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唐 道宣 《续高僧传·义解十一·慧眺》:“承象王 哲公 在 下龙泉 讲开《三论》,心生不忍,曰:‘《三论》明空,讲者著空。’” 唐 道宣 《续高僧传·义解十一·灵睿》:“ 武德 二年, 安州 暠公 上 蜀 ,在 大建昌寺 讲开《大乘》, 睿 止法延三年。”
B. As he sat down and began talking, words poured out.
他一坐下来就讲开了,滔滔不绝地讲个没完。As he came in and begun to talking, words poured out.
他一进来就讲开了,滔滔不绝的说个没完。Something is a knot when you reserve it, a scar when it's opened.
又供工做,没有讲是个结,讲开了是个疤。Thus, definitions and terminology will not be consistent throughout the technical literature.
是以,界讲开专门用语正在技术手段文献中没有是符合的。Once you do, talk things over from the beginning. You'll soon realise that you had certain facts wrong, and so did they.
一旦将事情从头讲开,你会立刻明白你搞错了某些事实,而对方也一样。Mrs. March smiled and began at once, for she had told stories to this little audience for many years, and knew how to please them.
马奇太太笑笑,马上又讲开了。她跟这班小听众讲了多年故事,知道怎样迎合她们。The teacher was telling us about the poet's life, when he went off at a tangent and started talking about his war experiences.
老师在给我们讲述诗人生平故事的时候,突然把话题一转,讲开他自己的战争经历来了。The woman's large eyes, a weak blue, filled with tears, and her story came in a phlegmy rush.
Talk from personal experience and tell stories.
既然我们讲开了, 钥匙还给你。
And while we're at it, here's your key back.
又供工做, 没有讲是个结, 讲开了是个疤。
Something is a knot when you reserve it, a scar when its opened.
As he sat down and began talking, words poured out.
He started talkin'. It was like a faucet got turned on. Talked all afternoon and most of the night.
She said so, haltingly at first, then with more confidence.
那女人浅蓝色的大眼睛充满了泪水, 叽里咕噜地讲开了故事。
The woman's large eyes, a weak blue, filled with tears, and her story came in a phlegmy rush.
Nobody there had seen Einstein before, so the driver began the lecture.
我觉得你在乱讲, 开是我们没有时间去争论。
I think you are full of crap, but we do not have tme to debate this.
We've frankly never driven a car that's gotten more stares.
我们走开了, 他讲得故事也就结束了。
As we walked away, he wound up his story.
我们走开了, 他讲的故事也就结束了。
As we walked away, he wound up his story.
Good faith due to open stone, which is a great talk about the role of honest.
The lecture hall is detached from the main building.
I tell the class in my opening salvo.
I didn't approve of what she was saying, so I walked away.
我们开了个会, 我讲的话, 提出要避战。
We held a meeting at which I said we should avoid all battles.
我们开了个会, 我讲得话, 提出要避战。
We held a meeting at which I said we should avoid all battles.
特别得讲, 没有一个你是与你得大脑分开得。
In particular, there is no you separable from your brain.
In particular, there is no you separable from your brain.
I didn't want to hear it and I avoided him when I got off the train.
I intended to make a joke, but my remark came out as unintentionally rude.
如果我告诉你的话, 你会讲我的手和头分开吗?
If I tell you, will you get my hand off my head?
Uncouthly, he told stories that made everybody at the table wince.
You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
The police office gave me only a warning instead of a ticket because I reasoned with him.
Remember the story I told you about two guys who were seeking enlightenment?
Remember the story I told you about two guys who were seeking enlightenment?
And when his talk was ended, he said to simon, go out into deep water, and let down your nets for fish.
Before it could be spoken another thought turned it aside.