


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……


1. 劲 [jìn]2. 劲 [jìng]劲 [jìn]力气,力量:~头。费~。干~。精神,情绪,兴趣:干活儿起~儿。这部电影真没~。劲 [jìng]坚强有力:~敌。~旅。~拔。~悍。~挺。~秀。~直。~松。强~。刚~。疾风知~草。……



汉语拼音:yǒu jìn









  1. 有力量;有分量。

    茅盾 《子夜》十七:“风也起了,正是东南风,扑面吹来,非常有劲。” 鲁迅 《故事新编·起死》:“﹝敝局长﹞很爱读您老的文章……真写得有劲,真是上流的文章,真好!”

  2. 起劲;有兴致。

    《老残游记》第五回:“ 老董 在各处算饭钱,招呼生意,正忙得有劲。” 丁玲 《阿毛姑娘》第二章一:“正在说话很有劲的三姐,忽的把话打住了, 阿毛 看见她在怔怔的望到外面。”



  1. However, your child should still be able to see, and see things, certainly feel fresh and interesting, Queuing is also fun.


  2. I thought it a detestable custom; but it was necessary, he supposed, to drink strong beer, that he might be strong to labor.


  3. It baffles me that after all this self-improvement training, I feel stuck.


  4. I listened, towards you with a face, then, close to your chest, listening to you -- that clang strong acid strong heart.


  5. I thought it was cool and had a nice bounce, and I began playing live almost immediately.


  6. Think it, radish so good, do not eat a pity, as long as the last game do not make mistakes, eat radishes fresh after running up more.


  7. Listen to me carefully: let me tell you sth in regards to the writer.


  8. I never dreamed it to be like this at 60, " he says. " You can work better.


  9. "They're strong, " I said, for once feeling more experienced about something.


  1. 有劲没处使

    have no place to enable strongly.

  2. 他越干越有劲。

    The more he worked, the more energetic he became.

  3. 说什么呢,那太有劲了

    What're you talking about? That was really fun!

  4. 这些年青学生们越干越有劲。

    The more the young students worked, the more energetic they became.

  5. 不过演猩猩到底多有劲呢?

    But how fun was it really to play an ape?

  6. 增强变的有劲增长力量。用于风

    To become brisk increase in strength. Used of the wind.

  7. 有劲瞎使是个很严重的问题。

    The misapplication of effort is a very serious matter.

  8. 舞线狮嘛, 当然得有劲儿喽。

    Performing string lion dance of course requires strength.

  9. 第一次用英文写日记,蛮有劲的。

    I was quite energetic the first time writing a journal in English.

  10. 怀曼看毛虫乱蹦乱踢,正看得有劲。

    Wyman was absorbed in the convulsions of the insect.

  11. 她手术复元以後活得更有劲了。

    Since recovering from her operation, shes had a new lease of life.

  12. 她手术复元以后活得更有劲了。

    Since recovering from her operation, she's had a new lease of life.

  13. 她自髋关节手术以后活得更有劲了。

    Since her hip operation she's had a new lease of life.

  14. 在这种空气之下,讲书不会有劲。

    In that kind of atmosphere teaching could hardly be very exciting.

  15. 而他却跳得更有劲了, 最后竟然跳了出来。

    He jumped even harder and finally made out.

  16. 风小了,可是利飕有劲,使人颤抖。

    The wind was dropping, but its soughing made men shiver.

  17. 这小男孩沉默着,然后他有劲地说起来。

    The little boy was silent. Then he said aggressively.

  18. 跟杰西卡结伴去冒险可真是太有劲了!

    Venturing together with Jessica is so exciting.

  19. 跟杰西卡结伴去冒险可真是太有劲了!

    Venturing together with Jessica is so exciting.

  20. 河岸得人们有了流水得伴奏, 越干越有劲。

    People have water riverine accompaniment, the more the more strong stem.

  21. 你的手太有劲的,总是把魔杖弄断他们说!

    your hands are too big, they keep snapping wands, they'd say!

  22. 锻炼奇怪的地方在于它会越活动越有劲。

    The paradox of exercise is that while using a lot of energy it seems to generate more.

  23. 在我进行自我提高的训练以后, 我觉得浑身有劲了。

    It baffles me that after all this selfimprovement training, I feel stuck.

  24. 那儿的水土只认识有劲的胳膊,大碗的白酒和爽朗的大笑。

    The land there knows only strong arms, big bowls of strong liquor and unbridled laughter.

  25. 发笑鬣狗的双颌特别有劲,使它能够啃大骨头。

    The laughing hyena has tremendous power in its jaws, enabling it to crack large bones.

  26. 他们蹦得多有劲啊!仿佛每只大脚都是一大团弹簧。

    And what jumps they made! as if each big foot were a mass of springs.

  27. 他要求我在饮料中加点烈性的东西,以便喝起来有劲。

    He asked me to pep his drink up with something stronger.

  28. 他的小腿感觉有劲了许多,这是两周前错误开始后的回归。

    His calf is feeling stronger and after his false start two weeks ago he starts again.

  29. 汤姆拿起一把没人用得锹, 就干了起来, 而且干得很有劲。

    Tom, picking up a spare spade, fell to and worked with a will.

  30. 汤姆拿起一把没人用的锹,就干了起来,而且干得很有劲。

    Tom, picking up a spare spade, fell to and worked with a will.


  1. 问:有劲拼音怎么拼?有劲的读音是什么?有劲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:有劲的读音是yǒujìn,有劲翻译成英文是 Be tough.; Fascinated.

  2. 问:有劲的拼音怎么拼?有劲的的读音是什么?有劲的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:有劲的的读音是,有劲的翻译成英文是 living