, the role of Guan Yu is played by Hongsheng.

  19. 在戏曲舞台上,关羽由红生扮演。

    On the dramatic stage, the role of Guan Yu is played by Hongsheng.

  20. 关羽给刘备使眼色, 刘备会意, 起身告辞。

    Lord Guan eyed Liu Bei, who sensed his brother's intent and rose to bid Zhou Yu farewell.

  21. 使关羽, 张飞等将佩服得五体投地。

    Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and other generals in the Liu camp soon came to respect the new military adviser.

  22. 关羽受伤之后,不肯退回荆州去治疗。

    Guan Yu didnt want to go back to Jingzhou for treatment.

  23. 关林庙是关羽的三个纪念庙宇之一。

    The Forest of Guan Yu is one of the three major memorial temples of Lord Guan.

  24. 然而, 曹操很钦佩关羽的忠诚与勇敢。

    Caocao, however, was an admirer of Guans loyalty and bravery.

  25. 是不是因为他们对关羽非常地崇敬啊?

    Is it because they come to pay a tribute to him?

  26. 元明民间叙事文本中关羽的另类形象

    An Idiosyncratic Image of Guan Yu in the Folklore of the Yuan and the Ming Dynasty

  27. 关羽骑着他的赤兔马, 跑得非常。

    His horse, Chitu, ran very fast and it was hard for Guan Ping and others to keep up.

  28. 庞德取箭, 关羽躲闪不及中箭, 回营养伤。

    Pang an arrow at Guan who was unable to dodge it.

  29. 关羽攻打樊城时, 被毒箭射中右臂。

    Guan Yu was hit by a poisonous arrow in the right arm while attacking Fancheng City.

  30. 但是关羽始终以义气为重, 对刘备忠贞不渝。

    But Guan Yu remained unmoved, putting his loyalty to Liu Bei before all else.


  1. 问:关羽拼音怎么拼?关羽的读音是什么?关羽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:关羽的读音是,关羽翻译成英文是 Guan Yu

  2. 问:关羽蟹拼音怎么拼?关羽蟹的读音是什么?关羽蟹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:关羽蟹的读音是guānyǔxiè,关羽蟹翻译成英文是 dorippe



关羽(?-220年),字云长,河东解良(今山西运城)人,三国时蜀汉名将,早期跟随刘备辗转各地,曾被曹操生擒,于白马坡斩杀袁绍大将颜良,与张飞一同被称为万人敌。 赤壁之战后,刘备助东吴周瑜攻打南郡曹仁,别遣关羽绝北道,阻挡曹操援军,曹仁退走后,关羽被封为襄阳太守。刘备入益州,关羽留守荆州。 建安二十四年,关羽围襄樊,曹操派于禁前来增援,关羽擒获于禁,斩杀庞德,威震华夏,曹操曾想迁都以避其锐。后曹操派徐晃前来增援,东吴吕蒙又偷袭荆州,关羽腹背受敌,兵败被杀。 关羽去世后,逐渐被神化,被民间尊为“关公”,又称美髯公。历代朝廷多有褒封,清代奉为“忠义神武灵佑仁勇威显关圣大帝”,崇为“武圣”,与“文圣” 孔子齐名。《三国演义》尊其为蜀国“五虎上将”之首,毛宗岗称其为“《演义》三绝”之“义绝”。