







汉语拼音:mài lì








  1. 出卖劳力。

    汉 王符 《潜夫论·赞学》:“ 倪宽 卖力於都巷, 匡衡 自鬻於保徒者,身贫也。” 陈独秀 《<科学与人生观>序》:“生产工具已为少数资本家私有了,非将生产工具收归公有,大家只好卖力给资本家。”

  2. 尽量地使出自己的力量。

    邹韬奋 《经历》十五:“我很卖力地把那文件在最短时间内译好送去。” 柳青 《创业史》第一部第三章:“他对帮助贫雇农的这项任务,非常地卖力。”



  1. Men sweep come from very hard, and his every action is a strong indication of his boundless love for the profession.


  2. Just like the heat of our hearts, the sun worked so hard and warmed the playground up for the annual Campus Charity Fair in the afternoon.


  3. "I often worry about him. He works unbelievably hard. I try to help him take it easy. "


  4. You know you've been working too hard when your company actually encourages or sometimes even forces you to take a break.


  5. But it seems to me that mere "hard-working" is not enough.


  6. This task requires close teamwork, and if any one of us lies down on the job, we shall never be able to finish it on time.


  7. No real cover letter, no attempt at self marketing. Sort of, "here are the facts about me, please put me in the pile. "


  8. Beth said nothing, but she began to work hard to make a pair of blue army gloves.


  9. Beth said nothing, but she began to work hard at a blue army glove she was making.


  1. 还要卖力。

    On The Tonight Show.

  2. 干活十分卖力。

    working like stink

  3. 他工作很卖力。

    He spared no effort in his work.

  4. 我已经很卖力了。

    I worked really hard on that pitch.

  5. 我已经很卖力了。

    I worked really hard on that pitch.

  6. 他起初很卖力工作。

    He worked hard in the beginning.

  7. 刘红干得最卖力。

    Liu Hong worked the hardest.

  8. 他工作卖力, 技术高超。

    He worked hard and with great skill.

  9. 裁缝师工作得很卖力。

    The tailor worked very hard.

  10. 你最近工作真卖力啊

    Hey. You've been working up a storm lately.

  11. 你何必替这种人卖力?

    Why should you work so hard for these people ?

  12. 李明工作比王林卖力。

    Li Ming works harder than Wang Lin.

  13. 杰克为了养家卖力挣钱。

    Jack pulls his weight to earn money in order to support his family.

  14. 他在工作上不特别卖力。

    He takes no special trouble with his work.

  15. 他会认为我没有卖力工作。

    He's going to think I'm not working hard.

  16. 这些作家写书都非常卖力

    These authors have been striving to write books.

  17. 他们卖力地使舞蹈更加完美。

    They worked hard to perfect their dance.

  18. 你就卖力打球,看看结果呗

    You just play your ass off and we'll see.

  19. 他卖力爬上了陡峭的丘陵。

    He labored up the steep hill.

  20. 他干得很卖力,然而他失败了。

    He worked hard, yet, he failed.

  21. 不然他们也不会卖力来拖。

    Otherwise they wouldn't be pulling so hard.

  22. 我今天工作很卖力,我累极了。

    I worked so hard today. I'm beat.

  23. 你们大家这么卖力,颇值得称赞。

    You all deserve three cheers for working so hard.

  24. 她卖力干活为了挣钱养家糊口。

    She worked hard to earn money for the maintenance of her family.

  25. 你别这么卖力凑合或许能行

    well, maybe if you stopped trying to hard.

  26. 干活时卖力干,干了多少都满意。

    Set to work with a will and be pleased with the amount you get done.

  27. 乔不是个肯卖力干活的人。

    Joe is not one to blow his brains out.

  28. 母亲特别卖力地把晚会准备好。

    Mother fell over herself to get the party ready.

  29. 最卖力拉车得马, 挨鞭子最多。

    The horse that draw most, is most whipped.

  30. 最卖力拉车的马,挨鞭子最多。

    The horse that draw most, is most whipped.


  1. 问:卖力拼音怎么拼?卖力的读音是什么?卖力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卖力的读音是màilì,卖力翻译成英文是 to exert all one's strength; to do all one can...

  2. 问:卖力气拼音怎么拼?卖力气的读音是什么?卖力气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卖力气的读音是màilìqi,卖力气翻译成英文是 do one's best; live by manual labor

  3. 问:卖力的拼音怎么拼?卖力的的读音是什么?卖力的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卖力的的读音是,卖力的翻译成英文是 laborious




【读音】mài lì
