


1. 相 [xiāng]2. 相 [xiàng]相 [xiāng]交互,行为动作由双方来:互~。~等。~同。~识。~传(chuán )。~符。~继。~间(jiàn )。~形见绌。~得益彰(两者互相配合,更加显出双方的长处)。动作由一方来而有……




1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……





汉语拼音:xiāng jiāo yǒu nián









  1. na.
  2. have been friends for years

  1. 他学艺有年。

    He has learnt the skill for years.

  2. 纪念碑上有年深日久的痕迹。

    The monument bears the mark of age.

  3. 纪念碑上有年深日久得痕迹。

    The monument bears the mark of age.

  4. 很少有年輕人願意在工廠工作。

    There aren't many young people coming into factory work.

  5. 他俩交友有年, 最后终成眷属。

    Their marriage culminated their long friendship.

  6. 有年以上外资企业总务方面工作经历。

    Being a general charger in overseasfunded enterprises for at least 8 years.

  7. 我们有年还赢了二对二锦标赛呢

    We even won the twoontwo tourney one year.

  8. 如课程有年限制, 必须提供年证明副本。

    Photocopy of age identification should be submitted if there is an age limit.

  9. 有年暑假我妹妹从学校回家的时候。

    When my sister came home from college one summer.

  10. 有年无量历史洪水在设计洪水计算中的应用

    Application of the Historical Flood Records With Occurring Years but without Volumes in Estimation of Design Floods

  11. 对有年幼子女的低收入家庭的税额特别优惠

    a tax break for low income families with young children

  12. 微软公司在软件行业称雄有年, 好评如潮。

    The software company has been in the leading position of the software industry for years, gaining lots of favourable comments.

  13. 微软公司在软件行业称雄有年,好评如潮。

    The software company has been in the leading position of the software industry for years, gaining lots of favourable comments.

  14. 仪容整洁和个人卫生的讲究已经行之有年了。

    Grooming and personal hygiene have been around for ages.

  15. 示范性诉讼制度在国外的实践已经行之有年。

    Experimental litigation practice in foreign countries has been for years.

  16. 这本书写得很熟练, 有年代表, 参考书目和索引。

    The book is a workmanlike job with chronology and bibliography and index.

  17. 一年有四季。

    There are four seasons in a year.

  18. 一年有十二个月。

    There are twelve months in a year.

  19. 一年有十二个月。

    There are twelve months in a year.

  20. 每四年有一个闰年。

    A leap year occurs every four years.

  21. 你知道十年有多久吗

    You know that the decade have how long

  22. 问在第一年有什么保证?

    What about warranty during first year.

  23. 你一年有六周的假期。

    You can enjoy six weeks holiday per year.

  24. 他每两年有一次探亲假。

    He gets home leave every two years.

  25. 一年有三百六十五天。

    There are three hundred and sixty five days in a year.

  26. 他一年有六个星期的休假。

    He has six weeks annual leave.

  27. 每六年有一位新总统就职。

    A new president is inaugurated every six years.

  28. 中秋节有年复一年有规律地到来。

    The midautumn Festvial recurs year in year out with monotonous regularity.

  29. 一年有多少个月?他们是哪些月?

    How many months are there in a year? What are they?

  30. 他从派驻到现在,已三年有余。

    He from accredit to now, already 3 years superabundant.


相交有年是汉语词汇,拼音xiāng jiāo yǒu nián,指形容交情很深。