


一种金属元素,可以制货币和器皿、电子设备、感光材料、装饰品等:~子。~杯。~牌。旧时用银铸成块的一种货币:~币。~锭。~洋。~钱。~圆(亦作“银元”)。~号(规模较大的钱庄)。~行(hāng )。~票。像银的颜色:~白。~发(fà)。~河(……


1. 屏 [píng]2. 屏 [bǐng]屏 [píng]遮挡:~风。~障。~蔽。~藩(“屏风”和“藩篱”,喻卫国的重臣)。~翰(喻卫国的重臣)。字画的条幅,通常以四幅或八幅为一组:画~。四扇~。屏 [bǐng]除去,排除:~除。~弃。~……



汉语拼音:yín píng






  1. 镶银的屏风。

    唐 白居易 《长恨歌》:“揽衣推枕起徘徊,珠箔银屏邐迤开。” 宋 柳永 《引驾行》词:“消凝,花朝月夕,最苦冷落银屏。” 明 何景明 《明月篇》:“青衫泣掩琵琶絃,银屏忍对箜篌语。”

  2. 指银幕或电视屏幕。

    臧克家 《怀念逐日深》:“看到这一情况,恨不得把这帮狗男女从银屏上扯下来。”



  1. the silver screen, which could only mean one thing for games - its multi platform tie-in, Transformers: The Game is right around the corner.


  2. And when you meet somebody like that, do you say? . . . What do you take from him in order to portray him on the screen?


  3. Behind-the-scenes is all hard work and little glamour but you do get your name in the credits at the end.


  4. For years, these cancer stick starlets have lit up the silver screen and play a major role in countless movies and pop culture.


  5. The replacement singer, however, was deemed not attractive enough to grace the world's television screens.


  6. In many, anecdotes, magic network brought us into a fantastic world of small screens to narrow the distance between us and the world.


  7. Her latest box office hit, a kungfu thriller, is further proof of her versatility.


  8. But it was Mr Levin's on-screen discussion with Steve Case, AOL's co-founder and his partner in the merger, that was most illuminating.


  9. The growth of screens outside America also favours big action films: an explosion is an explosion, regardless of language.


  1. 性感/ 银屏女神

    sex/ screen goddess

  2. 铜镀银屏蔽层

    Silver plated copper braid screen

  3. 银屏与媒体学士后

    Graduate Diploma in Screen and Media Studies

  4. 刘青登上了银屏。

    Liu Qing has started his television career.

  5. 银屏与媒体研究生文凭

    Postgraduate Diploma in Screen and Media Studies

  6. 舞台, 银屏和电视三栖的明星

    A star of stage, screen, and video.

  7. 就像颠覆了银屏的超级女声。

    Which has Subversion of the screens.

  8. 你在银屏上看到这张脸

    You see the face on the tv screen

  9. 玛丽一直想成为一名银屏明星。

    Mary has always wanted to a star of the silver screen.

  10. 除非一盏幻灯把神经图案投影在银屏

    But as if a magic lantern threw the nerves in patterns on a screen

  11. 单独面对着银屏, 我就谁的话也不用听了。

    Alone with the small screen, I am answerable to no one.

  12. 他在看电视,银屏红蓝色的的光投在他的脸上。

    He is watching TV, the screen casting its lurid blue light across his face.

  13. 我们从电影院的银幕和电视的银屏上看到各种影片。

    From the cinema screen and television screen, we see all kinds of films.

  14. 这是台很了不起的节目, 他俩已被银屏吸引住了。

    This must be a wonderful show as their minds are totally focused on the screen.

  15. 这是台很了不起得节目, 他俩已被银屏吸引住了。

    This must be a wonderful show as their minds are totally focused on the screen.

  16. 你的目光稍一离开银屏, 就会错过一个重要的温度变化。

    If you take your eyes off the screen for one instant, you may miss an important change in temperature.

  17. 海伦是好莱坞银屏的新人, 她刚刚和卡门交上朋友。

    Helen is a novice to the Hollywood scene and has just be friended Carmen.

  18. 在詹姆斯。邦德成为银屏英雄之前, 他已经是纸上的英雄了。

    Before James Bond became a screen icon, he was a paperback hero.

  19. 就我个人而言,我认为他太老了,不适合在银屏上舞来舞去。

    Personally, I think he is too old to dance on TV.

  20. 在詹姆斯。邦德成为银屏偶像之前, 他已经是书本里的英雄了。

    Before James Bond became a screen icon, he was a paperback hero.

  21. 甚至《铁臂阿童木》也回来了,出现在银屏上,出现在孩子们的午餐盒图案中。

    Even Astro Boy is back, in film revivals and emblazoned on children's lunchboxes.


  1. 问:银屏拼音怎么拼?银屏的读音是什么?银屏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:银屏的读音是yínpíng,银屏翻译成英文是 fluorescent screen




拼音:yín píng 基本解释 1. [TV screen] 电视接收机的荧光屏 银屏内外 2. 又称“荧屏” 详细解释 1. 镶银的屏风。 唐 白居易 《长恨歌》:“揽衣推枕起徘徊,珠箔银屏逦迤开。” 宋 柳永 《引驾行》词:“消凝,花朝月夕,最苦冷落银屏。” 明 何景明 《明月篇》:“青衫泣掩琵琶弦,银屏忍对箜篌语。” 北宋 晏殊 《清平乐》:“金风细细,叶叶梧桐坠。绿酒初尝人易醉,一枕小窗浓睡。 紫薇朱槿花残,余阳却照阑干。双燕欲归时节,银屏昨夜微寒。” 2. 指银幕或电视屏幕。 臧克家 《怀念逐日深》:“看到这一情况,恨不得把这帮狗男女从银屏上扯下来。”