






1. 上 [shàng]2. 上 [shǎng]上 [shàng]位置在高处的,与“下”相对:楼~。~边。次序或时间在前的:~古。~卷。等级和质量高的:~等。~策。~乘(佛教用语,一般借指文学艺术的高妙境界或上品)。由低处到高处:~山。~车……


通:四通八~。~德(通行天下的美德)。~人。~士(达人)。通晓:洞~。练~。遍,全面:~观(对不如意的事情看得开,不计个人的得失)。到:到~。抵~。通宵~旦。实现:目的已~。传出来:传(chuán)~。转(zhuǎn )~。得到显要的地位:……



汉语拼音:xià qíng shàng dá








  • 【解释】:谓下面的情况或意见能够通达于上。
  • 【出自】:语出《管子·明法》:“下情不上通,谓之塞。”
  • 【示例】:可是唐代中叶以后,这个尺度似乎已经暗地里独立运用,这已经不是上德化下的尺度,而是~的尺度了。


  1. na.
  2. report the feelings of the common people [

  3. the state of affairs] to the higher authorities;make the situation at the lower level known to the higher authorities [

  4. level];notify the superior of the circumstance of the inferiors;What is going on at lower levels is made known to higher levels.

  1. 我哀号求救。他使我的祷告不得上达。

    Even when I call out or cry for help, he shuts out my prayer.

  2. 数量上达数百万之众得少数派比比皆是。

    A minority of millions at all unusual.

  3. 数量上达数百万之众的少数派比比皆是。

    A minority of millions at all unusual.

  4. 你隐在浓云深处, 哀祷不能上达。

    Samech. Thou hast set a cloud before thee, that our prayer may not pass through.

  5. 第一, 传统上带宽达不到有线网络得带宽。

    First, bandwidth traditionally was not up to that of wired networks.

  6. 第一,传统上带宽达不到有线网络的带宽。

    First, bandwidth traditionally was not up to that of wired networks.

  7. 很多物种已经从地球上消失达数百万年。

    Different types of animals have been disappearing from view on the earth for millions of years.

  8. 道琼斯指数越过9600点,在就业数据上高达9633点。

    The Dow Jones index crossed the 9600 mark topping at 9633 on the jobs data.

  9. 这些战犯被监禁在小岛上已达数十年之久。

    These prisoners of war have been boxed up on the small island for dozens of years.

  10. 从支架上取下马达。

    Remove the AC servo motor from the bracket.

  11. 画布上有长达4英寸的裂缝。

    You can see the fourinch gash in the painting.

  12. 每年花在口香糖上得钱达数百万美元。

    The money spent yearly on chewing gum totals millions of dollars.

  13. 一切费用记在万事达信用卡上。

    Just put everything on my Master Card.

  14. 但是郑州大学仍然坚持在升达的学位证上加上升达字样。

    But Zhengzhou University is still insisting on putting the word Shengda on the graduation certificates.

  15. 但不同性别之适婚男女在依附关系上则未达显著差异存在。

    Third, attitudes toward marriage showed significant among single adults of different genders, occupations and family structures.

  16. 迪斯科舞会上得噪音高达110分贝。

    Noise from the disco reached110 decibels.

  17. 迪斯科舞会上的噪音高达110分贝。

    Noise from the disco reached110 decibels.

  18. 每米长枝上得短枝数最高达45个。

    The maximum number of short shoots per meter of long shoot is 43.

  19. 每米长枝上的短枝数最高达45个。

    The maximum number of short shoots per meter of long shoot is 45.

  20. 马玉书爹爹算得上长沙的考试达人。

    Ma Yushu the father is considered as Changsha to take a test Daren.

  21. 目前培养的学生在社会上供不应求, 就业率达。

    At present, training students in the community supply, the rate of employment.

  22. 目前培养得学生在社会上供不应求,就业率达。

    At present, training students in the community supply, the rate of employment.

  23. 每年在减肥辅助品上的消费高达 1000亿美元。

    We spend 98 billion dollars a year on diet aids.

  24. 乘务人员一周内报告的飞机上闹事行为多达9起。

    Cabin crews are reporting up to nine cases of air rage a week.

  25. 美国每年单花费在维生素补充剂上的费用就达3亿英镑。

    Americans spend 300 m a year on itamin C supplements alone.

  26. 美国每年单花费在维生素补充剂上得费用就达3亿英镑。

    Americans spend 298 m a year on itamin C supplements alone.

  27. 调查显示, 普通成年男性一生中花在减肥上得时间长达28年。

    The average adult male spends 28 years slimming, the poll has revealed.

  28. 调查显示,普通成年男性一生中花在减肥上的时间长达28年。

    The average adult male spends 28 years slimming, the poll has revealed.

  29. 她考上达勒姆大学学法律。

    She's got into Durham to read law.

  30. 我想我有点喜欢上达芙妮了

    I think I'm kinda into Daphne.