


劝勉:~志(勉励意志)。~行(xíng )。奖~。勉~。~精图治。姓。古同“厉”、“砺”,磨炼,振奋。……





汉语拼音:lì cí






  1. In the paper, three field circuit ground protections with low frequency voltage injection which have been used are introduced.


  2. it offers 24-bit resolution, an on- chip programmable gain amplifier and a pair of matched RTD excitation current sources.


  3. As an application of the proposed method, the excitation control of a three-node power system with nonlinear load is discussed.


  4. The failure of crystal brake-tube in the static excitation system is one of common failures. The reasons of causing such failure are many.


  5. A synchronous generators cloud model excitation controller and a cloud model valve controller are designed respectively.


  6. Then carry out a research and analysis to excitation system and give the mathematical model of excitation system.


  7. So far, the core problem of transformer differential protection is still how to precisely identify the magnetizing inrush current.


  8. This scheme removes the errors associated with dc excitation at the expense of a more complex design.


  9. Synchronous generator excitation system is an important part, directly affect the operating characteristics of generating units.


  1. 变压器励磁

    static exciter.

  2. 继电器励磁

    relay excitation.

  3. 励磁控制柜

    excitation control cabinet.

  4. 备用励磁机组

    emergency exciter set.

  5. 励磁时间常数

    time constant of excitation.

  6. 励磁扼流圈

    excitation choking coil.

  7. 自并励静止励磁系统

    self excited static excitation system

  8. 这是励磁调节器得主调节环。

    That is the main regulation circle of the excitation regulator.

  9. 励磁机电刷打火的防范措施

    Prevention Measure to Arc Appearance at Brush of Exciter

  10. 半导体励磁发电机并网的励磁系统改造

    Reform of Exciting System for Synchronizing of Generators with Semiconductor Excitation

  11. 这是励磁调节器的主调节环。

    That is the main regulation circle of the excitation regulator.

  12. 计及剩磁的变压器励磁涌流的仿真研究

    Simulation Research on Transformer Inrush Current in Consideration of Remnant Magnetic Flux

  13. 自并励静止励磁系统在燃气轮发电机的应用

    Potential source exciter used in GTG

  14. 目前设计者斟酌一般励磁使用电压或者电流。

    The choice between voltage and current excitation is generally at the discretion of the designer.

  15. 假设比例变化在励磁中同样比例改变在转换过程中。

    A given percentage change in excitation is countered by the same percent change in the conversion process.

  16. 励磁系统故障仍是发电机组电气故障的主要原因。

    Excitation system faults are main causes of generator electrical emergency.

  17. 大型汽轮发电机自并励静止励磁系统。技术条件

    Specification for potential source static exciter systems for large turbine generators

  18. 尤其是使用励磁机励磁的情况更能方便测出来。

    It is possible especially when the exciter is an individual devices.

  19. 汽车起动机的励磁方式分为电励磁式和永磁式。

    Automobile starting motor can be divided into electromagnetic starting and permanent magnet starting.

  20. 励磁系统的电流额定容量比发电机磁场电流容量高多少?

    How much is the rating of the excitation system above that of the generator field current?

  21. 用模糊贴近度识别变压器的故障电流和励磁涌流

    Identify the Fault Currents and Inrush Current of a Transformer Using the Fuzzy Degree of Nearness

  22. 电力电流互感器励磁特性自动测试系统硬件设计

    Hardware Design of Automatic Test System for Excitation Characteristic of Power Current Transformer

  23. 过去,普遍采用空气作为励磁系统各部件的冷却介质。

    In the past, air was the common cooling medium for components of most excitation systems.

  24. 本文介绍了励磁系统响应速度对电力系统稳定的影响。

    The effects of response ratio of excitation system on the stability of different power systems are discussed.

  25. 汽车起动机得励磁方式分为电励磁式和永磁式。

    Automobile starting motor can be divided into electromagnetic starting and permanent magnet starting.

  26. 一种快速识别变压器励磁涌流和内部故障的新方法

    A Novel Scheme to Fast Discriminate Inrush Current from Internal Fault of Power Transformer

  27. 小波变换识别变压器励磁涌流和故障电流的新方法

    A new wavelet transform approach to discriminate magnetizing inrush current and fault current

  28. 最后, 基于域的方法, 设计了多目标饱和励磁控制器。

    Finally, the multiobjective saturation excitation controller for nonlinear system is designed in this dissertation.

  29. 此外分析了变压器容量、励磁特性等对过电压的影响。

    Then the influence of rated capacity and nonlinear magnetizing of transformer on overvoltage was analyzed.

  30. 必须从电网吸取滞的励磁电流,使电网功类因数降低。

    Must draw sluggish from the exciter current grid to grid skill category factor reduction.


  1. 问:励磁场拼音怎么拼?励磁场的读音是什么?励磁场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:励磁场的读音是lì cí chǎng,励磁场翻译成英文是 exciting field

  2. 问:励磁损失拼音怎么拼?励磁损失的读音是什么?励磁损失翻译成英文是什么?

    答:励磁损失的读音是lì cí sǔn shī,励磁损失翻译成英文是 excitation loss

  3. 问:励磁电压拼音怎么拼?励磁电压的读音是什么?励磁电压翻译成英文是什么?

    答:励磁电压的读音是lì cí diàn yā,励磁电压翻译成英文是 field voltage

  4. 问:励磁电流拼音怎么拼?励磁电流的读音是什么?励磁电流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:励磁电流的读音是lì cí diàn liú,励磁电流翻译成英文是 exciting current

  5. 问:励磁电源拼音怎么拼?励磁电源的读音是什么?励磁电源翻译成英文是什么?

    答:励磁电源的读音是lì cí diàn yuán,励磁电源翻译成英文是 excitation source

  6. 问:励磁线圈拼音怎么拼?励磁线圈的读音是什么?励磁线圈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:励磁线圈的读音是lì cí xiàn quān,励磁线圈翻译成英文是 energizing coil

  7. 问:励磁线组拼音怎么拼?励磁线组的读音是什么?励磁线组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:励磁线组的读音是lì cí xiàn zǔ,励磁线组翻译成英文是 excitation winding

  8. 问:励磁绕组拼音怎么拼?励磁绕组的读音是什么?励磁绕组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:励磁绕组的读音是lì cí rào zǔ,励磁绕组翻译成英文是 field winding

  9. 问:励磁断路器拼音怎么拼?励磁断路器的读音是什么?励磁断路器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:励磁断路器的读音是lì cí duàn lù qì,励磁断路器翻译成英文是 field circuit breaker

  10. 问:励磁机反应拼音怎么拼?励磁机反应的读音是什么?励磁机反应翻译成英文是什么?

    答:励磁机反应的读音是lì cí jī fǎn yìng,励磁机反应翻译成英文是 exciter response

  11. 问:励磁机电枢拼音怎么拼?励磁机电枢的读音是什么?励磁机电枢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:励磁机电枢的读音是lì cí jī diàn shū,励磁机电枢翻译成英文是 exciter armature

  12. 问:励磁系统峰值电压拼音怎么拼?励磁系统峰值电压的读音是什么?励磁系统峰值电压翻译成英文是什么?

    答:励磁系统峰值电压的读音是lì cí xì tǒng fēng zhí diàn yā,励磁系统峰值电压翻译成英文是 excitation system ceiling voltage

  13. 问:励磁系统电压反应比拼音怎么拼?励磁系统电压反应比的读音是什么?励磁系统电压反应比翻译成英文是什么?

    答:励磁系统电压反应比的读音是lì cí xì tǒng diàn yā fǎn yìng bǐ,励磁系统电压反应比翻译成英文是 excitation system voltage response ratio...


