


1. 卡 [qiǎ]2. 卡 [kǎ]卡 [qiǎ]在交通要道设置的检查或收税的地方:关~。~子。夹东西的器具:发(fà)~。领带~。夹在中间,堵塞:~壳。鱼刺~在嗓子里。卡 [kǎ]用手的虎口紧紧按住:~脖子。把人阻挡住:~住敌人的退路。……





汉语拼音:kǎ zhù



  1. A WOLF who had a bone stuck in his throat hired a Crane, for a large sum, to put her head into his mouth and draw out the bone.


  2. Debbie Parkhurst, 45, of Calvert told the Cecil Whig newspaper she was eating an apple at her home Friday when a piece lodged in her throat.


  3. I would start by trying to navigate through my house, usually ending up stuck in the roof, for a while.


  4. When the window gets stuck, you've got to use a bit of force to get it open.


  5. One day as he was crossing an intersection, the light changed and a semi-truck caught the handles of Ben's wheelchair in its grille.


  6. When a man in Macon, Ga. , came upon a wild dog attacking a young boy, he quickly grabbed the animal and throttled it with his two hands.


  7. B. Let me take a look at it. Sometimes these rollers get stuck.


  8. An attempt to salvage a stuck anchor capsized the boat, and the four men were forced to cling to the hull to survive.


  9. No, can we talk about this later, okay? I really just need to get out of this dress. Hugh, it's stuck!


  1. 卡住了 卡住了!

    It's stuck!Get the remote!Peekaboo!

  2. 卡住了,噢!

    It's stuck. Oh!

  3. 门卡住了。

    The door has jammed.

  4. 原稿被卡住

    Document Jam.

  5. 卡住的齿轮

    jammed pinion.

  6. 拉链卡住了。

    My zipper's stuck.

  7. 拉链卡住了。

    My zipper's stuck.

  8. 我被卡住了!

    I'm stuck!

  9. 被卡住的齿轮

    locked gears

  10. 莫妮卡住在山顶。

    Monica lives at the very top of the mountain.

  11. 莫妮卡住在山顶。

    Monica lives at the very top of the mountain.

  12. 被某物卡住喉咙

    to gag on something

  13. 我的拉链,卡住了。

    My zipper!it's stuck.

  14. 机器卡住不动了。

    The engine has seized up and stopped.

  15. 好家伙,真的卡住了。

    Man,this is really stuck.

  16. 好家伙,真的卡住了。

    Man, this is really stuck.

  17. 没有,其实拉链卡住了

    No,actually,the zipper is stuck.

  18. 没有,其实拉链卡住了。

    No, actually, the zipper is stuck.

  19. 你的脚趾被卡住了?

    Get your toe stuck

  20. 锁因生锈而卡住了

    The lock froze up with rust.

  21. 这个抽屉动不动就卡住。

    This drawer keeps getting stuck.

  22. 钥匙在锁中卡住了。

    The key stuck in the lock.

  23. 键盘上得键被卡住。

    Keyboard stuck key failure.

  24. 键盘上的键被卡住。

    Keyboard stuck key failure.

  25. 我使劲推卡住的门。

    I pushed against the stuck door.

  26. 我使劲推卡住的门。

    I pushed against the stuck door.

  27. 我使劲推卡住得门。

    I pushed against the stuck door .

  28. 到这儿我就卡住了。

    And that's where I'm kind of stuck.

  29. 到这儿我就卡住了。

    And that's where I'm kind of stuck.

  30. 抽屉卡住了,拉不开。

    The drawer's stuck. I cann't open it.


  1. 问:卡住阻力拼音怎么拼?卡住阻力的读音是什么?卡住阻力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:卡住阻力的读音是kǎ zhù zǔ lì,卡住阻力翻译成英文是 seize resistance